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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 2.87 MB, 2396x3430, 44anime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13303634 No.13303634[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Are any of these worth watching? Where should I start? I mostly have watched like romance anime and Ghibli and Kon works. rn I'm watching Evangelion because I heard a little about it and it was on the list. How based is this list? Dont complain about the red marker because it was on the OG when I picked it up sometime ago on lit, the blues are mine, but I couldn't find a cleaner version so if someone has that, that'd be lit.

>> No.13303656

Watch Haibane Renmei, Kaiji, Mind Game, Ping Pong, Planetes, Utena, and Serial Experiments Lain. Start with whatever the fuck you want. Kaiji or Planetes are probably the most accessible from the list I gave, but it's anime so it's not like any of it is difficult.

>> No.13303679

>Are any of these worth watching?
If you ask something like this then you are lost in life and have nothing important going on if you can squander so easily your time on a bullshit like anime. There are real experiences that are worth pursuing, important books that are hard to read all in a lifetime, and you are asking some random people on the internet whether your pathetic life will get better if you waste your time on garbage. The answer is no, none of the media except books and occasional music worth consuming, get a hold of your life and do something real for god's sake.

>> No.13303694
File: 249 KB, 384x406, 1541565391254.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Angel's Egg is absolutely worth watching

>> No.13303700


>> No.13303735
File: 12 KB, 350x296, AlfieHoldingANews.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The image literally says lit. /a/ is fucking cancer and you know it. Also theres a manga side too

>> No.13303739

/a/ - Anime & MANGA

>> No.13303757
File: 7 KB, 114x125, GetALOAD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking love the people who have never seen a good movie, read a good comic book, seen a good piece of art, or finished a decent television series (these are rarer). They offer completely contrary experiences to books. I have not cried after reading fucking Hegel, but I can cry after watching something tragic happen on the screen. It is a much more primal form of art, which does not means it cannot be high art just because of its simplicity, we are visual creatures goddammit, our eyes are our dominant sense, until you go fucking blind. Reading is such a fucking anomolie in the scope of all things its fucking hilarious. So become a real patrician and engage with ALL arts forms, no matter how squalorous you deem them, you're simply looking for a medium more pompous than literature which will not exist.

>> No.13303760

Could I get the image without the bullshit?

>> No.13303761

>The image literally says lit. /a/ is fucking cancer and you know it.

>> No.13303764

It’s cancer because people like you use that board you fucking retard

>> No.13303765

Well go back to your cancerous shithole then, faggot

>> No.13303768

Why don't you? I always see you shitting up the board you stupid fucking tripfag.

>> No.13303773
File: 515 KB, 680x588, 1560626598563.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never been to /a/ and I'm not shitting up the board I'm simply making it better.

>> No.13303779

Take your narcissistic virtue signalling somewhere else.

>> No.13303783

literally no one fucking wants you here. Go to r9k and join a fucking rope thread

>> No.13303792

Hey what are some /lit/ vegetables? This is relevant to the board since the vegetables are supposed to be /lit/

>> No.13303805

Only anime ever made that is worth watching is Anohana.

>> No.13303810

Youre a fucking vegetable on lit rn so if you want less vegetables on the board gtfo

>> No.13303817

Fuck you turbovirgin incel freaks. Go back to /pol/ or whatever shithole you came from. You do not belong on /lit/!

>> No.13303819

Hey what are some /lit/ /lit/ ? This is relevant to the board since /lit/ is supposed to be /lit/.

>> No.13303826

Dude why are you mad just answer the question or fuck off

>> No.13303829



>> No.13303839
File: 164 KB, 398x307, Fuckingg Pleb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im mad because its a dumbfucking question. Carrots are the most fucking based vegetable on the goddamn planet
pic related

>> No.13303843

You're obsessed with trans people and anime. You need to get a life instead of being an incel freak. I bet you're a racist piece of shit too.

>> No.13303844
File: 102 KB, 746x500, 1560447001530.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This thread
Can't y'all niggas just have sex lmao

>> No.13303849

I don't watch anime and I'm not a fag.
I'm also not even white.

Apply yourself.

>> No.13303858
File: 84 KB, 1200x800, SH_headshot.0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get our of here you brown piece of shit

>> No.13303865

paradoxically, as you flaunt your perverted ways, you fail to realize that your televisual sight-fixation is in fact a shying away from and into the outer world of audio-hearing. This is further illustrated from your rather papier-mache-esque mosaic of incongruous thought forms. Not to mention your absolute debasement in what is to anyone with some shred of sense not much more than the mundane. You re-representative nigger

>> No.13303880

You just contradicted yourself, how fucked in the head are you?

>> No.13304418
File: 1.20 MB, 1500x1500, 1314481082551.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tatami galaxy
tatami galaxy
tatami galaxy
tatami galaxy
tatami galaxy

>> No.13304650

Aside from the Miyazaki stuff, the main things worth watching are FLCL, Berserk, and to a lesser extent Cowboy Bebop.

>> No.13304725
File: 30 KB, 360x360, 52133.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I blind or is Monogatari not on that list?
What the FUCK

>> No.13305352

This, Tatami Galaxy is like if Pynchon made an anime and then brought Kafka in to make episode 10

>> No.13305360

I can see why being blind would help you enjoy monogatari

>> No.13305366

That's not butterfly you fucking retards, that's not an exclamation mark before the m

>> No.13305385
File: 961 KB, 467x263, 1560115013922.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Angel's Egg is great. It's one of those movies worth watching solely for the quality of animation and the aesthetics, there's next to no plot. If you're easily bored or have a short attention span you might want to skip it though.

>> No.13305396

TTG is nothing like Pynchon though. It's more of a stream-of-consciousness coming of age story.