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/lit/ - Literature

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13308621 No.13308621 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw junior undergrad student, and I’m making 4k+ a month by writing shit erotica and self publishing it under pseudonym

My god anons, get in on this

>> No.13308627

literally how? I'm ready to write anything, literally fucking anything for money.

>> No.13308638

Where do you publish?

>> No.13308650

How much do you write and release a month?

>> No.13308651

Back this up faggot please.


>> No.13308657

How long is your turnover

>> No.13308687

I generally stay in the range of 5k-10k words a ‘story,’ which is really all you need for erotica. I can type 4K words a day if I put my mind to it, so first drafts take a week at most, usually two or three days. Editing, which I’m not to strict about considering the length and chiefly surface level subject matter, takes a day. I can publish two a month, usually, since I have schoolwork and an internship to field as well.

>> No.13308694

Not really sure how to without plugging myself on here, which I refuse to do. Also, not posting bank statements or tax forms either, for obvious reasons. I guess you’ll have to take my word for it, but I have better things to do than lie on here. Sorry that I can’t back it up.

>> No.13308709


Amazon is the only good self publishing service right now. It’s really good though; I’m sure if you were to write a novel, make a good cover, and promote it just a hair, you could make more than me. That is, if you stay in the correct (aka money-making) genres.

1. Be at least a grad level writer
2. Write sex, preferably LGBT
Not hard at all if you have the time and tools needed.

>> No.13308717

Thank you
You might want to watch out for some incoming competition desu ;)

>> No.13308865

It shan’t be hard. This is a passage I shat out from what I’m working on now, shouldn’t be hard to top:

>I looked deep into his eyes, and rather than be enveloped by the color of his iris’, which most fixate on in moments of flowery passion like this, I linked my gaze to his pupils. They were a deep black, like every other person’s on this planet, but somehow deeper. They grabbed me, pulling me into their dense pit like the black hole they were, until I reached the innermost depths of his mind, an area communicating with me without using any words at all. As I fixated on this deep connection between us, which invigorated a pillar of emotions that hadn’t been shaken in such a way since my childhood, he pulled himself similarly deeply into me.

>> No.13308868

Can you give us an excerpt of your writing?

>> No.13308869

It’s not good, which is why it’s so easy to cash in

>> No.13308877

That’s... that’s pretty good anon.

>> No.13308888

Congrats man, I admire that you are making money through art. How do you come up with ideas so fast?

>> No.13308893

Nice quads. Really, it’s not hard- I just think of a simple story, maybe with a little weight to it, and add in sex whenever possible. It usually helps if there’s an LGBT element to it, or something similarly scandalous: it’s taboo, which draws in a larger crowd and makes it stand out a bit.

More than happy to write for people on the cheap, btw.

>> No.13308899

>innermost depths
yes very good

>> No.13308900


>> No.13308905

It’s a rough draft, plus erotica, so those terms tend to... y’know.

I’m not exactly writing for literar

>> No.13308916


>> No.13308927
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>Wrote a little erotica a while back for someone I was seeing.
>Was basically this, maybe a little more polished and less cliche.
>If I wanted I could churn out at least one a week.
>I could actually be making money from that shit.

How do you do it anon? Did you literally just make a snappy pen name, put them on Amazon with decent covers, and that's it? Do I need to be doing anything else?

>> No.13308931

That sounds awesome, anon. How is your usual brainstorming process? How doing you avoid each story being like each other?

>> No.13308937

Not worth it. Writing erotica messed with your actual writing ability and lowers it's quality.

>> No.13308939

Also, do you find inspiration on other books?

>> No.13308955

Not really lol, I might’ve gotten lucky since my second story got pretty big, which obviously leads to a ‘fanbase,’ it’s really a number game though. Keep churning them out and eventually you’ll strike gold.

>> No.13308960

>been writing erotic novellas on the fly to sext with girl in the moment for years
>unironically send >500 words that i wrote up in 20 mins
>been doing this since age 15
>only now hit me i could make money from this retarded extra-horny talent of mine

>> No.13308966

Not really, or not consciously at least. I don’t read erotica, and I can’t pull much from the works I do read. Funny enough, I’m against sex in novels. It’s just a cheap way to show romance without going into detail.

Let’s be real: nobody here is publishing the great American novel, or great European novel or whatever other bumblefuck country’s novel. Might as well make some cash; you’re not above anything, anon.

>> No.13308971

Brainstorming? I sort of have a knack for stories, I guess. I plan more in my head than anything, but I always follow one rule: the sex should be over half of the story, and it should somehow progress the story.

>> No.13308980

how much much do you charge per story?

>> No.13308982

I don’t know why, but I really like the way that your posts read lol, it just flows

Cuse my pretentiousness but I look for prose in everything even 4chan posts

>> No.13308989

Usually .99, but occasionally I’ll up the ante to 1.99, mainly for longer stories. There is a notable difference in sales, though. Finding the equilibrium price is sort of work dependent, as well as a guessing game.

>> No.13308993

OP here, you’re kind of a faggot or trying to make people I’m samefagging. Stop.

>> No.13309000

u sayin 4k horny women buy your shite 5k words per month?

>> No.13309001

Think* my bad

>> No.13309009

Absolutely, yes. Look at sales numbers for erotica. It’s almost frightening, honestly.

>> No.13309092

fuck. i genuinely believe i can churn out 10ish 1000 word erotica stories with a meme cover (just a pair of high heels on the floor, a pair of handcuffs in harsh lighting, etc) and charge a buck. I am unironically starting right now

>> No.13309197

Good for you man, update us

>> No.13309205

He’s (>>13309009) right anon. It’s like porn for girls, and we know how much people watch porn. It’s an unsaturated market that will remain that way forever.

>> No.13309226

I’m unironically not even going to proofread or edit this shit, just gonna churn em out

>> No.13309269

28 year old virgin here. How do I write erotica?

>> No.13309296

lower your standards and get laid first

>> No.13309316

i could unironically live completely happy on $1000 per month what the fuck

>> No.13309332

How many words/pages for each?

>> No.13309338

Absolutely based.
I assume you write in English, right? Since I am from a different country I am unironically considering to start doing the same right now in my own language

>> No.13309359

write a newspaper esque report on a porn video you find and then put it in the chicks POV

>> No.13309411

Apply for SSI.

>> No.13309425

Imagine you're a 28-year-old virgin, but now you're a female who never grew out of Disney and can only be aroused by a teenage girls' idea of masculinity and romance.

You think you like "good prose" when really you just like noticing prose that draws attention to itself.

Now, go write what that person wants to read.

>> No.13309435

Op, you've fallen into the depths and before the end you'll realise it and no .99c erotica will lift you out. Your vision of Hell will be your audience meeting you, and at last you shall see the truth of your readership: hot, bothered, bloated cat-ladies, dragging you down into eternity to suckle at your opened, lusty mind.

>> No.13309451
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>tfw you subscribe to a femdom patreon

>> No.13309460

Do a screencap of your KDP reports. Just the car graph.

>> No.13309470

*bar graph

>> No.13309489
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Do not be tempted by riches. They are not eternal. This life is a test. Do not throw it all away (and lead others astray) so you can have a few worthless trinkets.

>> No.13309495

fuck off i cant afford new clothes for my growing little brother

>> No.13309499

Anon this is $48K we're talking about

>> No.13309502

Which one?

