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1329985 No.1329985 [Reply] [Original]

Had sex without a condom lately?

Interpol might be after you.


>> No.1330017

Or, you know, made some governments uber butthurt. Considering the UK police force didn't arrest him and needed to request extra info several times, this sounds like dumb shit.

>> No.1330033

fuckin love this dude. has a threesome with two bitches. doesn't use a condom. and then goes on to blow up america's spot.

he is a bro if there ever was one.

>> No.1330041


n/m he didn't have a threesome but he fucked them both within days of each other

>> No.1330043

surprise sex?

>> No.1330052


Surprised buttsex.

>> No.1330062


lol seriously...that's the name of the swedish law "sex by surprise"

so basically this is about two broads who fawned over him within days of each other, he scored them both--the condom broke with one and he didn't wear a condom with the other. these two women found out about each other and were worried about possible STDs so they....went to the police to figure out how to force him to get tested?

>the two women talked and realised to their horror and anger that they had both been victims of his charm.

bullshit--especially in the case of the second woman. she pursued HIM and was only pissed because he blew her off after he fucked her.

there is no crime here.

>> No.1330064
File: 41 KB, 217x216, shit sucks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

having sex is so alpha.

>> No.1330071

so the crime comes with a $715 fine. so why not just pay the fine. oh yeah...because they want to put him in cuffs and do a whole perp walk with him for the media. and then...

>The prosecutors have refused to talk to his lawyers. I think the idea is to take him into custody, have the US ask for extradition for espionage


>> No.1330072


>there is no crime here.

actually technically there is a "crime" here--albeit a frivolous, obscure one that only carries a puny fine. but it's not for rape or anything like that.

>> No.1330073

how would you know?

>> No.1330099


wedsnesday was the christmas disco('rave' would have been more fitting) down at the student union. you guys said something really terrible that night to me though i cant remember what it was. so i went. said to two groups of people my mates had 'ditched' me when asked if i was waiting for someone. second time i took up invitation to sit with them. got pretty tipsy but was giggly more than depressed this time. one of the passable girls in the group was doing that indirect 'i want to be alive' thing under the guise of being interested in me. kissing was surprisingly easy & i admit ok. left while her friends were giggling with her or something like that. took a taxi to hers. she made me pay since she apparently didnt have enough. 'did the deed' i didnt even come. loosewhore. had to pretend i did. she fell asleep. i left & went home. cried alot the next two days. didnt even post on /lit/. thanks.

>> No.1330109


>> No.1330115

not a gurl.

>> No.1330122


would you kindly get the fuck out of here?

>> No.1330125

thanks for bumping, you're so sensitive.