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13299461 No.13299461 [Reply] [Original]

What do you guys think of the New Age Movement?

>> No.13299465

cringe and bluepilled

>> No.13299492

The product of the cult of self-help, of therapeutic ideology and the equivalent of a get-rich-quick scheme for people who fancy themselves "mindful", never recognizing that there are no riches at the end of this rainbow to begin with.

>> No.13299496

shit-tier syncretism that mixes ancient teachings into lazy spiritual materialism

new age people want to get "spiritual" without renouncing keeping up with the Joneses

something hardcore like buddhist mind training means that you need to stop consuming goods and media like a hungry ghost -- oh horror!

>> No.13299529

>and what have we done of this consumption of information?
bhuddism is not lit, unless you count all those who don't actually read books. (I'm looking at you.)

>> No.13299560

sorry, I unironically don't understand zoomerspeak

"buddhism" is like 3-4 different religions with a common base under one umbrella

theravada and especially its thai forest tradition are pragmatic af and you have to read a bit of pali canon to start, but later focus shifts to the practice (wisdom, virtue, meditation)

new age is just some mumbo-jumbo to feel yourself deeper than the others, speaking from first-hand experience with its followers irl

>> No.13299963

most advanced modern-day spirituality
anti-newagers are midwit brainlets cucked by the 'new age is bad' meme

>> No.13300007

Hippies don't know even half the shit they shill. This is the reason no one takes western Buddhists seriously: they lack a fundamental understanding of the religion. They literally practiced a bastardized version of it.

>> No.13300024

> we are all one, all paths lead to liberation, let’s drop acid dude!

btw the best book on the topic of bastardizarion of buddhism in the west is “buddhist romanticism” by thanissaro bhikkhu

>> No.13300066

These so-called western "Buddhists" would flip their shit if they found out how anithetical Buddhism is to modern living. It's like they never heard of the Four Noble Truths and the Eightfold Path. The question is, if they did become aware of this, would they give up the current life they were living wholesale, or continue with their consumerist existence?
This but with a dash of narcissism.

>> No.13300260

Term used by angry traditionalists butthurt that their 'authority' is being usurped by syncretic newagers who dare have a personal experience of spiritual teachings and adapt it to their own philosophy and religion free from the dogmatic shackles of the 'official interpreters' of tradition.

>> No.13300297

Pure land Buddhism is the most based Buddhism

>> No.13300315

Desperate need of acquiring meaning and spirituality without religion zeal.

>> No.13300440

nobody's authority is being usurped, enjoy your fruitless path of spiritual materialism if you want

buddhists are pretty chill about people doing dumb shit because it's their kamma and not ours

just don't claim that the "choose your own adventure" cherry-picking from ancient texts is Buddhism because it's not what the Buddha taught

>> No.13300445

Cold War era Baby Boomer intelligence agency recruitment fronts

>> No.13300455

"New age" is a derogatory word used as a CIA psyop to prevent people from realizing that the occult is a powerful teaching more ancient than any so-called "trad" religion

>> No.13300518

>20th century hippy syncretism is more ancient than any religion
Ok buddy

>> No.13300536

So, weed-smoking organic-eating suburb dwellers have discovered the wisdom that is totally beyond the thousands of years of ascetics studying their minds and nature of so-called reality in the forests?

>> No.13300537

Extremely wrong. The traditional religions are the ancient religion(s).

>> No.13300540

>thinking "trad" religions aren't anything more than popular syncretisms spread through blood and violence
It's a very modernist thing to think postmodernism is something new, sweet summer child.

>> No.13300554

I'm saying the Buddha wouldn't be a Buddhist if he lived today, nor Christ a Christian.
>2000 year old texts
>humanity has existed for 200,000 years

>> No.13300556

It's already old news.

>> No.13300562

> what is the Pali Canon

>> No.13300567

> The Buddha would actually practice the Buddhist path and not just following it because his parents did.

You don't say!

>> No.13300572

>buddhism is a non-vedic religion
>even if it is vedic how old and insular is it?

>> No.13300578

New agers practice their spirituality more than tradfags who post about how butthurt they are online all day.

>> No.13300579

Good post.

