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File: 41 KB, 500x500, oswald-spengler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13295968 No.13295968 [Reply] [Original]

>gets his ideas used by incels to justify their alt-right agenda
Has anyone else fucked up as badly as him?

>> No.13295973

aleister crowley was a cuck, L Ron Hubbard and Jack Parsons double teamed his wife

>> No.13295975

Yikes! Who hurt you? Have sex, sweaty.

>> No.13295979

>aleister crowley
literally who
so doesn't count

>> No.13295986

Does his appeal extend to non alt right readers? I was only initially interested by Wittgenstein’s advocacy for Spengler’s theories - (W definitely had some real incel/alt right leanings - this lad and Weininger)

>> No.13295988


>> No.13296011

I don't know much about his philosophy but it definitely seems interesting, although a bit too simplistic and convenient
It doesn't bother me that they have different opinions but that their opinions stem from a misunderstanding and might cause trouble should they catch on
Spengler did sat that we're at the end of the Faulkian culture, but how does that imply that we should start genociding minorities and establish fascism to save it? Spengler said that each civilization has 2000 years life span, so once it starts declining, the end is inevitable

>> No.13296019
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>> No.13296026


>> No.13296054
File: 41 KB, 1000x563, duce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking retard, Spengler admired Mussolini for incarnating the values he considered to be right for our future cesarist stage.

You haven't read Spengler you cocksucker.

>> No.13296059

He did? Oh well, into the trash it goes then

>> No.13296071

Is it true that you guys want to live in a village with 7 children and a blonde big tiddy submissive wife and go to the church everyday to praise Jesus?
Or do you prefer being an epic cool military general and play IRL grand strategy with your Führer?

>> No.13296075

Reminder Spengler hated the Nazis and one of his best friends Friedrich Reck died in a concentration camp.

>> No.13296164

it is true that you guys want to live in a massive multicultural city with no roots, nor beauty nor sense of trascendence, hiding from violence and surrounded by pets and furries? Or do you prefer being an androgynous faggot who consideres suicide for the fifth time after the monthly antiretroviral injection?

>> No.13296185

The Decline is coming amigo. Alt-righters are using a political bandaid to cover up our infected cultural, spiritual, and philosophical metaphysics. They won’t help combat the decline. We need a Caesar the Clement!

>> No.13296187

>but how does that imply that we should start genociding minorities and establish fascism to save it
Yep, you captured the alt right exactly.

>> No.13296195

Friendly reminder he was a retarded communist.

>> No.13296306
File: 21 KB, 220x277, 220px-Homer_British_Museum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


If ever a great classic could have been deterred from writing by a knowledge of how posterity would treat her, the writer of the "Odyssey" should have been so, for never has poem more easy to understand failed more completely of being understood. If she was as lovely as I should like to think her, was ever sleeping beauty hidden behind a more impenetrable hedge of scholasticism? How could it be otherwise? The "Odyssey," like the "Iliad," has been a school book for nearly 3000 years, and what more cruel revenge could dullness take on genius? What has the erudition of the last 2500 years done for the "Iliad" and the "Odyssey" but to emend the letter in small things and to obscure the spirit in great ones?

>> No.13296377

We shouldn't genocide minorities. We should stop close our borders, stop foreign aid and peace-keeping, and do whatever it takes to increase national birthrates.

>> No.13296383

Both, except I prefer a-cups.

>> No.13296388

Fuck off, you neocuckservative.

>> No.13296389

Encourage nationalism among all races, though honestly it’s probably a faster route to just scare blacks away with white nationalism.

>> No.13296393

For me it's the former.

>> No.13296398

how was that post neocon lmao

>> No.13296407

Genocide brown people

>> No.13296415

>We shouldn't genocide minorities.

>> No.13296419

Jokes on you, i love that cyberpunk shit

>> No.13296423

While we're at the race topic, have you guys noticed other races stick together way more than whites? I don't see any nigger, sandnigger leftists complaining about their own race, trying to subvert it. At least not at that rate as whites.

>> No.13296453

Yes mate we have realised this, and we’ve realised that it’s not going to be good once highly ethnocentric non-whites form a majority within white countries.
Chinese put their minorities in concentration camps; Arabs and Africans have been genociding their religious and ethnic minorities for millennia.
White nationalism is proliferating for a reason.

