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/lit/ - Literature

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13306954 No.13306954 [Reply] [Original]

What's your preferred translation? For me, it's NIV but I hear people don't like it. Why?

>> No.13307114

It has several misleading translation choices (see here: https://isthatinthebible.wordpress.com/articles-and-resources/deliberate-mistranslation-in-the-new-international-version-niv/))

Most modern translations are pretty good, it's more about what to avoid. Don't get loose translations like the NLT or GNB.

>> No.13307146


>> No.13307165

NSRVCE for casual everyday reading.
DRA for when I feel like it.

Vulgata when I want accuracy.

>> No.13307225
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>> No.13307233
File: 156 KB, 664x882, 3E23B9B9-E2EC-4973-80D4-47648F5CB6C2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not reading the interlinear complete with Hebrew word numbers

>> No.13307243

>The and the and the god created the in earth earth heavens beginning god the and deep the on the face and darkness and energy without form was and light let be .god said then the message of the face out moving gently
What did the Jews men by this?

>> No.13307246
File: 348 KB, 1236x1084, 080D6516-18F3-4525-B01E-FFEC43E5949F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13307489

They want our foreskins.

>> No.13307492

Might as well go for the RSVCE or ESV since they read just as fluidly but are more accurate which is adequate for that type of text.

The Catholic Church left Vulgate supremacy anon.

>> No.13307517

The Literal English Version ticks the boxes for what I have wanted to see in a translation for a while now, specifically the incorporation of parashah divisions and more accurate transliteration of Hebrew proper nouns. I don't agree with all of its choices but it does set a good precedent. Its usage of Hebraic forms in the NT is less suitable in my opinion but it can be an insightful rendering of the OT at least.


>> No.13307521

Is this a page scan for rodents?

>> No.13307523
File: 315 KB, 1259x1600, 1528396929464.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've only got a Gideon's bible I stole from a hotel and it's kind of a shit king James type translation but I have added some of my own translation notes I got off the internet. If you've got a less interesting translation then adding notes is pretty vital to read it properly.

>> No.13307526

i like RSV desu senpai

>> No.13307620

(English translation of vulgate)

>> No.13307635

KJV or the Orthodox Study Bible

>> No.13307648

Why didn't you just find out when and where the Gideons were handing out bibles?
They do it every year at my college

>> No.13307709

You didn't steal it. The Gideons want people to take them.

>> No.13307847

Had a little thing in the cover saying you weren't supposed to keep it but no worries then I guess

>> No.13308604

Buy a decent fucking bible anon

>> No.13308615

NIV is a paraphrase of the Bible not a real translation from the Greek and Hebrew. It is readable but yet another step away from the original sources. The modern NIV is gender neutral which is yet another step away for the sake of being PC

>> No.13308632

I’m Catholic, but I personally love the literary value of the KJV