What exactly is everyone's understanding of "new age" -- what are the core beliefs? Where did they come from? Is it all crystals and "wonky" stuff like that?

>> No.13300586

What's your point with the Vedic stuff?
Which part of Pali Canon aside from Abhidhamma and Jataka tales is popularly sourced?
How New Age idea salad is more useful than hundreds of philosophical discourses on the nature of mind and suffering in the Canon?

>> No.13300595

Worship of the past is lame and gay.
Good posts.

>> No.13300606

In the West maybe but there are literally hundreds of billions of Buddhists in the East, many of them are definitely hardcore practitioners just by the distribution. And don't forget the hundreds of thousands of monks.

Also, what's the point of practicing a dead-end spiritual path?


Buddhists don't worship aside from the Pure Land branch.

>> No.13300608

>hundreds of billions
milliions ofc
> distribution
*normal distribution

>> No.13300612
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>> No.13300629

What is the western buddhism like? I know nothing about it.

>> No.13300639

Triple gem. Literally says buddha is a supernatural "enlightened" being and the archetype of all future "enlightened" beings. Sounds pretty ridiculous. I subscribe to a Kantian notion of "enlightenment" and don't suck the Buddha's dick.

Btw, rationalwiki talks shit about all major religions.

New age has a living end unlike worshipping the past.

Follow the noble eightfold path and believe in the four noble truths. Don't take refuge in the triple gem but the western university system. Best enlightenment of both worlds is thus offered.

>> No.13300641

1) Get rid of all the theological terminology and doctrine such as enlightenment, damma, Four Noble Truths, Eightfold Path, bodhisattva, aranhat, etc. 2) Inject scientism into it.

>> No.13300656

Yoga pants and MAGA.

>> No.13300659
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>Don't take refuge in the triple gem but the western university system

>> No.13300661

>What is the western buddhism like? I know nothing about it.
Not understanding kamma, not training in five precepts (especially the one about not taking intoxicants), saying that rebirth is not literal, knowing better than the Buddha in general.

I subscribe to the Buddha's notion of "enlightenment" and don't suck Kant's dick.

> Btw, rationalwiki talks shit about all major religions.
Sure thing but they don't have much on Buddhism aside from rebirth and socially created problems.

> New age has a living end unlike worshipping the past.
Living end of what? I want to leave Samsara, it's pretty tiresome here.

>> No.13300668

Does New Age have a coherent doctrine? Are their any theological works on New Age that don't consist of a mish-mash of traditional religious texts or modern interpretations of them?

>> No.13300683

>incel psychologist
Sorry bout the virginity, friend
Samsara isn't real. Buddha was a confused vedic philosopher. Sucking western dick is better because it is not religious. I can be Kantian and atheistic. Alas no Buddhism without literally believing in supernatural magical enlightenment bullshit. Meanwhile, living ends is continuing knowledge into the future. Experimenting. Building. Creating.

Good luck achieving your supernatural end to all suffering and "rebirth". Pretty sure you are gonna have to live with the former and die without the latter anyway.

>> No.13300706
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>> No.13300738


>> No.13300761

>Samsara isn't real.
Ah, fine Mahayanist here, I see.

> Buddha was a confused vedic philosopher
I can play this game too: Kant was a confused Western philosopher.

> Sucking western dick is better because it is not religious.
I converted to Buddhism because practicing even small bits of it was significantly reducing my stress and changing my attitudes to things. Western philosophy usually sounds nice but isn't very practical to solve day-to-day issues in my mind and in my life.

> Alas no Buddhism without literally believing in supernatural magical enlightenment bullshit.
Nothing magical in awakening for me, check out how dependent origination works. Or this short essay: https://www.dhammatalks.org/books/KarmaOfQuestions/Section0009.html

> Experimenting. Building. Creating.
Getting old. Sick. Dead.

> Good luck achieving your supernatural end to all suffering and "rebirth". Pretty sure you are gonna have to live with the former and die without the latter anyway.
I'm not planning to achieve it in this life because I don't have necessary qualities yet.
The Buddhist path is not binary, it's a process. Looking back, I can see where I got rid of stupid attachments and how the practice made me happier and more equanimous. If it didn't work, I wouldn't increase my time investment in it.