>> No.13309511

Just be born in the first world LMAO

>> No.13309516

he's got a point you know

>> No.13309525

i made it up anyway but fuck you i want free money
>mfw redditors act like writing erotica is a 365-day 70 hour work week career and not just word vomiting shite on microsoft word for free money

>> No.13309527
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>And one of the company said unto him, Master, speak to my brother, that he divide the inheritance with me. And he said unto him, Man, who made me a judge or a divider over you? And he said unto them, Take heed, and beware of covetousness: for a man's life consisteth not in the abundance of the things which he possesseth. And he spake a parable unto them, saying, The ground of a certain rich man brought forth plentifully: And he thought within himself, saying, What shall I do, because I have no room where to bestow my fruits? And he said, This will I do: I will pull down my barns, and build greater; and there will I bestow all my fruits and my goods. And I will say to my soul, Soul, thou hast much goods laid up for many years; take thine ease, eat, drink, and be merry. But God said unto him, Thou fool, this night thy soul shall be required of thee: then whose shall those things be, which thou hast provided? So is he that layeth up treasure for himself, and is not rich toward God.

>> No.13309601

Now that we know erotica is an unsaturated market, what about clickbait satire that's been booming like clickhole, onion, Babylon bee style blogs

>> No.13309719

>write fiction promoting sodomy
>go to hell because it's a sin
Enjoy your 4k a month tho I guess

>> No.13309733
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ITT: sellouts

>> No.13309742

I wonder if you could make that much writing Christian lit. You probably could.

>> No.13309782

>Not writing smut based around the 15th century Europe Christianity

Especially with GoT over I'm sure there is a big market for medieval raunchy garbage. I'll probably make a few in the hopes it will educate some cat ladies on history.

>> No.13309808

You could make a bit if you were good enough. You could have a Patreon/Subscribestar where people can chip in a few dollars and get access to more lit. I don't think it'd be half of what you'd get writing about LGBT lit tho - degeneracy sells big time right now.

>> No.13309974

You're unironically based, anon

>> No.13309984

BASED. Praise Christ, light of the world.

>> No.13310012

average story length?

>> No.13310021

Did you have to make a new account to register your pseudonym? Or do you get the option?

>> No.13310033

No thanks I have basic self respect.

>> No.13310178


>> No.13310198


>> No.13310207

How's the process of wiring the money back to your account? Is it possible for this to happen without the need to expose the name attached to your bank account/paypal?

>> No.13310222

Amazon will always have your real name, but I have it deposited on my PayPal account and only then cash it in.

>> No.13310229

There's nothing I respect less than people too stupid to accept when the universe provides.

>> No.13310233

How do you publish stuff on amazon? What program do you use to write?

>> No.13310242

It’s not stupidity, it’s a difference in outlook. Get off your high horse. Following that line of logic, you are saying there’s nothing you wouldn’t do for cash. We know that’s not true.

>> No.13310243

how much do you charge for a story?
and >>13310021

>> No.13310254

>No thanks I have basic self respect.
>Get off your high horse!
I also disrespect people with zero self-awareness.

>> No.13310260

1. Have you considered you're 'suffering' from a sort of survivor's bias? You said that one of your stories got big. Perhaps that's all there is to this.
2. I understand you may not want to identify yourself but could you give some vague idea of what you're intending to do with your life? What are you studying?
3. Any tips for becoming a better writer? Books etc that have helped?
4. Have you tried to write books that aren't erotica? Is writing quality truly a no-go zone for self publishing money making?

>> No.13310278

What’s the consensus on short stories? Would it be better to release a collection of stories or each one individually?

>> No.13310300

From what I've seen, authors usually do both. Each single book, and then a collection. don't know about self publishing tho

>> No.13310317


Amazon always gives you the chance to add your pen name. In fact, if you publish 5 books, each of them can be published using a different name, there is no limit on that. Most of the money I make is via Amazon Prime shit, so I get paid by the number of pages people read.

You can only hit 'big' with a story if you write a bunch of them. Of course you can fail to find any success, but I've seen close colleagues go down the same path as I did and still make 2/3k per month.
I'm currently studying political science with the goal of going to law school in the future.
Not really, and if you're serious about writing erotica, good writing would actually be a bad thing to strive for. Remember: these people are not after good prose, they only care about the sexual atmosphere, about having their insecurities validated through fiction. When you write LGBTQ+ erotica you're basically saying it's okay to be gay, it's okay to lust after men's penises, it's okay to have your ass rammed by a big dude. You can add many spins to this topic: frail main character, strong love interest; intellectual main character, dumb but honest love interest; poor main character, rich love interest; handicapped main character, athletic love interest etc. People love this type of dialectics.
I am writing a novel on the side, but I will look for an agent and a real publishing house. Literary fiction is a hard sell through the traditional market and absolutely radioactive through self-publishing. I'd advise against posting a serious, non-genre, non-erotica, non-self help work on KDP.

>> No.13310382
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ok anons really considering trying this, whats the market for gay shit? think traps, cute boys, roman tier stuff. i could write straight erotica too but id get more fun outta gay shit. ive been reading erotica for years so i sorta know what "works".

>> No.13310390

Why do you refuse to post your books here? You have nothing to lose and would almost certainly gain money. Your principled refusal to self-promote or whatever doesn't make sense as it's a win-win for everyone; we're curious and wish to learn, and you like money. Unless, of course, you are lying for some strange reason.

>> No.13310397

sweet, thank you!

>> No.13311694

What's your seller rank OP?

According to this:

Being in the top 100 puts you at 1000 sales/day and 16k sales/month

Here's the top 50 in paid kindle:

The books are overwhelmingly female authored, with romance/erotica novels dominating. OP is, for better or worse, telling the truth.

I can't bring myself to write erotica but I can't begrudge anyone supplying a demand. I might just try taking some fantasy novels I like, rip the structure wholesale, change the paint and peddle it as my own, Eragon style. It probably won't make nearly as much money though.

>> No.13311703

this is fucking trash, dude

>> No.13311744

I just want to know your story length, bro.

>> No.13311759

>shit erotica
Hol up, are we talking shitty quality, or literal scat fetish?

>> No.13311792

I kinda want to try just for the $, but I don't want to sell my soul at the same time.

>> No.13311815

>something similarly scandalous
Would an impregnation/breeding fetish work, do you reckon? And would I need to adopt a female pen name? I've noticed virtually all Kindle porn has a woman's name attached.
S/he'll get banned, "advertising" is one of the Global Rules iirc

>> No.13311935

What demographics are buying these?

>> No.13311966

Ugly women

>> No.13311999

>Writing erotica messed with your actual writing ability and lowers it's quality.
Why do low IQs believe this? Many writers in the canon published erotica under pseudonyms

>> No.13312005
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Thanks for the advice, and for checking my quads

>> No.13312022

1. When did you start doing this/where'd you get the idea?

2. Does it turn you on while you're writing?

3. Has it changed how you think (like porn does)?

Hope these questions are straightforward and easy to answer. Thanks for sharing so far.

>> No.13312038

any rules that get you banned? I remember reading somewhere that some stuff that pushed the edge of nonconsensual got demonetized.

>> No.13312067

I'm looking through the thread and I can't find the answers to these questions, but if I missed them could somebody direct me to them please?
1. How many books do you publish a month?
2. What "genres" sell best? I know you said "lgbt," but what else? Does furry stuff do well? How about bdsm?

