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/lit/ - Literature

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13322695 No.13322695 [Reply] [Original]

What do you think of this?

>> No.13322726

Frankenstein should be on here.

Also BK >>>>> C&P

>> No.13322734

But still, I must add it is a great list

>> No.13322735

Greatest literary top 100 on any current online community.

>> No.13322941

Needs Jules Verne.

>> No.13322944

It doesn't have Harry Potter (unlike some of the previous top 100 lists that /lit/ made), so it's fine. Lots of retarded shit on there, here are some examples:
>The Stranger being that high
>Anna Karenina that high, and higher than War and Peace
>The Lord of the Rings that high
>The Hobbit even being on the list
>Vonnegut even being on the list

>> No.13323288

>1984 on here instead of We

Could have been a better list

>> No.13323299
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Rolling for my next book :)

>> No.13323748

>The Iliad
>The Odyssey

>> No.13323752


>> No.13323798


I don't know if this is the best choice for #62, or any number on that list for that matter.

Otherwise not bad

>> No.13323799

>The Stranger being that high
Yep, should be higher.

>> No.13323821


>> No.13323832

If I hate my roll
I'll read Spengler or Nietzsche
Truth be told

>> No.13323844


>> No.13323959


>> No.13324203


>> No.13324206

Holy fucking shit, i got the exact book I want to read next! I have never been luckier.

>> No.13324451

>The Stranger or Catcher in the Rye being on that list at all
Besides those two, the list is pretty solid.

>> No.13324459

Rolling. I hope I don't get a modern one

>> No.13324470

whats wrong with anna karenina?

>> No.13324504

Rolla rolla rella zolla

>> No.13324541

TSATF belongs in the top 5, but at least it's in a better spot than cityslicker /lit/ fags usually place it

>> No.13324569

Best translation of C&P? How much does it matter?

>> No.13324572


>> No.13324580

Yeah, those two should be removed. It's an insult to Salinger and Camus, who have written some of the greatest literature of all time, to share a list with a hack like Pynchon or Vonnegut.

>> No.13324584

Garnett, and it matters a lot.

>> No.13324712


>> No.13324720

rolla rolla

>> No.13324723


>> No.13324746

I’m suprised Slaughterhouse-5 is on it at all when /lit/ does nothing but shit on it. I guess Vonnegut fans have all been bullied into silence.

>> No.13324779


>> No.13324920

Not quite sure why the Aeneid isn’t #1

>> No.13324925


>> No.13324944

Just got about halfway through the book and I’m loving it, why the hate on this board?

>> No.13324954

Should have a chart for fiction and philosophy, apples and oranges.

>> No.13325007

Camusfags are the biggest plebs in the highbrow circle of literature - analogous to the YAfags of shitty literature. Leave, and take the other Camushits with you. Camus is mediocre, his works are highly overrated and absurdism is a retard-tier philosophy.

>whats wrong with anna karenina?
One half of it is mediocre, obviously. I'm talking about the segments concerning Anna, for course. Levin's segments are god tier.

>> No.13325020

Normies like it.

>> No.13325023
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>Camusfags are the biggest plebs in the highbrow circle of literature...
Best not to mention brows when yours looks like this.

>> No.13325028

You're either baiting or being a typical Camusfag. He's ideal for plebs who haven't read much stuff yet want to feel smart or cool, especially because Camus was physically attractive and fucked around often. Truly the biggest pseud attractor.
You have to go back.

>> No.13325181

Actual normies don’t even know who Vonnegut is. Normies love the Bible too.

>> No.13325198

where is A song of Ice and Fire??

>> No.13325200


>> No.13325211
File: 543 KB, 816x1024, gettyimages-75282110-1024x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>physically attractive
He was a manlet and not especially handsome. He got laid because he had game.

>> No.13325213

On my shelf next to my Zweihänder.

>> No.13325236

>he still height matters
What a retard. If your face is hot, then you can be 5'5" for all they care.

>> No.13325237


>> No.13325241

>Camus is mediocre, his works are highly overrated and absurdism is a retard-tier philosophy.
You sound like the kind of talentless dullard that reads introductions, annotations, criticism and essays because his soul doesn't work. Art appreciation through gritty determination, thorough analysis and hard work.

>> No.13325244


>> No.13325247

Your post might be one of the cringiest things I've ever read on /lit/.

>> No.13325255

>Being this naive

>> No.13325256

>implying I'm the naive one here

>> No.13325259

Height plays a huge part in physical attraction. But I agree that having game is important too

>> No.13325268

>thinking "game" (a retarded concept that doesn't exist) and physical looks related to your face are the same
You're either baiting or being an absolute retard.

>> No.13325270

I'm glad that you homos were able to reach a middle ground. Heartwarming.