Though still getting some dopamine spikes from arguing on 4chan after a hard day but hopefully I'll be able abandon Internet altogether in the future.

>> No.13301082

I think it means well, it’s just very unorganized and rather scrambled in beliefs based upon what I’ve seen. My mother went full new age and does reiki and all that.

>> No.13301090

>shit-tier syncretism
Accurate, but every word is a steady downward decline until the rest of your statement festers. These three words, the first alone if you were being laconic, present a whole image of the issue.

>> No.13301111

That one writes itself.

>> No.13301131


>> No.13301430

I can only talk from a traditionalist perspective.

I read a book called "The System of Antichrist: Truth & Falsehood in Postmodernism & the New Age" by Charles Upton.

It points out how (mass) democracy, post-modernist worldview, New-Age and even the Ufo phenomenon are all tied to some degree with common cultural, historical and psychological background.

In a sense, it is almost demonic. The Ufo experience, "abductions" has existed hundreds of years, while we cannot prove or disprove the existence of those so-called abductions: what we can agree on that 200 years ago if someone would have told about abduction of that sorts: it would have probably been considered demonic, elemental or some other type of experience (It is a common folklore myth how the gnomes or elves, for example, might "abduct" travellers to their kingdom who even may be lost for days)

Now enter the 1940s and afterwards: such abduction stories started to get different kind of New Age and Postmodernist approach to them: They are positive experiences. "The Space Brothers", whom tv series like Star Trek (with their quite marxist/socialist/communist tendencies) are just abducting us to study us.

This is one example how once negative experiences are transformed under this "New Age" movement and how we have gone from hostile infra-demonic forces entering human domain, as some sort of "Elder Brothers of the Cosmos" type of scenario where in the machinomechanistic worldview they even replace the God as some sort of Annunaki people who "Created our race"

>> No.13301470

I think it's dead t b h

And their ideas can be useful but, they aren't really relevant anymore.
It's weird how the internet came so fast, no real mass spirituality or romance has developed yet

>> No.13301476

>In a sense, it is almost demonic

Is that all your boomer brain can say?

>> No.13301487
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By the Grace of God and Ascended Master Jesus Christ,
may I have permission to receive the following:
I ask for the Christ consciousness to be awakened within my body.
I ask that my “I AM” presence be consciously activated in every part
of my total being, now and for the eternal life of my Soul.
Beloved Mighty I AM Presence and Beloved Holy Christ Self,
which I AM, and which I had and used with you in the Great Central Sun
before the world was, and which I now draw into myself for use and action
for my greater freedom from all limitations and for my greater capacity
to serve my Father and the Light in all!
Beloved Mighty I AM Presence and Beloved Holy Christ Self,
I AM asking that the atmosphere around my physical body
be now the substance of Immortal Innocence, Purity and Love
of my Higher Mental Body. I ask that my outer self be infused with the Immortal Christ Perfection of my Higher Mental Body. I AM asking that I
be constantly raised into the full mastery and freedom of my Higher Mental Body.
I AM that Immortal Freedom and limitless, moment by moment allow the full mastery of these powers to remove all limitations wherever I AM.

>> No.13301507

New Age has many influences but it gained profound insights and energy from the psychedelic counter-culture experimentations of the 60's.

>a form of Western esotericism, the New Age drew heavily upon a number of older esoteric traditions, in particular those that emerged from the occultist current that developed in the eighteenth century. Such prominent occult influences include the work of Emanuel Swedenborg and Franz Mesmer, as well as the ideas of Spiritualism, New Thought, Theosophy, Biosophy and the European Lebensreform movement. A number of mid-twentieth century influences, such as the UFO religions of the 1950s, the Counterculture of the 1960s, and the Human Potential Movement, also exerted a strong influence on the early development of the New Age

Dont get spiritually cucked by the 'new age is bad' meme

>> No.13301514

You think I am some Abrahamic shiller and against progress for progress sake?

What we understand by "New Age"can be said to have started with the Theosophical Society: a syncretic attempt to put all sorts of Hindu Chakras, Jewish Qabalah, Tarot etc. and unite them under some incoherent doctrine

They started the whole idea of "Mahatmas" who watch the spiritual progress of Humanity. Hindus did not talk about such nonsense, neither did the Buddhists, in such sense.