>> No.13312246

this thread is as intriguing as it is deeply, deeply disturbing

>> No.13312259

t. middle schooler who reacts to anything sexual with "ZOMG Weeeirrrddd"

>> No.13312265

I'm a highly sexual person, I just had no idea that cheap women's erotica was the most popular category on Amazon... more naive, than prudish

>> No.13312295
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I had an idea for an erotic story about a year ago, so I wrote out a brief synopsis which then turned into a 70,000 word novel with an additional two novels planned to continue the heroine's story. In the mean time, I've also written synopses for two more erotic novels, plus a collection of short stories following the adventures of a succubus in both medieval and modern times. I've also got a special folder with about two dozen short story ideas that I may or may not attempt to write in the future.

MFW pretty sure none of them will ever been seen

>> No.13312311

true... women are freaks

>> No.13313009

>Nobody checking these digits

>> No.13314114


how many days or weeks until you post the next story in an ongoing series?

where do you source cover images and what type of images are successful? are they easy to make without graphics experience?

>> No.13314216

Is this going to rot my soul? I can really use the money anons

>> No.13314230

put in some dangers of sexuality, often egoistical and sometimes even sadistic nature of it and you are providing some enlightment then
also: write about a couple having sex only for procreation
not sure if that would sell but maybe it will

>> No.13314651


>> No.13314663

>anon gets a bunch of incels to write erotica
>realize they have no idea how sex works
>uhhh. then he shoved his dick in and she moaned a bunch and squirted.

>> No.13314674
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>then he shoved his dick in and she moaned a bunch and squirted.
this except unironically

>> No.13314682

Oh good job you virtuous and noble spirit, you remember your Good Boy Words! Shame there's no trustworthy and respectable adults around to give you a good pat on the head, because after all, quoting blocktext at impoverish youth is literally IN THE BIBLE as what pushed you into Heaven. That, and of course, routinely avoiding the creation of cum.

>> No.13314703

It's not for men. Not for admiration.
It's for salvation. Eternal salvation.

>> No.13314705

>Getting paid fat stacks for shitposting
If that's the lowest one can go then bring on that fucking limbo bar, I'm going in.

>> No.13314710

Wow. You're genuinely scraping the barrel, huh? You know that's the literal highest tier excuse you can use, right? That's the excuse that your Lord used ON THE CROSS. Pathetic, at least say "yeah I'm wasting time online that could be used to complete Good Works," instead you flat out say
>:nah posting is holy bro:

>> No.13314983

I unironically have a scat and piss fetish. Does that sell?

>> No.13315778


>> No.13315795

Absolutely seething.

>> No.13315883

cringe, but I'm interested. do you sell them as just the 5-10k? for how much?

>> No.13316276

that's pretty deep tbqh

>> No.13316572

OP do you ever wack off to your own stories? Do you edge while writing them?

>> No.13316601

>tried writing smut
>wrote 800 words then had to masturbate
>got to 1200 words and needed to wank again
>ended up fucking self in ass
>now i'm farting ass-slime
thanks /lit/

>> No.13316886


>> No.13316918

honestly based

>> No.13317092

Oh man, OH MAN
I'm new to /lit/, do you guys ever do collective readthroughs or something like /co/'s Storytime of Pain? There are so many trainwrecks out there in online porn

>> No.13317209
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>I linked my gaze to his pupils. They were a deep black, like every other person’s on this planet, but somehow deeper.

>> No.13317216


>> No.13317558

How do i pich in my book i would write in severe schizo prose so marketing it would rather backfire

>> No.13317607

I tried to write erotica but I ended up feeling too embarrassed. I might try again.

>> No.13317776

Already did, my lit teacher a year or two ago said she was making a shit load off of this and that if you can write competently to get in on it.

>> No.13317809

If I understood this correctly, your assessment is correct

>> No.13317904

Guys this can't be that hard. Lets brainstorm.
>wants something
What do they want? Success and a man
>tries to get it
Chases down doctor/pirate/billionaire/vampire/werewolf
Tries to change/tame them by sleeping with them. But they don't change.
>learns message
Woman finds her own inner strength and refuses to change for the man.
>gets it
Gets laid again
Boom. Do that for 10k words, find a creative commons image and throw a title on it, make a pen name, and apparently, according to OP, we can start raking in the bucks. Time to make a second amazon account that my family isn't on.

>> No.13317981

I think it's easier on paper than in reality. What seems to matter most is volume and I imagine the income isn't as high as people are claiming. Basically there'll be an exponential decay in sales over time.

You're probably better off getting a team of ghostwriters to churn out 100k words/month and then edit it to your specifications. That requires some money up front but scales better in the long run (and is probably a better use of time).

>> No.13318084

It was 5pm and her workday was over. She rode down the elevator and walked unto the busy street. Katie took out her phone and stared at his contact information. She tried to resist the urge to call him. She put her phone up, but the thought of his chiseled abs and the grovel of his deep voice made her take it back out. At that exact moment his face popped up on her phone screen. He was calling. She answered.
"I want you. I need to see you tonight," he said in earnest, " It won't be like last time. You'll see. Just come over. Okay?"
"Okay." she whispered. He hung up. She opened up her ride sharing app, fumbling and almost dropping her phone. She ordered a ride to his high rise apartment. She couldn't stop thinking about what sensual pleasure he had in store for her tonight.
The car showed up, she got in, and about twenty minutes later she was on the other side of town. She went to the doorman and told him she was here to see Chad Hurricane. He nodded his head and led her to the elevator. Every minute that passed her inner temperature rose. She knew she shouldn't be doing this, but she couldn't help it. She was on the 50th floor, and she knocked on the door to the one apartment on the floor. The door opened. The entire apartment was dark, except for a trail of candles leading down the hallway. She followed them to the bedroom. Chad was positioned at the center of the 30-foot wide circular bed at the center of the bedroom. The sunset reflected off his abs and half of his ninety degree jawline covered in perfect five-o'clock shadow. As the bed turned the light from the sun-set revealed more and more of his body. He was absolutely nude and his member was slowly growing larger as he stared into her soul.

"Katie, come here. I want to see you." he said magnanimously. "Let me apologize more intimately." His voice was like a magnet. She started walking towards him without even thinking about it. Her hands unbuttoned her blouse and she tossed it. Her pants were gone just ask quickly as she reached the bed. Crawling on all fours towards him. He embraced her with a firm grasp along the small of her back. He put his had on her cheek as their lips and tongues intermingled. She was his holy grail, as he was sir Galahad. He removed her bra hook with a simple snap and he put his lips to her supple areolas.

She gasped and her breathing became heavier and heavier. He had begun to touch her lower lips with a gentle yet firm power. With every thrust of his fingers, she stroked his massive throbbing cock.

"Hold on." she whispered, as she pulled her hair back with a hair tie. Her lips touched the tip of his penis as she mounted his face. His tongue went ballistic all across her. Her head slowly bobbing while picking up speed until finally he burst a massive load down her throat. She took it gracefully and swallowed. It tasted sweet and sour.

"I want to be in you." he said, more as a command than a want. She started to mount him. "No, from behind."

>> No.13318109

Jesus Christ this was easier to shit out than anything else I've ever written. 500 words in less than 20 minutes. I think OP might be onto something.

>> No.13318448

>Pillar of emotions that hadn't been shaken this way since childhood
I'm fucking sorry, faggot? Why would you include this? It's bad enough without implications of pedophilia. Harakiri yoruserefu.

