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13305378 No.13305378 [Reply] [Original]

I have decided to live as a hermit.
What books will prepare me for this lifestyle?

>> No.13305418

Sayings of the Desert Fathers
Rule of St. Benedict

>> No.13305427 [DELETED] 
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>> No.13305434 [DELETED] 
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>> No.13305444 [DELETED] 
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>> No.13305450

my diary desu

>> No.13305459

Join the Church you knobhead

>> No.13305470


>> No.13305537

Which one? The Church of Satan?

>> No.13305560

honestly, robinson crusoe.
take a bible

>> No.13305569

probably there doesn't need to be so many books saying the same thing
a lot of people are already on board with not working, what's needed is a way to live

>> No.13305724

Really any. Bring a lot of books with you, and materials for other aesthetic pursuits, like painting or music. Practically speaking, though, how do you intend to afford being a hermit? You could always just function as a hermit outside of your 9 to 5.

>> No.13305748
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Anon, old lad, do I have the book for you
>The focus of How to Be a Hermit is Cuppy's time living in a shack on a small island, Jones Island, off Long Island's south shore, from 1921 to 1929. The nearby Coast Guard crew helped him repair the shack and shared supplies and recipes with him. In 1929 the encroachment of the Jones State Park forced him off the island, but a dispensation from the head of the parks department allowed him to keep the shack, and he continued to visit the island until his death.
>These gently humorous essays show the difficulty of living alone, dependent on the mercy of the coast guardsmen and the seasonal visitors to the island, who left behind miscellaneous canned goods when they left. He quotes the acerbic comments of his only companion, a black cat.
>He supported himself by writing book reviews for $0.25 each, and writing a column for the New York Herald Tribune, and selling articles to the New Yorker and McCall's magazine. Very shy of people, Cuppy never married, thus the subtitle. He described a hermit as "simply a person to whom civilization has failed to adjust itself."
All memes aside this is peak comfy, highly rec'd.

>> No.13305979

>how do you afford living naked in a hole in the forest?
Dang, you are poor!