>> No.13296464

That's the result of decades of propaganda. Sometimes I do get jealous of the unity that blacks display, whenever I stumble upon black Twitter they're all hyping each other up and I wish we could have that

>> No.13296479
File: 174 KB, 1600x1200, D5pOGo8XsAEXn7j.jpg orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine being the only seething tradcuck in a cyberpunk town.

>> No.13296484


>> No.13296495
File: 127 KB, 1243x650, nazi-wheat-field-soy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13296497

Joke's on the bootlickers, I'm an anarchist and moving to the country to raise a family with my German wife. I get to have the life they want and none of their values.

>> No.13296523

>none of their values
>wants to raise a family in a rural setting

>> No.13296608

He will chop his sons dicks off and sew his daughters vaginas shut. In a way it's self-correcting problem as political and social beliefs are hereditary to some degree(maybe more than the "intellectual" beliefs it's the neurology that makes you convinced to one or the other set or beliefs easier).

>> No.13296652

fuck hank schrader and fuck you OP

>> No.13296668

His name is Isaac

>> No.13296675

>There is a disturbing element of truth in Erich Heller's witty observation that "the history of the West since 1917 looks like the work of children clumsily filling in with lurid colors a design drawn in outlines by Oswald Spengler."52 For history has validated as largely realistic Spengler's cyclorama of the crisis of the West - the violent reorganization of the nation-states of the West under the international hegemony of one power; the increasingly destructive role of money and interest groups in Western democratic polities, the propensity to political apathy among their citizenry, and the mediocrity of their political leadership; the widespread quasi-pacifism of Western populaces; the erosion in moral values; irreversible urban decay; the downward-sloping birth rate of the nations of the West; the revolt of the non-Western world against their former, imperial masters; the intensifying challenge of economic competition from the non-West; and mounting, international economic crisis. Regrettably, the future will probably not hold for us the fervently desired progress of modern civilization. Alternatively, and contrary to the expectations of various historical optimists, modern civilization may quite possibly not even demonstrate the ability to retain the gains of civilizational advance already made and ward off catastrophe on an overpopulated, ecologically overstressed, and economically, politically, and culturally divided planet undergoing extremely rapid change. The tragic decline of the West with the catastrophic end to civilization as we know it is the provocative, alarming, and eminently plausible conclusion arrived at in the historical reflections of Spengler, the master historical pessimist of the modern West.
He was right about everything, if you want to know what's coming for us you need to read him.

>> No.13296716
File: 13 KB, 657x527, Apu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if i hear this word one more time im gonna fucking snap

>> No.13296724


>> No.13296726

Although Spengler today is only read in far right circles, he's influenced and been praised by a very diverse crowd, including people like Wittgenstein, Adorno, Heidegger, Malcolm X, and Kissinger.

>> No.13296742


>> No.13296863

is this on purpose?

>> No.13296867


>> No.13296893

How did he ever get grouped with the right. He was basically a communist

>> No.13296944
File: 879 KB, 2405x1691, everything not according to keikaku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gets his ideas used by world powers to perpetuate a world where nothing changes for fear of nuclear armageddon

>> No.13296950

He wasn't left or right and he hated all ideologies, one of his core beliefs was that man can't change the natural order of things and to think he can is pure arrogance

>> No.13297222

What's up with these cucks who want to go live in a village anyways?
I was raised in a rural area until I was 15 and it was absolute shit. The people are dumb, inbred and act exactly the way you describe other people as "subhumans".
I would also want to live in a comfy small village with houses made of only wood right next to a river and a lush forest in the Middle Ages where all the townsfolk go to the inn at night but ALAS that's just a fantasy since nothing like that ever existed

>> No.13297241

Patrician taste

>> No.13297331
File: 93 KB, 640x360, jack-parsons-20180615.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jack parsons fucked his wife´s sister then the sister cucked him with ron hubbard, crowley wasn´t living in LA so he wasnt cucked

>> No.13297406

thats in your country, Joe

>> No.13297599

You're a stupid fag

>> No.13297628

Why would anyone want to live in a city? The people are dumb and act exactly the way you describe other people as "subhumans", and claim they are cultured and civilized.

The difference is you can avoid people in rural areas. you have to be near those dumb people all the time in a city.

>> No.13297832 [DELETED] 

the proportion of attractive girls in a city and a rural area is as 100:1 or more

>> No.13297881

L Ron Hubbard was a giga chad

>> No.13298166

You obviously haven't even read Spengler, why didnt you choose some other author for your garbage thread