>> No.13318714

Shitty erotica is basically just that but with "flowery" prose or whatever. Let me have a knock at erotica-fying that sentence
>As he gazed into the cerulean orbs that were her eyes, he inserted his girthy member into her, eliciting a soft yet long moan to escape from her lips. Again, he thrusted, causing her to whimper and shudder. She looked pleadingly into his chiseled, tan face. Any longer and perhaps an expletive would fly from her mouth. He smirked in response, and began to propel himself in and out of her expertly, firmly but not too rough, with a sense of tenderness that she had never felt from anyone ever before.
Something something passion something something fire "release" there you go. I'm sure there's a handful of horny middle aged women willing to buy a book full of this.

>> No.13318752

This is just so absurd that people will pay money for such shitty smut. But I guess I’ve wanked it to really shitty porn before, then again, I’ve never voluntarily given money in exchange for pornography, but I guess there’s not an easy way to put ads into a book.

If OP were here, I’d ask how he got into it. Like what in God’s name got into his mind to put them up, and how did he see such immediate returns to know to write more. I guess it’s just that any writing I set out to do is normally edited and revised and reworked and I hate to have it be shipped out without multiple rewrites. Insane how low the bar to entry is, but god damn it would be hilarious to tell friends I live off writing shitty smut.

>> No.13318773

Clothes are cheap outside of the first world. They get hugely marked up when sold there. He'd more likely be a lowerclass firstworlder.

>> No.13318808
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>This is just so absurd that people will pay money for such shitty smut
>If OP were here, I’d ask how he got into it. Like what in God’s name got into his mind to put them up, and how did he see such immediate returns to know to write more.
I mean, the market is clearly there. Just look at how much of a smash hit Fifty Shades of Grey was, and the demographic that enjoyed it, and prior to that, the knowledge of the type of people buying those books in supermarkets like pic related wasn't exactly a secret

>> No.13318810

tfw english second language,
afraid my style and errors in syntax would turn readers off..
feels bad

>> No.13318895

Well, I guess I know what I’m doing in the morning.

>> No.13318923

I cant believe pay for stuff like this when tumblr and fanfic sites etc exist

>> No.13318932

>>13308865 #
>I linked my gaze to his pupils. They were a deep black, like every other person’s on this planet, but somehow deeper.
Anon you’re full of shit, there’s no way in hell this sells. I refuse to believe it. I refuse to fucking believe it

>> No.13318986

There are things you wouldn't do for money, there are things others wouldn't do for money. Perhaps you are willing to do a thing and another is not. That's all there is to it. You said to never ignore bounty placed before you, but you do ignore some bounty, as we all do.

In my opinion it's fine as long as you don't force yourself and destroy your values. If there's no forcing, you remain intact. If there's forcing, you are killing a part of yourself for a bit of cash. I'm not the person you replied to btw.

>> No.13319024

How well do you think light erotica based on for-female anime men would sell?

>> No.13319033

I 100% agree

>> No.13319260

Imagine getting this fucking mad over a book. Back to /pol/ you worthless cuck.

>> No.13319319

I'm not the person you are replying to. If there is something you would do for money, and you do it, and you are aware of right and wrong and you already try to avoid doing wrong, then the reason you have allowed yourself to do that thing is because as far as you understand there's nothing wrong with doing that thing for money. If you do something wrong that you don't understand as being wrong, it doesn't matter if you have to force yourself or not, it is still a wrong act. We are not saved by our ignorance necessarily, it is still better to do the wrong thing out of ignorance than to do it willfully and with full knowledge that it is the wrong thing. Ignorance enables us to perform misdeeds while we are preoccupied with right/wrong, and enables us to perform the misdeed without forcing ourselves to - therefore, we are already not 'intact' if you will, and a part of ourselves is already in need of being redeemed.

>> No.13319332

What are the money making genres?

>> No.13319337


i tried yesterday and it's shocking how easily it came out. outlined seventy three stories and wrote major chunks of three. what i'd like to do, maybe today, is see if i can transfer that energy and adopt its flow into proper writing. yesterday was exhausting and my mind was word-scrambled during the first few hours of sleep

>> No.13319339

What do you charge per story?

>> No.13319351

> nobody here is publishing the great American novel, or great European novel or whatever other bumblefuck country’s novel
So long as we're focused on making a quick buck from shitting out mills and boon knockoffs at least.

>> No.13319358

Think about how much money guys throw and cam girls and porn.

Erotica is the porn for women. While no where near as big, a fraction of what men spend on sex is still a massive amount.

>> No.13319363

Is gay stuff the only thing that sells of would erotica based on tinder, falling for the Republican "bad boy", having sex in bathrooms at parties with dirty musicians sell as well?

>> No.13319365

How erotic do you get, and how explicit do you describe shit. I know that women don't general like physically explicit material as guys, they tend to favour acts and things to be suggested and implied, heavily alluded to.

>> No.13319370


he prices his stories at .99 but makes his money off of how many pages are read by users subscribed to amazon prime/kindle direct where they have access to all the books available under kindle direct. this is why he doesn't edit strictly, because bloat and less concision makes him more profit

>> No.13319383

Yeah but the difference between this and porn is the porn is real fucking people fucking, which you can't simply reproduce with a pen and paper yourself.

>> No.13319389

Dude do it in your native language. You have far less competition and hit a niche market.

>> No.13319397

I want to see how many mêmes ans shitty clichés we can slip into these trashy stories

>> No.13319407

So make money on amazon prime/kindle based on how many pages of your stories are actually viewed?

Sorry I don't use either so I'm not familiar with their exact business model

>> No.13319460


yes, that's how most people make most of the money. it's 'free' (subscription/prime) to the reader so they're not actually 'buying' your story, there is no downside to them sampling it. amazon pays out to the publisher/writer a small per page rate, so the more pages they read the more money the writer makes.

i do not remember the actual book-purchase details but they are easily looked up, they go something like this though: if a book is bought outright the writer gets 75% IF the book is 2.99 or more, i think. there's some threshold price to get the 3/4 royalty. if a reader buys a .99 listed book, the writer only gets 25% or 10% or something royalties, a much lower rate. the .99 listings like OP's are making their money off of pages read via kindle direct/prime. the housewives are reading these stories on their phones, and the stories are 'free' to them, arguably actually free since many people have prime subscriptions from amazon for lower shipping for actual items they order.

>> No.13319462

I am afraid that would be nigh impossible,
the market is not attuned to this type of enterpreneurship yet, long before it will..
I could give it a shot in english still.

>> No.13319469

No thank you, I have a soul.

>> No.13319502

No you don't, retard. You have a mental illness.

>> No.13320109

bump, OP, come back

>> No.13320230

thank you for post
would this work for non-ero YA shit? basically english-lang light novels

>> No.13320243

Are serials or short stories better for this?

>> No.13320288
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>debasing yourself in the eyes of the LORD, who gave us LIFE, but to use that LIFE to retreat into DARKNESS

>> No.13320305

Seeing how hostile you are, I'd say you do.

>> No.13320701

73 story outlines?! How long was each outline? Post one.

>> No.13320803

is god gonna pay my rent?

>> No.13320915

Ouch, too observant

>> No.13320945
File: 84 KB, 540x413, 1554750126280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And Jesus being full of the Holy Ghost returned from Jordan, and was led by the Spirit into the wilderness, Being forty days tempted of the devil. And in those days he did eat nothing: and when they were ended, he afterward hungered.
>And the devil said unto him, If thou be the Son of God, command this stone that it be made bread. >And Jesus answered him, saying, It is written, That man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word of God

Better to be homeless for a season than in hell for eternity.