Now it was Alice Bailey and the others who started to talk about "Seven Rays" and the Theosophic Mahatmas were later assigned these ray values.

Later these "Ascended" masters were deassigned their values as some sort of alchemists with longevity and secrets of the elixir of life: they became Cosmic principles and 60 years later: we have New Age people hailing entities such as "Ashtar Sheran"

They are also said to be part of the "Galagtic Council" where all sorts of divine messengers, ranging from Jesus to Buddha all there in the councils.

I am extremely interested in the New Age phenomenon, considering how far it is from normal, traditional religion and how it is exactly what defines "counter-tradition" or counter-initiation in the system of René Guénon.

Scientology also teaches similar, extraterrestial doctrines, and ancient aliens, but Ashtar Sheran is also a great interest.


I highly recommend to read a book called Theosophy: History of a Pseudo-Religion by René Guénon, for all these new kind of channeled entities have their beginning in the Secret Mahatmas of Blavatsky (who most likely had their beginning in the same type of Freemasonic Secret Chiefs of the Golden Dawn)

England is to blame. Perhaps the East India Company. But English Freemasonry and "Rosicrucianism"

>> No.13301519

A friend of mine wrote a self-help book for a publisher which also publishes new age stuff and he got to know some new age writers and "gurus" through it. I also visited this one promotional event the publisher organized with my friend and I can say the scene is just as bizarre and scammy as you'd expect. My favorite was this online angel therapy service which is done while the client is asleep and costed like 30€ per hour.

The most interesting part of the scene is that the main audience are middle-aged highly educated women, mostly the highly educated part being surprising

>> No.13301572

>for all these new kind of channeled entities have their beginning in the Secret Mahatmas of Blavatsky
prove it
mediumship, spirit communication and channeling has been going on for ages; what makes you think Theosophy is the main cause of all new-age channeling and not just a minor indirect influence, if any?

>> No.13301578

Of course it would be wrong to say that Blavatsky was the sole cause of it: she was merely the popularization of such phenomenon

What do I have to prove? René Guénon has already published a book that discusses the fallacy of such "channeling" phenomenon


You can order it here.It includes the chapters:
The Variety of Spiritist Schools—The Influence of the Milieu—Immortality and Survival—Representations of the Afterlife—Communication with the Dead—Reincarnation—Reincarnationist Extravagances—The Limits of Experimentation—Spiritist Evolutionism—The Question of Satanism—Seers and Healers—Antoinism—Spiritist Propaganda—The Dangers of Spiritism—Conclusion

I do not have to prove anything, you can agree or disagree with Guénon.

Me? I think Guénon approaches the subject in the most rational and unbiased manner possible.

>> No.13301603

What was Guenons beliefs?
Wiki says he was of a Traditionalist school of philosophy and disliked syncretism (and Theosophy)
was he just a butthurt traditionalist?

>> No.13301607
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Pseudoscience intended to serve the ignorant and the charlatans. I bet most of them don't really believe in it either, it just serves a purpose for them, whether that be financial or entertainment or whatever.

A childish past time, but a harmful one.

>> No.13301617

There is value, truth, and wisdom in New Age spirituality; many are blinded by ignorance and cant see it though.

>> No.13301625

What is there not to like about Theosophy? It is delusion, it is madness, it is lies it is deception.

>> No.13301635

I dont care,
I want to know about Guenon and his beliefs
or why he is important in any way

>> No.13301657

Guénon dabbled with the French occult scene with figures such as Papus. He also practicioned Freemasonry.

He studied the Hindu doctrines of Vedanta, that perhaps was the most influencing factor in regards to his metaphysical beliefs, and later, during later in his life, converted to Sufism/Islam and relocated to Egypt from France where he lived until his death.

>> No.13301663

anglo trash

>> No.13301666

If during the last century or so there has been even some slight revival of awareness in the Western world of what is meant by metaphysics and metaphysical tradition, the credit for it must go above all to Guénon. At a time when the confusion into which modern Western thought had fallen was such that it threatened to obliterate the few remaining traces of genuine spiritual knowledge from the minds and hearts of his contemporaries, Guénon, virtually single-handed, took it upon himself to reaffirm the values and principles which, he recognized, constitute the only sound basis for the living of a human life with dignity and purpose or for the formation of a civilization worthy of the name.