>> No.13325304

>Moby Dick
>no. 1
Yeah, no. Fuck off

>> No.13325305

none of those books came out in 2018

>> No.13325310


>> No.13325316


>> No.13325354


This is actually surprisingly varied and not necessarily too anglo-centric, which is what I was kind of expecting.

More than once I thought something like "oh they are just fucking putting everything by Joyce here but they won't put Finnegans wake because "lol that one is shit"", but to my surprise there it was.

"Oh they're just gonna put 1984 and not mention any other dystopias even if Brave New World was arguably better", and there it was.

I think that putting Cervantes and Dante there and not mentioning any other big romance-language authors besides Fernando Pessoa is a bit simplistic. Portugal and Brazil have some seriously good literature, and I think this list is maybe a bit too focused on what is widely considered to be good by some kind of USA-France-Italy-England-Russia-Germany centric view, but you can't expect a list like this to be completely unbiased. If you honestly read this now and thought to yourself "oh but no other countries matter", I feel like it's unfair to call yourself an avid reader. A good text could come from literally anywhere, and would you really want to miss it?

Like I think "Grande Sertão Veredas" should be here as it's probably one of the most important titles ever written in the Portuguese language, but because of it's structure and experimentalism it's fully impossible to translate at all, meaning people would need to know Portuguese to read it, which is not expected from this board, and that's ok.

Same goes for like, why aren't any of the four chinese great novels in there, while some pop-classics from japan are? They could be considered the japanese equivalents of Quixote or Divine comedy.

But yeah this is a really good list. Definitely gonna be reading a bunch of shit from here I hadn't even heard of.

>> No.13325364

>Moby dick.
>Whale anatomy manual.
>Number 1.

I get it. Men can be obsessed with something and that can destroy them. I don't need to know the function of every cell in a whale, can I stop reading now?

Why is this number 1?

>> No.13325383

after reading Lolita this year I would drop far down the list like into the 80s or 90s
it's a stylistic achievement but the story is not cohesive in the end

>> No.13325395

>The Great Gatsby even being on the list

>> No.13325401
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How can /lit/ possibly recover from this based redditor's take-down?

>> No.13325412

stopped reading at “writers of color”

>> No.13325420


>> No.13325423

>not at 'women'

>> No.13325426

>>The Great Gatsby even being on the list
Belongs near the top.

>> No.13325429
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Read it already. Reroll

>> No.13325449


>> No.13325479


>> No.13325491


>Complains about this being a hipster list, modern heavy, while citing authors that are arguably lesser known and more complicated, essentially wanting the list to be at his level of hipsterness.

Yeah, sounds like reddit alright. You can compare this top 100 to most top 100's by any respectable body of proeminent writers made in the last 50 years and you'll see there's a lot of overlap. Of course people are influenced by modern classics more than older classics. Of course there is a body of classics that starts forming in the general mindset of people and it doesn't include lesser known authors. That's the whole point of top 100 lists. Sort of forming the most common denominators that maintain a high quality while still preparing you or opening doors for you to find the other deeper or less known content.

It's absolutely not a top 100 hipster book list, which I think this redditor is more capable of making. Imagine fucking thinking anything in this list is hipster. Every fucking book here has been discussed, summarized, studied and read to death by a billion people. That doesn't sound like something hipsters crave.

Who the fuck has seriously read or heard of Nightwood by Djuna Barnes? Who the fuck has seen this mentioned anywhere by writers in general? If it's such a deep enigmatic lesser known title why the fuck would you expect a lot of people to know it intimately? Again, this whole critique is based on the premise that this is a list to make someone feel smart, which it is not. There is no reason to add a book there that is vastly unknown or hermetic.

>B-b-but Finnegans Wake is impossible to read.

Yes. And if there are people who read it cover to cover they surely didn't understand everything. And if they claim they understood everything it's impossible to really test that since the book is written in like 30 mixed languages in a non linear fashion. Demanding someone to read a work like this like a normal book, and treat it like a normal book, and analyze it like a normal book, and sneering at them for not doing so, is already the first sign of being a butthurt hipster avid consumer of soya bean based products.

>> No.13325533

His thesis is that people here are only interested in appearing high brow. He claims that Nightwood by Djuna Barnes is excellent but it wouldn't be added to a list like this, for it would be met with "What's that?" and not "Wow, you must be smart!"

It seems plausible to me. Go look at the absolute state of the catalogue of this board at any given time. Observe how often people present themselves as intellectuals and call others brainlets. Do you really think even 1% of these 'people' have appreciated or even attempted to read Finnegan's Wake? Or is it more likely that they would list such things in their top 10 to seem high brow?