>> No.13320992

I guess it's a good exercise for writing story structures. There's a great talk by neil gaiman where he discusses genre and compares it to porn after he saw a porn with all the porn cut out of it. How there was plot, and people moving and talking, but the action and activity central to why people were watching it was missing. The difference between a western and a book about cowboys.

>> No.13321056


>> No.13321335

Any anons publish something yet?

>> No.13321389
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>> No.13321547

How long did it take from day 1 for you to get to this point?

>> No.13321626


I just want to live in a white neighborhood

>> No.13321652

I'm at 1000 words y'all. I don't know how to make the set up or the sex scene last longer. I guess I shot my load too early. I've never actually read any erotica. Any tips? Big, throbbing, round tips?

>> No.13321673

You're not writing for heterosexuals, you idiot. You are writing it from a woman's point of view, or from a homosexual point of view. Big, throbbingm round tips are not what you should be striving for.

>> No.13321685

sensual, rough, deeply emotional tips?

>> No.13321746

Say that after you've been homeless and after you've been in agony for a medical problem you can't afford to get fixed. hypocrite halfwit.

>> No.13321881
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Is it possible to write anything other than erotica and make money? Or does only sex sell?

>> No.13322031

This shit has 300+ reviews on Amazon.

Jane is in her bedroom, buck-ass naked on top of her bed, with her legs open wide, pleasuring herself. I feel sick to the pit of my stomach, and I can’t mask my horrified expression. She has her cell propped up against two fluffy cushions at the end of the bed, and I’ve no doubt my brother was watching or she was recording it to send to him. She calls out Drew’s name as she pumps two fingers inside herself, her back arching off the bed, little whimpers leaking from her mouth as she works herself into a frenzy. I squeeze my eyes shut, not wanting to violate my friend any more than they have violated her. This is such a massive invasion of her privacy, and I’m equally incensed and disgusted. “Turn it off,” I snap, but they ignore me, and I’m forced to listen as she climaxes.
“I’ve jerked off to that at least five times,” Jackson says, right at my ear. “And I love how she’s incorporated it into her daily nighttime routine. She’s definitely missing your brother and so sexually frustrated I might have to do her myself.”
“You leave her the fuck alone!” I yell. “This has nothing to do with Jane.” My voice cracks. “Please. I’ll do whatever you want. Just leave Jane out of this.”
“Open your eyes,” Cam instructs, and I snap my eyes open as Sawyer mercifully shuts the video off. “Do we have your attention now?”
“You already had my attention. Wasn’t knowing my non-virgin status enough?”
“That didn’t seem to motivate you sufficiently, so we improvised.” Cam shakes his head. “We took this path because you wouldn’t do what we told you. This is all on you.” That truth sits in my gut like sour milk.

>> No.13322049
File: 227 KB, 989x960, 409098dac8fce66743e80aad7721ad6c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit, so all the exhentai I read will finally come in handy!

>> No.13322091

Found this guide


>> No.13322123

5k story? What the fuck? Is is flash fiction for flash porn?

>> No.13322149

Hey, I only read through 30 pages of hentai or 5 minutes of actual porn video after searching for an hour for a good one. I suppose if it's a good 5k words to get you off it's worth it?

>> No.13322181

Dostoyevsky described himself as one, so it can't be That bad, huh?

>> No.13322199

Now you can feel the inspiration literally oozing out of ya, honey!

>> No.13322295

He said 10k

>> No.13322313

This has 100 reviews. I can't believe the shitty writing and the fact it's so popular. Is this what housewives read?

I watch as he slides his belt out through the loops and pushes his pants down his legs and off, our shoes having been removed when we arrived and they’re apparently still up at the reception area.

He reaches for his shirt and lifts it up and over his head showing me the view of his body that I saw all day out on the boat.

But this is different. This time he’s lit by moonlight and not the harsh rays of the midday sun.

And then I watch as he grabs the side of his boxer briefs, never taking his eyes from mine as his narrow when he slides them down the sides of his thighs and I see his cock spring out of the fabric and into the air.

“Whoa,” I say.

“That’s what I’ve been saying since the moment I saw you,” he says. “And a whole lot more.”

“Like what?” I tease.

“Like when will I start making babies with her? How many babies will we have? How big will our family become and how much of a legacy will we make together?”

“I like the sound of that.”

“And I know I’m going to like the sound of your moans when I pleasure every single inch of your body right now,” he says.

I reach for my pants and slide out of them quickly.

“Ut uh uh,” he says raising a finger. “Not so fast. First I have to…”


This shit has so many grammar mistakes, it seems to not have been edited, even. My God.

>> No.13322364

and yet ive seen worse. Harlequin novels are a realm of their own shit beyond normal dimensions of shit.

>> No.13322466

Everything is temporary if I can’t pay my fucking bills you retard

>> No.13322518

you don't fag

>> No.13322533

he says, while frantically scrambling to set up a self publishing account on Amazon

>> No.13322598
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so what you're saying is all those times i pretended to be a girl writing extraordinarily long and detailed lurid stories with which to entice men on omegle back when i was a teenager i was actually nurturing a talent?

>> No.13322637

I'd be ignorant hypocrite believer than a arrogant homeless addict. No wonder why all homeless are aethist, what they do for living is literally a lying 24/7 without dignity or a shame, for a mere change.

>> No.13322652

Guys I'm 2k words in and I'm now kinda invested in Katie. She just wants a man to treat her right, but if she can't have that she just fucks all night.

>> No.13322692

Post excerpts?

>> No.13322702

I have three questions.

1. For the gay stuff, you write from the bottoms point of view so women can self insert, right?

2. Do you write serious stuff on the side? Does writing erotica get in the way of be that? Does it sap your motivation? Are you too tired of writing?

3. How much do you charge for a 10k word story? Like 5 bucks?

>> No.13322727

I buy kindle eroticas 50$/month and barely read them. I mostly buy them by the cover and the themes introduced in the description. Also another measurement is pages because what I enjoy is shopping not a reading, and it feels like quantities promise the minimun effort the writer took in. Also I read the author profile and check his social media if the profile pic is attractive.

>> No.13322768

What about book reviews? Does anyone know if you can make good money doing that and if so, how to get into it?

>> No.13322782

>He turned to look at her but did not speak. He rolled on top of her and stared deep into her hazel eyes. His gaze pierced into her very soul, as if he was looking beyond her. She lazily put her arms around his neck as he went in for a deep and passionate kiss that lasted for what felt like an eternity. Their tongues intertwined and she could hear his panting as their faces pushed back and forth in the facial embrace.

>She felt him below, and his brick of a unit was at full mast. She caressed it with her fingertips and nails, touching herself to make sure it was wet enough for another go. It was torrential. She guided him inside her as she spread out her legs and bent at the knees, telling him she was ready for his trojan horse. He bent up slightly and hooked his elbows around the backs of her knees.