>> No.13301676

well he seems to be syncretic or universalistic in some sense to explore outside of Christianity

>> No.13301677

>why Protestantism was a mistake: the post

>> No.13301679

New thought probably had potential at one time, but it's just another product/service. Everything is comodified
>Align your anal chakra with this lemurian crystal set for the low, low price of 99.99

>> No.13301686

>Guénon, virtually single-handed, took it upon himself to reaffirm the values and principles which, he recognized, constitute the only sound basis for the living of a human life with dignity and purpose

Such as?

>> No.13301690

commercializing is bad
doesnt mean 100% of NewAge has no spiritual truth, wisdom, or value
gotta dig deeper but its there

>> No.13301697
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butthurt Traditionlist: the post?

>> No.13301705

Perennialist philosophy is not syncretic or universalistic because it keeps the traditions separated.

Perennialist philosophers, such as Guénon, agree that all religions are one. But they would never, ever mix the two traditions and produce some sort of disfigured abomination that would be mixture of the two traditions, artificially attached, instead of natural development that may happen through thousands of year, like we may see in the case of Harihara or other double-deities so to speak

Schuon of the perennialist shcool said something along the lines that Man may arrive at the mountain top through many different paths: he cannot travel all the paths at once: he has to decide on the path at some point, he cannot take few steps on many and to think he is closer to some Truth, it even may be harmful to him

>> No.13301707
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What is so new about this or that age? Isn't combining different ideas (eclectisme) common throughout all ages?

>> No.13301709

Traditioncucks hate the New Age
because it renders their outdated dogmas and rituals and ceremonies useless and unnecessary; rejecting the shackles of unenlightened priesthoods and institutionalized religion without falling into the despair of materialism/atheism.

>> No.13301711

>I converted to Buddhism because practicing even small bits of it was significantly reducing my stress and changing my attitudes to things
So the same reason people hit the gym? ^_^

>> No.13301723

yes but each age adds the wisdom of collective experience
its an upwards spiral not a 2d circle
the secular age released the state authority of the church over the minds and souls of the people
there is a new light of spiritual freedom and higher consciousness, ever progressing upwards
yet not fully abandoning wisdom and truth from the past
but not being bound by it either

>> No.13301743

why cannot mix the traditons?
cant read multiple sacred texts, listen to music from various traditions or enjoy their various arts?
doesnt make sense to me

>> No.13301774

Its better to take the best from each path rather than thinking you only can focus on one path. If you can only obey outside authority maybe you need the dogmatic tradition path, but if you are guided by the Spirit you will have your own path while taking the best from every tradition.

>> No.13301791
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>rejecting the shackles of unenlightened priesthoods and institutionalized religion without falling into the despair of materialism/atheism.

More like embracing the cracks of the Great Wall that has kept the realms of infra-psychic forces separated.

No wonder New Age is associated with substances like LSD and UFOs. Just like Guénon predicted.

Cracks in the Great Wall keep getting larger, the confusion of psychic and spiritual is greater than ever.

Upton proposes a likely scenario in his great book.

Technology will advance in 200 years or so probably to a degree that some organization with an agenda can stage an "aliens" arriving Earth scenario (actually currently also possible) and all sorts of divine and suprasensic phenomena will be displayed all over the world.

"The Space Brothers have arrived! The council of Galaxy has accepted Humanity!" will be declared all over the world so as to unite the whole world under one banner; perhaps even the "Man of Peace" or Messiah will arrive (That which is traditionally associated in Islam or Christianity as the Great Deceiver)

The UFO phenomena, the Sirius Brothers, the Galaxy of ascended masters are all subconscious preparation for staged event or staged doctrine that will ultimately usher in the Reign of Quantity and the Reign of Antichrist and thus Man is no more Man, but a slave of inrapsychic forces.

>> No.13301796

New Age cannot differentiate between Soul, Spirit and Body. Neither can postmodernism or psychoanalytical school, nor the theories of Carl Jung or Freud.

