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/lit/ - Literature

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1329482 No.1329482 [Reply] [Original]


Perhaps one day there will be no argument between /lit/ and /sci/?

>> No.1329484

this is dumb as hell

>> No.1329485


thank you for your outstanding contribution and insight. i see that you read the entire article and its accompanying comments section in an impressive two minutes.

>> No.1329490

if anyone wants to actually read the article and subsequent debate (in which one of the writers referenced in the article even weighs in) and offset the lazy knee-jerking teenager who sage'd above, feel free to let your voice be heard.

personally i think this can lead to a pretty cool school of literary criticism (as mentioned in the article marxism or gender reading did before) wherein interpretation is backed by quantification.

>> No.1329492

please stop trolling buddy

>> No.1329500
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cool, another shitbrain stifling an exchange of ideas on /lit/! don't you have a "post your favorite" thread to report to?

>> No.1329503

you aren't exactly helping anyone either by just posting a dumb link and expecting people to talk about it without providing your own retarded ideas. the laziest way to make a thread, and the laziest way to troll

>> No.1329508


the fuck? i posted an interesting, timely link (especially considering the daily debates on this board), voiced my support of further research into it because of its potential to create a new mode of lit crit and while you just sage'd and dismissed the possibility without even explaining why and I'M the one who's lazy and trolling?

>> No.1329513

You can't expect to spark an interesting thread by throwing a link and a catchy phrase.
This isn't reddit bro.

>> No.1329518


okay man, i'll compose a standard 3 page essay, complete with my own research, in response to the article so as to facilitate a discussion here. i trust that you all will do the same in response to my essay.

>> No.1329520

A paragraph or two would be sufficient.
(Should it have been 'will be sufficient' or is 'would be sufficient' good enough??)

>> No.1329521

i know, reddit's fun

>> No.1329526


listen, i can't think of another way that the study of literare is going to develop without becoming more quantifiable.

the thing (or problem) with postmodernism was that it examined the world as a self-aware entity, fracturing reality. my personal theory is that reality itself has followed suit by becoming ironically self-aware and fractured beyond any recognition or singular understanding. postmodernism as both an artform and ideology altered the fabric of our world--that's why i consider writers like DFW or lethem or franzen to be realists instead of late postmodernists or post-postmodernists.

that being said, what else can you do without adding another layer of self awareness to a thing that's already self aware of its self awareness? well, you quantify it. you force singularities to emerge through scientific analysis. that's why i think this is such a compelling idea.

>> No.1329551

This shit is retarded. OK, you measured if western lit is more sexist than non-western lit. Now what? Why is this important? You still have to fall back to the retarded ocean of shit that is theory.

>> No.1329571


i think that was just an early example of the possibilities of the technology. by the way, that measurement that you cited IS important

>> No.1329581


OK then, if you say so it must be true.

>> No.1329583

Wittgenstein regarded the notion of a science of aesthetics as ridiculous

I am inclined to agree

>> No.1329586


do you do everything wittgenstein tells you to do?

>> No.1329589


researchers have already unlocked the science behind what we consider beautiful in a human face. suck it wittgenstein

>> No.1329590


No just my mam

Also, idk maybe the closest thing to a science, and I mean an actual science (as if there ever existed sch a thing) instead of the bunch of opinion polls OP is referencing, of literature was structuralism and look how that turned

transcendental signifieds fucking everywhere

>> No.1329593


that's a cool little namedrop but we're talking about critical analysis, not personal taste

>> No.1329596


That is so stupid I don't even know where to do I start where do I begin

>> No.1329597


you mean the research is stupid or using the example to defend the use of science with what is traditional understood to be unquantifiable is stupid?

>> No.1329598

Everything I have said applies equally as well

next plz

>> No.1329600


would you mind not being obscure and actually explaining yourself?

>> No.1329601


Aesthetics as a field is much more complex than a discussion of what we genetically predisposed towards. that is not quite what aesthetics is about, although that is contestible if you want to be a pencil-pushing tightarse about it.

>> No.1329603

Maybe, I don't have a lot of patience for people who use words like namedrop, it is really as if they are trying to excuse themselves for being ignorant and incapable of picking up the line of thought you are quite sincerely suggesting. What don't u understand brah?

>> No.1329604


being a pencil pushing tightass is the entire point of science

>> No.1329606


Yes well, treating the subject like that is completely deficient. No-one's genetically predisposed to consider Ulysses a fuckin opus fagnum but here we are

>> No.1329609


i meant that you mention wittgenstein but he was talking about the aesthetics of personal taste...ie what is beauty, why do we consider art art, etc. this is different from say, finding marxist themes or gender bias in a text or, as you mentioned, finding sign/signifier combinations.

>> No.1329610


k bro I wasn't consciously trying to link Wittgenstein to Deconstruction don't get your knickers in a twist

>> No.1329611


>No-one's genetically predisposed to consider Ulysses a fuckin opus fagnum but here we are

for the third time: it isn't about personal taste

however, if we were to talk about the devices from ulysses...say for example chapter 14 wherein joyce reproduced the gestation of the english language--science could establish that connection.