>His thrusts were playing with her, slow, methodical, stopping right before the head would pop out. He would then slide slowly back in, staring deep into her eyes. Her face concerned and worried every time this happened, hoping it would not come out. He would raise an eyebrow and she would nod rapidly, asking for it to return to her. He would oblige and smirk, occasionally biting his lower lip as his eyes moved up and down her body.
She was hooked, and in that moment, she didn’t want to be anywhere else or in anyone else’s arms, or be full of anyone else’s manhood, but as he came for a second time, her thoughts drifted. He had pulled out and semen covered her abdomen. He rubbed his member along her clit, moaning as he did so. She was satisfied she could please him so. She knew it was only temporary. Soon he would be tired. Soon he would tell her he has to go to Japan for a business trip. She imagined him surrounded by geishas and eighteen-year-old Asian schoolgirls in uniforms and tan lines with golden hair. Suddenly her satisfaction turned to rage. She didn’t show it. She simply went to the bathroom, cleaned herself off, and started putting her clothes on. She looked on his dresser and saw a plane ticket to Korea. “Even worse.” She thought.

feedback pls.

>> No.13322791

Do you buy straight or gay? How long are the ones you buy usually? How much on average are the ones you buy?

>> No.13322796

Most eroticas have 0 reviews. Only "best sellimg romance novel" has hurndreds of review and I found them repellent because they feels like real garbage to me. Think about hte comparison beetween a normie harcore porn and the pathetic hardcore porn for sincere enthusiats.

>> No.13322810

sounds like something i'd enjoy doing. which fetish group(s) have demand that's unmet? i'll write anything, no matter how scatological or repulsive

>> No.13322823

I don't understand this. Why do you enjoy shopping? If it were physical copies I could somewhat understand, but what do you get out of having an ebook that you won't even read?

>> No.13322866

I’m talking about general book reviews anon

>> No.13322868

Why do people get off to scat porn? People have weird shit that gets the dopamine flowing.

>> No.13322877

I'm gay but only interested in mind-control and/or muscle-growth and/or worship. I buy them compulsively to feel accepted into the capitalism society as a target audience. I even DM a writer with nice beard about this "feel less disoriented" once. For a real need for porn/fapping material I prefer the forums' story board because they have better quality than most of "professional" writings. I believe only the ametuers with huge ego or pathetic jobless loser would write a smut for living, and these images really affect for my purchase intention. I believe the true writer who devotes to this thin target audiences would use patreon to communicate and build the community. In conclusion, just B yourself because it really depends and experienced readers notice it by a first impression.

>> No.13322901

What's muscle growth? Like a guy eats a can of spinach and gets ripped? Like pop-eye?

>> No.13322903

they are not very expensive like physical books

>> No.13322907

>I'm gay but only interested in mind-control and/or muscle-growth and/or worship. I buy them compulsively to feel accepted into the capitalism society as a target audience
>calling others pathetic losers

>> No.13322917

Yep many of us are into MG by childhood cartoons like Hulk. Search youtube "cartoon muscle growth".

>> No.13322928

elsw why would I browse 4channel?

>> No.13322929


I'd say I'm fascinated by learning of this new subset of stupidity, but it's actually as boring as every other kind.

>> No.13322976

As she loaded the plate onto the bar she took four deep breaths, this was supposed to be her new one rep max and she wasn't sure she could finish it. Her massive thighs moved her to the rack. She tackled the bar and snugged her traps under it. She pushed up. Took a deep breath. And stepped back. This was it. The weight was crushing her. She exhaled and inhaled once again. She braced her chiseled abs. Her breasts backed by massive pecs clinched. She dropped down. Ass to grass. The forced of the world on her shoulders. She was scrunched. She was squished. She started getting wet. This was the moment she loved. The thrill. The pain. The risk. She pushed. her muscles strained. Sinews seemed to be on the verge of snapping. She pushed harder. She started feeling it. She was cumming. She strained. Her massive thighs contracting with the force of a thousand fists of the north star. Sweat beads dripping into her cracks. Moisture building up. With a final scream that filled the gym she finished the rep. Exhausted. She racked the weight. Her legs twitching.

>> No.13322987

I think I've seen doujins like that. Are you a bottom or a top? I'm also gay and it seems like a) most gays are bottoms so I'd have a bigger audience if I wrote from the bottom's point of view and b) tops aren't likely to read erotica. Or would bottoms like to read erotica told from the tops point of view

>> No.13323014

Yes that kind of self indulgence for stoic discipline and ego makes my pp hard, not a magical wish fulfillment.

>> No.13323040

Prefers bottom and bottom's POV

>> No.13323047

based thread

>> No.13323064

Hmm ok. Do you have any suggestions for erotica I should check out to get a sense of how to write them?

>> No.13323071

Tips on categories/SEO when uploading a book?

>> No.13323082

I've had worse health than you and my poverty was worse too.
You're very upset. It tells me you don't enjoy this and want a way out but perceive you have no other choice. Give it all to God. That's the real thirst and hunger you're trying to quench. Put your faith in him and he will take care of the rest.

>> No.13323084

I don't want to shill but eutawville was my favorite purchasing experience; attractive author profile, nice bookcover without cheap erotica vibe, modest description.

>> No.13323091

Cumbrain retard.

>> No.13323104

Thanks Anon. You've been a big help :)

>> No.13323141

i have an actual scat fetish. that market is mine, poser.
thanks /d/. writing analingus right now. want to do some panty-pissing too.

>> No.13323162

the only person in the house that can fuck me is an 11 year old, lol.
i know, i was never actually analized. but i'm still thinking about it. i might be. and we'll see if you get to that point tonight:)
and now, what did you see in the house? like...a huge penis. do you think we might be going over the full length of that?
i can't believe that, actually...you said this with your hand on my bottom lip. i just don't understand everything about you.

>> No.13323213

3000 words in and now Katie has fucked chad and is now cucking chad from the apartment window across the street. How did it devolve this quickly?

>> No.13323233

Why didn't you protect Katie? You could have prevented this.

>> No.13323243

It was Katies idea to take her date, who happened to live across the street from chad, to his apartment and fuck her next to the window after facetiming chad.

But I think the twist is that some asian hookers are gonna show up in his window the next time she looks after the italian cums inside her.

>> No.13323257

>Chad was positioned at the center of the 30-foot wide circular bed at the center of the bedroom

That's a pretty big bed

>> No.13323260
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I would unironically rather leave everyone around me in grief and kill myself than write LGBT erotica.

>> No.13323263

For you

>> No.13323271
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>telling him she was ready for his trojan horse.

>> No.13323292
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There's a guy in /trash/ who writes femdom alien stories who shits out like 2k words a day every single day, sticks together a novel every month or two, and makes his living doing that.

Women are definitely a large part of the consumerbase, but people underestimate male interest in erotica because we have so many other avenues to pursue our interests, whereas women tend to congregate around this specific one. That said, 90% of the erotica I actively seek out is just stuff that isn't well-represented in other mediums or is impossible/dangerous outside the realm of fiction. If I'm not feeling like a specific kink, then I'll just throw on a video or pull up sadpanda and call it a day.

An anon wanted to commission me for a scat story, so yes, there are audiences for that.

Hello fellow MGfag. Stop compulsive shopping. You and I both know Metabods exists, just read the free shit there and pay into the owner's Patreon so the site can stay online if you want to gib mone that badly.

>> No.13323297
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>> No.13323314


>> No.13323318

I need to go to the gym. God damn I miss powerlifting girls. Never fucked them, but it sure was fun to watch. Was always jelly of the strongman bros who dated them. I bet that pussy was tighter than the grip of a 405lb deadlift. Why do goth girls never want to work out.

