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/lit/ - Literature

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13307965 No.13307965 [Reply] [Original]

Go get an education before you make all these broad, sweeping claims about things you don't understand

>> No.13307970

College doesn't necessarily do shit. You could learn everything you learn in college by sitting in a library. I say this as a college senior

>> No.13307973

Just finished my college education.
YouTube videos from Indians literally taught me everything.
Thanks pajeet for teaching me how to program

>> No.13308032


>> No.13308052
File: 41 KB, 634x620, mgneoateq1uz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Graduated and now have my piece of paper. No job yet thanks

>> No.13308096

I majored in Zoology

>> No.13308104

thanks to deconstructionism and the internet, everyone can be a professional journalist. also my favorite hobbies include memes and facebook. hooray for post modernism

>> No.13308149

Why, so I can be slightly better at bullshitting?

>> No.13308322

Only people who actually have higher education can shit talk academia, everyone else doing it is just coping