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File: 44 KB, 316x317, Sting-FeydRauthaDEALWITHIT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1331603 No.1331603 [Reply] [Original]

u mad, Dunefags?

>> No.1331866
File: 89 KB, 493x319, Ferris Beuller.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I suppose I should be, but I'm just not going to worry about it.

Animooted, and so forth.

>> No.1331883

This movie made me so fucking mad as humanly possible, and then some more.
They fucked up everything, adn I'm particularly mad about the way they handled the weirding combat style.
Seriously what the fuck? Children's water pistols shooting invisible bullets?

But why would you choose Sting performing as Feyd Rautha Harkonnen as an image though? He was one of the very few who actually gave an acceptable performance during this movie. ok he did not

Sage though, because I dont like your spelling

>> No.1332081

Of course not.
That movie was awesome exactly for the reason that it was so much fucking weirder and more insane than the book (but nevertheless equally intense)

>> No.1332109

According to Herbert's book Eye, they filmed about five hours of movie which was meant to include all the stuff they removed, like Chani's entire plot, and more, but had to cut three hours to make it screenable. How they'd get around the casting or the black rubber suits in the desert is beyond me, though.

>> No.1332113

As the minority, I'm going to speak up. I like the book and the film, for different reasons.

I'll skip why I like the book, you can read about the merits of the novel elsewhere.

The movie is great, because it took the source material, and put it through a weird, 80's, bizarre, David Lynch blender. Watching it felt like having a dream. I thought it was pretty amazing.

Some of you Dunefags should chill out on it. It's a film adaptation of the story by a very off-beat director. He was chosen for his vision. Frank Herbert himself was quoted as saying it was exactly as he imagined it.

>> No.1332425

> The movie has no Chani


>> No.1332496

Oh, she was in it. Just.

>> No.1332507

We have wormsign the likes of which even GOD has never seen.

One of my favorite bad movies, right up there with the Super Mario Bros movie.

>> No.1332533
File: 833 KB, 167x167, no no.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the movie until the ending. Books climax was a million times better than the movie's climax. Also movie's climax made no sense with the rain at the end. I love Dune, and love David Lynch, but the movie was... less than good.

>> No.1332540

David Lynch made an alienating scifi movie out of some old pervert's ramblings, the movie fails as a movie but is better than the book.

>> No.1332541

The greatest shame is that Alejandro Jodorowsky was originally going to direct the first film adaptation, with art design by Moebius, a soundtrack by Pink Floyd, and a cast including Orson Welles and Salvador Dalí.

>> No.1332616




I wonder what the hell Dali would play

>> No.1332668

Dalí was going to play the Emperor, and was apparently charging $100,000 per hour to do so.

Here's Jodorowsky's entertaining account of the whole affair:

>> No.1332676
File: 36 KB, 174x239, gnome.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The movie is better than the book
Best book ever written, worst movie ever made
>all of my hate

>> No.1332999

hahahaha that would have been badass.

>> No.1333023

I swear, I am going to become a director and make a better film-adaptation than this wont be hard right

>> No.1334947

>In my version of Dune, the Emperor of the galaxy is insane. He lives on an artificial gold planet, in a gold palace built according to not-laws of antilogical. He lives in symbiosis with a robot identical to him. The resemblance is so perfect that the citizens never know if they are opposite the man or the machine...

Welcome my son, to the machine.

Pink Floyd would have NAILED a soundtrack to this dude's movie.

>> No.1334954

>best book ever written
cool bro, next tell me how pepsi is better than red wine and how pop tarts are better than chocolate mousse

>> No.1334956

lmao like i would ever drink alcohol. Shut up, troll.

>> No.1334961

okay, but have you read "A Song of Ice and Fire" by George R.R. Martin?