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/lit/ - Literature

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13321815 No.13321815 [Reply] [Original]

How the fuck do I enjoy reading? I have a shitty attention span, especially when it comes to stuff as unstimulating as reading. I enjoy music a billion times more. Probably undiagnosed ADD or something. And don't say "just start reading and it'll get easier", I forced myself to read two >300 page books for school this year and it took IMMENSE amounts of focus and was very unenjoyable. Please help, I want to read.

>> No.13321820

Grow up and meet cute girls

>> No.13321829

read when you wake up and when you go to bed, fuck broads inbetween

>> No.13321831
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Step 1: take your Adderall
step 2: stop reading on your phone
step 3: go to the library or buy physical books
there now you'll be able to focus
I have ADD too

>> No.13321833

Why do you want to read it it isn't enjoyable to you? Just do what you like, anon. If it's for the information find online resources which are much shorter or listen to audiobooks at 2x speed.

>> No.13321834

Stop using your phone, stop using the internet, stop playing video games or using or being around any technology at all for 2 weeks.

Do nothing but sit in an empty room or outside in a park with a book. Your brain is fucked up from 20 years of technology non stop. You need to reboot it like a router and avoid technology for 2 weeks at the very least.

>> No.13321838

You're most likely a nigger so why even bother.

>> No.13321844
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Stop doing anything else, quit your vidya games, your anime, your porn, your memes, and just read.

Give up on every other form of entertainment and reading will be a breeze to get into

>> No.13321851

>give up all other hobbies for a single pretentious hobby
people like you should really kill yourselves

>> No.13321862

You will burn in hell, you disgusting degenerate.

>> No.13322827


Drinking coffee while reading will help you with focus, not unlike Adderall. I will echo some of the other advice and tellyou to read right when you wake up and right before bed. As a general advice, I’d encourage you to take up meditation; it’s one of the few things that have made a meaningful difference when it comes to attention span and impulsiveness.

Go get those books, OP.

>> No.13322948

Read 'the shallows: how the internet fucks up your brain'

>> No.13322973

Reading is a skill that takes practice. If you read often you'll start enjoying it eventually

>> No.13323003

Read about whatever interests you the most. Disregard any classics at first and read about what you love. If you like vidya read one of those halo novels or bioshock or whatever they have. Read the screenplay to a movie you love stuff like that bro good luck. Literature holds some of the most beautiful works of art and I hope you get to experience them

>> No.13323046
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Stop forcing yourself to read books you don't like. If you've never had a pleasurable experience because of reading you'll never have any motivation to read.

>> No.13323052

>And don't say "just start reading and it'll get easier", I forced myself to read two >300 page books for school this year and it took IMMENSE amounts of focus and was very unenjoyable.
>two books in a year
You need to give it a hell of a lot more time and effort than that. Understand that reading is a LIFELONG pursuit.

>> No.13323145

Read young adult novels and work your way up from there.

>> No.13323921

Is poetry easier? I think I like it more.

>> No.13323977

not everybody reads for pleasure retard. some of us need information that's in the book.

>> No.13324250

>I forced myself to read
good. keep reading you'll get into the habit of doing it more often. self discipline like anything else in life.

>> No.13324312
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You don't want to read. It legitimately sounds like you don't enjoy reading. Have you considered that perhaps you just weren't cut out for doing it on a heavy scale?

Everyone is different, and different people enjoy different things. You will never be truly happy if you flagellate yourself by forcing yourself to enjoy things you simply don't like.

>> No.13324396

I abso-fucking-lutely loved reading when I was younger but I haven't finished a book in many years, I have ADHD tho