>> No.13325538


>> No.13325608


I think its a bit self defeating. If the same list was written by prominent authors of our time, would he have the same opinion?

The idea of the list, at least to me, is that it's not enough for a book to be excellent to one person. It has to be considered excellent to a broad audience of different degrees of literary knowledge.

I understand what you're saying but at the same time this idea of "seeming smart" is sort of common in any intellectual/artistic circle of any kind. You have to grow at least a bit of thick skin regarding that. Don't you get the same vibe from the reddit post?

At least here there aren't any upvotes or direct recognition to be had. No one is trying to be publicaly recognized as smart.

>> No.13326057

That's not a problem, though. Sure, "Tender is the Night" is better, but "The Great Gatsby" is also good.

>> No.13326069

We need one of these for philosophy

>> No.13326083


>> No.13326153
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Jokes on you I've read 12 of these books. And I'm only 18. Kek

>> No.13326172

Reminder that the /lit/ 100 is rigged and decided by a handful of spergy /lit/ discord faggots. Just LMAO if you think your votes count

>> No.13326215
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>dumb frogposter
Reading them clearly didn't benefit you in any way. Maybe you'll understand them better when you're older. By the way, pic related is what I can remember being forced to read in high school and as a result is only a fraction of what I had completed before turning 18.

>> No.13326274


>> No.13326286
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Fuck it, rollan

>> No.13326306

Wow sorry pal didnt know there was a genius on this board

>> No.13326362

It’s proof that you retards don’t actually read

> placing Anna Karenina above W&P
> placing C&P above tBK
> placing V and tCoL49 above Mason and Dixon
>placing the Bible above the Quran
>placing 68 books higher than Beckett’s Trilogy
>placing Invisible Cities above If on a Winters Night
>placing the Sailor Who Fell from Grace over Mishima’s Teotrology
>placing of Mice and Men over The Grapes of Wrath
>Placing To The Lighthouse above The Waves

fucking plebs gtfo

>> No.13326424


>> No.13326444

rolling rolling rolling

>> No.13326481


>> No.13326521

would have been a based comment if he hadnt included the "biased against women and writers of color" part for reddit brownie points. Not one of the writers he claims is missing is female or a nigger.

>> No.13326524

People on here are far less concerned about what other thinks than on other fora. His point applies much more to reddit than 4channel

>> No.13326532


No one gives a shit what you read before your brains were fully developed. All books must be read by an adult mind to truly be appreciated. And Im saying that as someone who read a ton of classics around 15-16 and realize upon reading them again that I was too immature to truly understand.

>b-b-but Im smart even though Im not even 20!

come back to me when you find one older person who think he was smart when he was 18.

>> No.13326585


>> No.13326601

Way too Anglo-focused, there's plenty of authors here who shouldn't be anywhere near a Top 100. Still better than other online literary communities though.

>> No.13326602


>> No.13326694

Anyone else notice how the bible has gradually jumped from 62 in 2014 to 4 in 2018

>> No.13326736


>> No.13326829

Keep rollin, rollin, rollin, rollin.

>> No.13327269

We got more based

>> No.13327340


>> No.13327351

already read it. rerolla

>> No.13327362
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dont want that garbage, rererolla

>> No.13327407


>> No.13327415


>> No.13327447
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>2. The Brothers Karamazov
>16. The Divine Comedy
Dostoevsky is a runner-up, an honorary mention.

>> No.13327465

We're more polarized

>> No.13327488

No, The Great Gatsby is fucking dogshit and I hope you die if you disagree

>> No.13327506

>Divine Comedy
It's literally bible fanfiction

>> No.13327595

Plenty of self centered burgers in this board. They think their literature is great.

>> No.13327606

That's a chart made by the eternal Anglo.

>> No.13327618


>> No.13327669


>> No.13327808

Very nice list, but I think C&P is better than Moby Dick.

>> No.13328290

I'm almost certainly biased because of where I live, but I believe that An Appointment in Samarra was a better story of self destruction in the roaring twenties than the great Gatsby.

>> No.13328300


>> No.13328415


>> No.13328429
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>make thread hoping for quality discussion
>come back
>it's turned into a roll thread

>> No.13328435
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>Post a chart and "what do you think of this" as a thread
>hoping for quality discussion

>> No.13328467

>to share a list with a hack like Pynchon or Vonnegut.
>06/19/19(Wed)02:30:51 No.13324584
>>>13324569 #

>> No.13329398


>> No.13329564


>> No.13329578
File: 86 KB, 756x574, 1514926385338.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Iliad, Homer
>The Odyssey, Fagles

>> No.13329624

Roly poly.

>> No.13329898

I'm brazilian and for some reason I found the english translation of Grande Sertão Veredas easier to read than the original, kek.

