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/lit/ - Literature

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13299730 No.13299730[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

<100 IQ - Christian
100-130 IQ - Atheist
>130 IQ - Christian

>> No.13299738

130+ is catholic specifically but yeah pretty much

>> No.13299746

I believe in the religion that is outside of religion, one that constructs itself outside of familiarity and becomes a whole based on current reality.

>> No.13299765


>> No.13299767

130+ is pagan moon-worship, rest is correct

>> No.13299774

>catholic priest gives the start up for the big bang theory
>meanwhile protestant priests claim the earth is flat

>> No.13299777

what sect has the lowest IQ? JW's? Pentecostals?

>> No.13299787

JW's and Mormons are tied
>hurr durr we don't believe in the Trinity hurr durr but we're still Christians hurr durr

>> No.13299788

the answer to that will be awkward

>> No.13299792

Hard to say, desu
I would pick the JW for their zealous autism

>> No.13299793

Nah, cults tend to have high IQ at the top and low IQ at the bottom

>> No.13299801

what is the answer then

>> No.13299802

Missouri Synod Lutherans

>> No.13299819


>> No.13299823

was gonna say this.

>> No.13299836

some type of Baptist

>> No.13299865


The big Brazilian protestant churches.

>> No.13299866

<100 IQ - Christian
100-130 IQ - Atheist
>130 IQ - Christian
-> IQ<80

IQ<100 - Christian
100<IQ<130 - Atheist
IQ>130 - Christian

>> No.13299871
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>> No.13299873

So much fucking this, it's the fucking worst thing ever, and the heads of the church are evil minded fucks who don't even believe in the bullshit they say (see Edir Macedo cosplaying as rabbi)

>> No.13299874

What is the appeal of Anglicanism?

>> No.13299882

Mormons are basically dumb jews into bad sci-fi

>> No.13299883

Having more wifes

>> No.13299891


>> No.13299917

80iq- animist
140iq- animist

>> No.13299934

being pedantic

not being pedantic

>> No.13299969


anglo "culture" - basically an alternative version of Catholicism without the pope. good deal of anglo sects have actually reconciled with the church

>> No.13300083
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> jewish
> white
Nice try schlomo

>> No.13300135

Jews are white.

>> No.13300136

The holocaust was a white genocide

>> No.13300149

this but with 125 - 130 IQ added in as orthodox territory for the jay dyer fedora types

>> No.13300170
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<100 IQ - Christian
100-130 IQ - Atheist
.>130 IQ - Pantheist

>> No.13300427

this so much

>> No.13300441

*poos in street*

>> No.13300523

<100 - fiction
100-130- non-fiction
130+ - fiction

>> No.13300550

IQ < 100 - Protestant
100 - 110 - Atheist
110 - 115 - Buddhist
115 - 120 - Vedanta
120 -130 - Atheist
130-135 - Orthodox
135+ - Catholic

>> No.13300557

>200 IQ - Hindu

>> No.13300565
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Hindu - poo in the loo

>> No.13300573
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>Christians making an idol of knowledge

>> No.13300583

0-200 IQ - Atheist

>> No.13300631

How do you figure that, when protestants are encouraged to think for themselves, while Catholics are expected to comply with papal heresies?

>> No.13300642

Absolutely based.

>> No.13300644

>God is whatever I say he is!

>> No.13300650
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Based and Midwest pilled

>> No.13300709

80-100 christcuck
100-110 muslim
110-130 atheist
130-150 jew
150-180 buddhist
180-200 hindu
250 taoist
400 space taoist

>> No.13300746

>Nah, cults tend to have high IQ at the top and low IQ at the bottom
Usually true - but eventually the original leadership dies off. If the cult survives, the people who actually believe in it take charge, so it becomes low IQ throughout.

>> No.13300751

Why can’t the old leaders pass on leadership to high iq new leaders?

>> No.13300760

<100 IQ - Dostoevsky
100-130 IQ - Tolstoy
.>130 IQ - Dostoevsky

>> No.13300762

i know op is trolling, but everyone else is taking it way too seriously.

>> No.13300816

Even if they could find high IQ people willing to take over, but not so eager to take over as to be a threat, why would they? Leading a cult is about exercising power. Once they're dead, there's nothing in it for them!

>> No.13300822


>> No.13300848

not only does this have nothing to do with /lit/ it's also a ton of terrible posts

/lit/ delivers again

>> No.13301596

130+ IQ - Muslim
Sorry but this is the only correct way to do this.

>> No.13301616

Shitposts are the backbone of /lit/

>> No.13301661

< 100 IQ - Otaku
100-130 IQ - Gamers
> 130 IQ - Otaku

>> No.13301700
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>This person isn't white according to /pol/
Fuck off, you'd never be able to tell without googling them

>> No.13301730

>130 - Christian atheist.

>> No.13302253

130-170 Catholic
170+ Orthodox

>> No.13302258
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>> No.13302268
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200+ IQ Egotheist

>> No.13302311


>135 IQ - Ivan Ilyin

>> No.13302318

Southern Baptists probably

>> No.13302331

<100 IQ - Protestant
100-130 IQ - Atheist
>130 - Christian


>> No.13302376

>t. ELCAfag

>> No.13302409

Boy fuckers and too retarded to read and interpret the Bible in their own.
>130 IQ