>> No.13323334

No. Pls buy my future smut

>> No.13323358
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Not him but also a gay writer, got into discussion about this a while ago, so I put up a poll for other writers: >>>/y/2635215

My suggestion is to just go for whatever feels right for a given story and not to worry about it too much.

Goth is a countercultural movement and being fit is seen as a cultural standard of attractiveness, so they're defying those standards. Or they're just lazy.

I write my own, I've never paid for a single word of it from anyone else. Geikomi is the only porn I will pay for and even then only rarely.

>> No.13323378

LMAOing at this webm
>l-look at muh muscles
lmao i would bitchslap this ho so hard her eyes would turn into waterfalls

bitch ass ho shake my damn HEAD

>> No.13323486

>An anon wanted to commission me for a scat story, so yes, there are audiences for that.
hot damn. i wonder if amazon allows it. what kind of shit was he into specifically?

i don't do fart though, it's disgusting.
imagine buying sheets for it.

>> No.13323503


Top comment suggests you're bullshitting, unless you're one of the luckers who got it in early, i.e. years ago, and has been consistently putting out smut to a growing fan base.

>> No.13323512


>> No.13323521

You say?

>> No.13323549

Maybe the fellow in that Reddit thread was only writing hetero smut

>> No.13323917
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More or less reveling in poop, I guess is the simplest way to put it. I'll leave it at that. A lot of people, myself included, aren't into scat, but are willing to write it if sufficiently incentivized, so you often see creators increasing commission prices for things like that. I recall seeing a post from another anon author who straight up doubled his normal commission price for a scat comm.

>> No.13324107


>> No.13324305
File: 45 KB, 551x295, proof.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I did it boys. Katie is up for sale.

>> No.13324370

Can writing non erotic shit still be profitable?

>> No.13324561

Nice decent cover. How did you get that?

>> No.13324602


not only are you capable of putting your ego aside to write diarrhea and earn cash, you also share the tip with your fellow anons. Thank you /lit/bro. I'm no good writer but I might /ic/ my way through tailor made degenerate porn for rich weebs. Art doesnt sell unless you suck cock in certain closed circles.

Also when you write this kind of stuff is it mainly for chicks ? Do you target a specific audience ?

>> No.13324613

I already had the adobe cloud suite, so I found a picture on adobe's stock photos after searching "sexy business woman". Threw it into illustrator because I haven't installed photoshop. Found two silly fonts. Aligned it to where there was white space for the font.

Also I had no idea what I was doing for keywords, it's pretty vanilla other than the cuck/voyeur stuff at the end so I doubt it'll reach much an audience, Probably went too into physical detail than emotional, and I chose a dude's pen name and not a womans. But I just thought LANCE BASTION was such an absurd and silly name I couldn't resist. It's only 3889 words with two sex scenes. We'll see how it goes. I haven't ever read actual smut, only manga from exhentai.

>> No.13324656

ty 4 Dtailed explanation I should subs adoB

>> No.13324669

Np, I will post sales updates either for the "HOLY SHIT I MADE SOME MONEY" or the "lmao 3.50"

>> No.13324683

Would you write raps for money

>> No.13324692

>No, I'm sorry but Adobe Stock images cannot be used on the cover of romance novels.

>In general terms, yes you can use an Adobe Stock image for the cover of your book. There are a few exceptions. The image cannot provide the primary value of the book.

>Another thing to keep in mind is that the use of the image cannot be perceived as offensive by a model featured in the image. No steamy romance novels, political content, etc

waiting for the lawsuit lol

>> No.13324709

That's why you study English grammar as if your life depended on becoming a grammarian, idiot.
t. ex-ESL

>> No.13324715

>Shutterstock will not license Content for use in connection with matter that is pornographic, defamatory or deceptive, or in a manner that could be considered libelous, obscene, or illegal in nature.

How do you get a porn cover license?

>> No.13324730

Oh shit, I guess I'll take it down and find a new cover.

>> No.13324740

>tfw korean e-pulp fiction market is overwhelmed
>only few dozens of authors earn 10K+/month for 1~2year
>rest barely earns 1k/month for 3 month, usally requires 6 months of free work
>the industry standard is 5k letters/day, which would be 3k words/day in english
The gap between english market and native market is like Hollywood and porn industry.

>> No.13324745

>he needs legal advice from 4chan to earn 10 bucks
reevaluate your business skill and go back to wagie job

>> No.13324748

Well fuck, I can't take it down while it's being reviewed.

>> No.13324772

It didn't even cross my mind. I was like "well it's a stock image I've paid for so I should be good!"

>Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. admitted at a college appearance on Tuesday that he doesn’t usually read the fine print that computer users must agree to

>> No.13324808

extremely based, to levels we havent seen on /lit/ in years

>> No.13324914

I can hear the sirens already, anon
theyre coming for you, pack your toothbrush and PJs

>> No.13324918

If this were true you would not be telling us, your competition

>> No.13325109

That's solid writing, but, obviously, not inspired or actually good. If that satisfies the poor taste readers, good for you that you're capitalizing on it.

>> No.13325113

If you are as based as we suppose, post your first shat-out page.

>> No.13325398

Is there a limit to what you can publish through amazon ? Like, could i get some extreme rape/torture stuff published somehow ?

>> No.13325667


>> No.13326629


>> No.13326821

I swapped the cover, it has to be reviewed. But for now the book is online. Holy balls this is so fucking dumb.

>> No.13326871

I'm currently do research at my local library, perusing the 'romance' section.
From what I can tell you want a situation that isn't inherently sexual but allows the demonstration of sexual characteristics.
So in one book the moment before the sec scene is two dudes fighting over the gal. One kisses her out of nowhere but she doesn't have feelings for him, of course the moment is described in detail. The hero dude instinctively comes to her rescue and wrestles the first guy away and they are just about to have a manly scuffle before she breaks it up. As they leave she's trying to explain the situation to the second guy when she let's slip that she might be interested in him. Then she notices how bot and bothered she is and how hot and bothered he is and it all tumbles from there.

Now I'm looking troublesome farmhand who, distracted by our heroine's figure wounds his arm and she has to bandage him up. He wants to tend to it himself so she tries to hold him still, to no avail against his manly bulk. In any case it all goes tumbling from there.

I'v got one waifish druid and her rugged Scottish werewolf protector on the pile as well as no-nonsense Hispanic cop and the cool interloping FBI agent in something that has zombies, psychic detectives and a dolphin.

>> No.13326876

this dude has 378000 ratings on goodreads

>My sweet little whorish Nora I did as you told me, you dirty little girl, and pulled myself off twice when I read your letter. I am delighted to see that you do like being fucked arseways. Yes, now I can remember that night when I fucked you for so long backwards. It was the dirtiest fucking I ever gave you, darling. My prick was stuck in you for hours, fucking in and out under your upturned rump. I felt your fat sweaty buttocks under my belly and saw your flushed face and mad eyes. At every fuck I gave you your shameless tongue came bursting out through your lips and if a gave you a bigger stronger fuck than usual, fat dirty farts came spluttering out of your backside. You had an arse full of farts that night, darling, and I fucked them out of you, big fat fellows, long windy ones, quick little merry cracks and a lot of tiny little naughty farties ending in a long gush from your hole. It is wonderful to fuck a farting woman when every fuck drives one out of her. I think I would know Nora’s fart anywhere. I think I could pick hers out in a roomful of farting women. It is a rather girlish noise not like the wet windy fart which I imagine fat wives have. It is sudden and dry and dirty like what a bold girl would let off in fun in a school dormitory at night. I hope Nora will let off no end of her farts in my face so that I may know their smell also...