>> No.13329903

the ending is what I liked the most, are you fucking serious?

>> No.13329910

Those shoes and sockstho

>> No.13330469

Next time ask people more clear questions, like:
>Which books have you read?
>Which one is your favourite?
Or discuss how this chart only represents the books that people on /lit/ have read and like, and that it does not represent quality; it's more of a popular /lit/ books chart. You can also discuss that it is mostly fiction but that there are also philosophical works in there, and that maybe there should have been more clear rules to which books should be on the list, since it has become a mixture now. Just some thoughts.
Also interact with people, ask them why they think a specific thing, why they feel like certain books should be higher/lower etc.
Making a thread and then abandoning it while hoping something amazing is going to come out of it is pretty naive.

tl;dr: >>13328435

>> No.13330807


>> No.13330831

>Who the fuck has seriously read
T.S. Eliot, at the very least, you middlebrow cretin.

>> No.13331074

He hates women, even fictional women written by men.
>that's stupid
It would be stupid anywhere else but here.

>> No.13331309


>> No.13331325

It's a creative and genuinely funny book that gives one of the most horrifying depictions of a bombing I've ever read. It also doesn't have any of the didactic shit that Vonnegut shoved into some of his later books. I think it belongs on the list but lower.

>> No.13331410


>> No.13331418

The entire concept of a "Top 100" is absurd. Why "top"? What exactly makes, say, "The Trial" superior to "Naked Lunch"? Or what makes "The Picture of Dorian Gray" so much worse than "The Book of the New Sun"? This is absurd.

>> No.13331571


>> No.13331861

The top 100 is basically a yearly poll where everyone is asked what their favourite books/best books (in their opinion) are, and the votes are tallied and made into a chart. The more people vote on a specific book, the higher in the chart it ends. So the only conclusion you can take out of this chart is which popular books have been read the most.

>> No.13332538
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>> No.13332558


>> No.13332588


>> No.13332618


>> No.13333043


>> No.13333083


>> No.13333149


>> No.13333172

>People on here are far less concerned about what other thinks than on other fora.
completely disagree. People on here will argue for hours, even days sometimes, about some of the stupidest shit known to man. I'm talking circular arguments that lead nowhere. Strings of 20 posts replying to each other every 20 minutes by the same two or three people going back and forth.
On reddit, you have the ability to downvote, so people don't feel as committed to having these battles that lead nowhere.
Here, when you speak out AGAINST something that is held sacred to this board, people can't downvote, so will reply and fight for hours even though this board is ANONYMOUS.
People here talk even more smugly than reddit, and care even more about maintaining their identity, even though they don't have one because they are anonymous. It is instead about maintaining their identity within themselves.

>> No.13333173

the moments after the confrontation is pretty good and the reunion with Dolores was great but the whole character of Cue and his place in the plot wasn't believable, didn't ring true to me.

>> No.13333214

rolling 4 shelf ornaments

>> No.13333564


>> No.13333579

Read this one, rolling again

>> No.13333864

Vergil could never be a number one. What a ridiculous thing to even suggestion. Vergil could never defeat Homer.

>> No.13334172

The author of the Odyssey was not Fagles.

>> No.13334174

>Hating on Fagles

What's wrong with it? It was the edition I read and I thought it was pretty clear and had helpful footnotes

>> No.13334391

Very good list. There are a few favorites of mine that I'm biased towards that I would include, most notably Brideshead Revisited by Evelyn Waugh, but in all, a very good list. The one that I would suggest you consider changing is Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit. I know that it is his most famous work, but I think that his Philosophy of History holds up better and provides a much better insight into the ideas of "Progress" and "being on the wrong side of history" that permeate much popular cultural discussion.

>> No.13334460

This isnt devil may cry.

>> No.13334558


>> No.13334564

Thats a classic, though.

>> No.13334569

Already read it, reroll.

>> No.13334576

It's impossible to do a top 100 and not leave something behind. Go see their shitty list, you filthy plebbitor.

>> No.13334777
File: 334 KB, 640x464, 1516895950511.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll never get why people shit on Vonnegut, I guess it's probably because it's usually a very easy read? That doesn't make it inherently bad though.

>> No.13334805

Rolln for something to reserve from my library

>> No.13334813

Man, I'm reading "To the Lighthouse" right now, I had no idea the prose was gonna be like this. It's something else, I love how it makes me feel. Some people are just so gifted when it comes to language

>> No.13334822

Ok I'm a bit intimidated desu but I'll try it.

>> No.13334833

The chart just lists Fagles (translator) as the author whereas it lists Homer for the Odyssey.

>> No.13334843

Checked. And you know full well why - people here are desperate to appear smart and so anything 'accessible' is instantly out of the question for a list like this.

>> No.13334993
