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13311304 No.13311304 [Reply] [Original]

Just finished this piece of Star Wars kino. Where do I go from here?

>> No.13311324
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>> No.13311566
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>> No.13311832
File: 115 KB, 220x342, EEC630F5-4A10-432C-A1A5-86557A25EBF9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is she unironically the only well written video game character?

>> No.13311842

GLaDOS is well written, too.

>> No.13312331

If you want more star wars? The episode 3 novel (stover I think) was actually pretty good.
I'd recommend going to broader science fiction, though. Try Zelazny, Clarke, Lem, Bester.

>> No.13312337
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Alyx was pretty well ridden

>> No.13312593
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WW Ganondorf was well written. Animal Crossing is full of well-written characters, as is Paper Mario. Also, pic related. Dwarf Fortress writes itself.

>> No.13312676

Yes indeed, too bad OP's book shits all over everything KotOR II built because Kapryshyn has the personality of a jealous 6 y-o kid

>> No.13312869

HK-47 was pretty based

>> No.13312929

>Where do I go from here?
off the cliff you absolute retard
That book absolutely fucked Revan's character

>> No.13313988

Ganondorf was the only good thing in WW 'sides from the wind temple and the comfy sailing.

>> No.13314635

You can't ruin a character with amnesia, he was back to normal by the end of the book. The idea that this dude used to be the most evil guy ever getting amnesia, falling in love, becoming a Jedi, and going through all this stuff for it to end with him getting his memory back and his old self coming back right at the end just in time for him to team up with a Sith lord to fight the Emperor was a really cool story arc. And that fucking ending, my god I was not expecting that and am wanting to see where that goes.

>> No.13314824

I was talking more about the characterization provided by Kotor 2
>dude used to be the most evil guy ever getting amnesia
This is what i mean, lets be honest he was barely a character in Kotor 1, which honestly is fine considering he is a voiceless protagonist, but Kotor 2 painted him as a much more morally gray and interesting person, who didn't do what he did because "he was evil and fell to the dark side", but because it was necessary. It used Revan among other things to explore interesting concepts never really seen before in star wars. Then this book came along and just said, "nope, he was just plain bad and mind controlled by the emperor the entire time :)" only to end with a setup for the old republic
Also don't get me started on the exile

>> No.13314905

Oh I've only played KotOR1.

>> No.13315256

Yeah ok then granted it makes more sense
Now that i think about it is probably more of a opinion thing, but i really liked the way Kotor 2 handled Revan and i know that many others did too. I mean yeah shitposting aside if you enjoyed the book then fine, but just know that it basically retconned or ignored Kotor 2 in every possible way, including absolutely trivializing and shitting on the exile and what she represents, and i don't like that.

>> No.13315904

If you really must read more Star Wars books, make it Stover's stuff because that's the least embarrassing available.

Then stop reading Star Wars books.

>> No.13315911

Not a single 40k novel. Pathetic list.

>> No.13315995

Plagueis is the only SW book I would consider re-reading.

I heard much good about ROTS, if you do ROTS you might as well turn it into a trilogy with Labyrinth of Evil and Dark Lord.

The first Bane was mindblowing to me but I read it when I was much younger and before playing KOTOR / reading the 6 issue comic miniseries Jedi v.s. Sith. Finding out all the good story beats were ripped from somewhere else was disheartening.

>> No.13316315

I never played 1, but 2 is one of the most well-written games I've ever gone through
I was only like 12 when I first played it and Kreia calling me a naïve faggot for giving a beggar money blew my little mind

>> No.13316403


>> No.13316409

Revan was fine, it was the exile who got fucked

>> No.13316413

>want to see where it goes
Have to play swtor for that, not worth it

>> No.13316418

There’s good recaps of the stories o YouTube

>> No.13316534

>pick up litter
>exile you dumb cunt don't you see you've just robbed this town of the opportunity to clean itself? were it unable to do so, it would deserve to be covered in filth anyway

>> No.13316827

>Mfw the entire rest of the star wars universe proves her right about everything
God that was a wild realization for a middle schooler
Who the fuck wrote those games and why don't they get them to write a movie