>> No.13326885

This is the vision Peter Sotos could never actually make a reality himself.

>> No.13326929

Good to know anon, you're doing god's dirty work with all that sensual, penetratingly deep research.

>> No.13326978

Okay so it turns out the zombie-dolphin murder mystery is 90% slice of life mystery 5% intensely vanilla erotica. Flipping through other books I'm starting to think anything with a CIA or FBI agent is bound to be fucking lame sexwise.

Also Celtic warriors are apparently super hot and really into meek useless girls. This one in particular is a time traveling shapeshifter. There's this power dynamic where he's super tough but not fit for the modern world and desperately wants to bone druid chick but knows it's not his place to do so. He also has water bending powers and feels her up while they hide from mercenaries beneath the sea but it doesn't go anywhere. Eventually they fuck in a safehouse.
Top tier pre-bone groping but it's no beefy farmhand.

>> No.13326981


keep us updated bro cover looks good

>> No.13326998

This is an absurd train wreck, but I can't turn away. Please keep us updated on what you find out.
Thanks, will do. Can't wait for that whole 3.50.

>> No.13327100

As far as I can tell stories about cowboys, firemen, bikers and the like are all about the dude. Its constantly describing what a manly hunky he is and how our self-insert gal just wants to give into his musky muscles and have all kinds of raw sex.
highlight of my reading experience: the hunky Italian fireman groans "mama mia" as he plows the chick

The fantasy stories tend to focus more on both the chick and the dude. How elegant and firm the girl is against her rough stern man. There is usually some sort of special bond between them that they have to give into or fight against.
There are also a lot of shapeshifters but very little shapeshifter sex.

And detectives are just vanilla shit.

In any case we want to see the dude struggling with uncontrollable urges.

>> No.13327144

>In any case we want to see the dude struggling with uncontrollable urges.
I can write about that.

Any of them first person in the dude? Or is it all first or limited 3rd focusing on the woman?

>> No.13327821

Should the pen name be a man's or a woman's? Like who do women want? A fellow woman or a man they can think is a chad or something?

>> No.13327838

>In any case we want to see the dude struggling with uncontrollable urges.
Demonic and evil.

>> No.13327870

Has anyone here tried to set up a self-publishing business before? By this I don't mean writing books and publishing them yourself, I mean hiring freelance writers to write about normie topics like weight loss, vegetarian diets, erotica, self-help, etc. and then publishing them on Amazon. I've seriously been considering this lately I'm just not sure of the risks and how lucrative it really is.

>> No.13328344

I assume it'll always be a woman. How do you get across youre a chad and not.. y'know... a 300lb NEET?

>> No.13328377

don't tell /biz/ about this, most of those faggots still think the shrimp business will rocket at any moment

>> No.13328396

>I shoved my bitwallet up her portfolio
>"Oh fuck, doge coin never hit the spot like this before!"

>> No.13328661

Onto imperial spaceship captain getting fucked by a space pirate terrorist.

>> No.13328806

isnt that just metroid lol

>> No.13329019

I haven't read any first person males yet but there are a couple that switch 3rd person perspective between the man and woman.

Another important note is that out of the 9 or 10 I'v scanned so far -I read at least a chapter near the beginning, a sex chapter, the two chapters preceding sex and one after and whatever random bits I hit flipping through- out of those I have not come across one mention of dick size. Dicks are talked about, bulges, erect manhood and all that but I have not heard one specifically described as large. Largeness seems to be implied but it obviously isn't important enough to talk about, at least not in these stories.

Another important thing is that in these books there are only a couple of outright sex scenes. I think zombie-dolphin-detective only has one, but then a again she is a huge disappointment. What these books have a lot of is near sex scenes, groping, full contact flirting, maybe an accidental orgasm or some other scandalous accident. So outright sex is a payoff after chapters of rigorous teasing.

>> No.13329172

I might actually try this, my mum is rich and my father and I literally give her shit for reading so much of this stuff.

Might be some truth to it anons

>> No.13329285

>not making it big, slowly transitioning into incest narratives, and then writing a masterpiece novel about getting your mom addicted to your stories without her knowing it was you, turning her onto incest, and fucking her on top of a pile of your erotica earnings

>> No.13329308

>time to upload!
>need to change cover
>I should probably change my search terms

Good thing I'm learning this the first time I suppose.
So no coke can sized thickle pickles? Damn.
On the topic of length and edging the sex scenes, how long are these romance books you're looking at? Sounds like 50k type stuff instead of 5-10k smut.

>> No.13329441

So I’m unironically staying up late, writing trash just to test this.

Wish me luck you weird fuckers.

>> No.13329495

Mostly I'v been looking at the full length novels because I have been literally sitting in the public library next to a stack of smutty novels for, like, four hours.
But from what Iv gathered in a short story you only need to build up to one really good sex scene. The standard pattern being a build of mildly erotic shit, a near sex moment, what seems like a moment of calm and then a sudden intense sex scene followed some kind of character reveal and plot resolution.

And that's not to say you can't have big cocks but from what I can tell that needs to part of the guy's thing. For basically any tough guy archetype the big dick is assumed and what matters is what the dude is doing to the chick with it. In fact the gal's vaginal state seems to matter just as much as the cock.

For cocks you want ether a surprising reveal of a big dick or have it play into some specific characteristic of the dude like race or species.
In describing the cock you want to focus on the tactile. Bulges are important and having them press up against the girl. The feel of the cock and how it makes the girl feel is vital.

So the dick will be big unless you say otherwise. If you are going to make it HUGE make sure making it huge matters.
And remeber the chick generally isn't just looking at it, she's experiencing it, amongst other things. The guy should have moves to match his dick.

>> No.13329527

The mental picture of you in the library is amazing. You should write a story about someone researching smut only for the sexy librarian to come and fuck you in between the stacks.

>> No.13329606

>tfw I spent a good portion of my morning thinking about schocky prompts and scenarios for erotica
I am disgusted in myself

>> No.13329711

/smut/ general is making me upset with how much time it's parricide idea's have crept into my brain for. But I'm 2k words into captain/space pirate/android/lesbian story. So it's kinda fun. Learning to write by producing instead of studying is fun.

>> No.13329728

Good luck, anon.

>> No.13329830

You should team up with an artist to make more money.

>> No.13329832

Hahahah. Awesome dude. The deepest black, but deeper... good for you.

>> No.13329838


>> No.13329865

tfw make 10k a month doing superfluous corporate work because I went to yale

get in on THIS nigga

>> No.13329883
File: 14 KB, 480x484, 61588292_624660288000267_3445366217311780864_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut up, Jesus can wait

>> No.13329905

I have a JD, but smut seems way more fun.

>> No.13329917
File: 1.23 MB, 1917x1381, Come on.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am ashamed to admit it, but as a highschooler I would stay awake at night and self insert myself into fantasy anime I would come up with in my head.

I could easily do the same, maybe making less than 4k, but I'm confident I could be successful because of how often I daydreamed about shit like that. Still, though. I respect myself and the people around me far too much to take part in such degeneracy.

>> No.13329930

Not op, but think about it: at least you are honest of the cringe shit you did when a kid.
All of us done stupid garbage when we were younger, but needs some extra courage to actualy admit it.

>> No.13330764


Based, I’ve got around 4K words already, wish me luck anon.