Read the chapter "Confusion of psychic and spiritual" by Guénon in his "Reign of Quantity and Signs of the Times".

>> No.13301906

You dont sound very intelligent.

>Converting to buddhism

Jesus Christ lisa Simpson

>> No.13302050

Name me one piece of spiritual wisdom that you can't find in revealed religions.

>> No.13302092

Pseudo-spiritual trash

>> No.13302575

Basically, yes, mediation is a gym for the concentration. More like the same reason people hit psychotherapist but with existential and ethical benefits.

> You dont sound very intelligent.
Should I?

> New Age has many influences but it gained profound insights
Some examples?

>because it renders their outdated dogmas and rituals and ceremonies useless and unnecessary
Some examples?

>There is value, truth, and wisdom in New Age spirituality; many are blinded by ignorance and cant see it though.
Some examples?

>> No.13302968


>> No.13303122

>Experimenting. Building. Creating.
All to disappear like dust in the wind. Atheism is just masturbation.

>> No.13303163

I wish /lit/ could fuck off from politics from once.

>> No.13303328

Thou art that same dust. Nothing more. There is beauty in the dust storm. Mayhaps it will happen again. Differently or samely or both or neither. In the infinite winds of time this speck of dust upon a speck of dust must make the most of the moments of a moment. For themselves and all future flecks. There is alas no brahma or nirvana beyond. Stop retreating from life using religion as defence. It is life denying slave morality.

>> No.13304048

Nibbana isn’t beyond, it’s not heaven. It’s the cessation of suffering and the process of both bring and not being.

Buddhism makes you more alive, not less. You just stop feeding on happiness from external sources and instead consume the bliss that arises from the concentrated mind.

>> No.13304500

>an intellectual negation wants to negate everything else
do you feel realized reading nietzsche's works, kid?

>> No.13305301

My suffering has ceased to suffer but I am still of a scientistic bent. I believe a good virtue ethic is needed for all for eudaimonia.
Yes. I enjoy a great many philosophers including many yogis and buddhists...

>> No.13305613

> stopped all suffering
> still in 4chan
Does not compute.

Nibbana is not “feeling good” or “not having an existential crisis”. It’s the absolute cessation of craving on the most subtle levels and the end of stress and suffering. Before reaching it, you achieve four levels of jhanas which are extremely blissful states of concentration.

This is the best part of Buddhism: you can verify its promises one by one. I don’t need alcohol or drugs nowadays – they just stopped to be attractive after practicing the noble eightfold path for a couple of years. The comfort I get from meditation and proper breathing just makes materialistic stuff unattractive. And I’m far from reaching jhanas.

>> No.13306234

>does not compute
I am sorry you are small-minded

>> No.13306327

Refer to Deleuze. The metaphysics of Buddhism and new age philosophy is incredibly underestimated. Buddhists were saying the same things Kant was saying far before his own time in a more eloquent and spiritual sense. People's issues with new age philosophy are just their own Western eurocentric bent. Hippies have a logically consistent, existentially deep philosophy and Deleuze perhaps does the best job explaining metaphysically why this is true. This is not to say I'm a Buddhist, but this new age philosophy, which I would categorize Deleuze and Guattari under is exceptionally rigorous. All time and space being a singular unified moment or entity and the barrier between us and eternity is purely mental and attached to the desires of man. Desire here is the fundamental metaphysical equation that Buddhism brings to the table and Deleuze and Guattari elude upon. This fundamental idea of lack or nothingness is an error and everything is eternal and singular. That desire is fundamentally positive creative in nature and not the lack of something that negativity and dialectic is wrong. This is the central break with typical philosophy. The rejection of dialectics and the acceptance of a singular whole infinity has numerous metaphysical explanations all explained in Deleuze and Guattari. And in this way new age philosophy holds the secret key the hidden knowledge to the universe that stuffy academics and NEETS as well as beta males will never understand.

>> No.13306399

If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, then it’s a duck.

If you were completely happy, you wouldn’t spend time on this rotting corpse of a site for miserable weebs.

One is the first principles of Buddhist practice is not lying to yourself. Highly recommended. (And yes, my small mind is aware that I cling to arguing here for easy rewards.)