>> No.1329612


The latter is completely pointless without the former, though. If it has no implications on aesthetics, then finding marxist themes or whatever is a pointless masturbatory exercise. Which it is.

>> No.1329618


one doesn't extract themes to determine whether or not a work of literature is good--one extracts themes or draws connections to enrich their understanding of it

>> No.1329617


>for the third time: it isn't about personal taste
for the third time: it applies equally as well, and protip: personal taste is what it is reducible to

>however, if we were to talk about the devices from ulysses...say for example chapter 14 wherein joyce reproduced the gestation of the english language--science could establish that connection.

what connection what are you talking about; how is that even a matter for science as opposed to history or some other bullshit field the have made up

>> No.1329622

>one doesn't extract themes to determine whether or not a work of literature is good--one extracts themes or draws connections to enrich their understanding of it

most retarded dogmatic thing I have heard on the board in perhaps a week

how does this enrich you understanding of a text more than someone who does not do this?

inb4 presumptions, value-judgements. ideology

>> No.1329624


>protip: personal taste is what it is reducible to

i guess we just disagree

>what connection what are you talking about; how is that even a matter for science as opposed to history or some other bullshit field the have made up

i'm just using it as an example of something that could have been quantified and elucidated by science via formulas or databases or whatever...scientific methods. who knows what we DON'T know because we have yet to examine it via those lenses.

>> No.1329627


how does understanding the context or background or intended purpose of anything enrich anything?

>> No.1329629

we're not talking about "anything" we're talking about literary texts.

We're not talking about enrichment on its own, we're talking about enriching understanding (you kind of left that bit out you fucking myopic asshole)

If you pull this rhetorical subject-changing bullshit on me in order to save your stupid ass from further humiliation again I will ignore you

>> No.1329630

science wins yet again. lol literature

>> No.1329631


you need to relax

>> No.1329632

>i guess we just disagree
that is a lovely way of saying you're plugging your ears to the self-evident truths I am espousing

>i'm just using it as an example of something that could have been quantified and elucidated by science via formulas or databases or whatever...scientific methods.
>using subjective socio-culturally conditioned data that amounts to ideology for supposedly objective formulas
sounds good bro

>> No.1329637


wait...are you arguing against linguistics now?

>> No.1329640

Sure why not, scratch it off as yet another stupid language-game or point out a bunch of eskimos who have twenty words for snow, whatever you feel you can argue better against bro

>> No.1329642

Also linguistics is ideology and logocentric I don't even know why I bothered to make that last post

>> No.1329646
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>implying personal tastes don't reduce to neural processes.

>> No.1329649


and i'm the dogmatic one...

>> No.1329651
File: 19 KB, 204x239, intellectual.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying correlation is causation
>implying neural processes don't reduce to a package of non-physical material synchronised to physical reality by God

>> No.1329656

ok that was a poor attempt.

>> No.1329657

>a bunch of eskimos who have twenty words for snow

Straw man. Admittedly weak hypothesis, acknowledged by the linguistic community. Pretty much a famous case in this respect, as well.

It's okay if you want to try to destroy linguistics from the inside out -- infest and infect it-- with your theory or anti-theory. Whatever it is exactly that you claim to practice or observe, please, just don't use such foolish examples to do so.

Sometimes I swear you're drinking while typing your thoughts.

>> No.1329670

On your part or mine onionbro?
Also, chinese rooms and wiring like over 9000 people up with individual tasks to perform equating to a brain. I can't remember whether you are a functionalist or an identity theorist.

>Straw man. Admittedly weak hypothesis, acknowledged by the linguistic community. Pretty much a famous case in this respect, as well.
Yeah yeah yeah.

>> No.1329678
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soooo....can we use science to examine books or not?

>> No.1329682


Yes, but you can't produce anything useful.

>> No.1329684


fine, i give up. i agree with deep & edgy: no objective truth to art..any methods of scientific measurement would already be polluted by subjective data and presumptions.


>> No.1329690

>no objective truth to art
That is not my position, least of which is because three out of five of those words are useless for me

I have shit up this thread quite enough though, you guys can maybe argue it out amongst yourselves some more

>> No.1329719


>That is not my position, least of which is because three out of five of those words are useless for me

you are truly, truly an impossible person.

>> No.1329722


fucking pedantic pain in the ass. you must be a real joy at parties.

>> No.1329728


aaaaaand that about caps this thread off!

good night, folks! thanks for playing!

>> No.1330028

this thread

>> No.1330070 [DELETED] 

Is it just me or is there developing some kind of roughly cycle where every hund

>> No.1330075

Remember when Positivism came around in the 19th century and said the same thing? Or the 18th century thinkers that thought Reason could handle anything?

Is this going to become a regular thing in the western world? Every 100 years reductionism becomes really popular and then fades away when people notice it's limitations

>> No.1330078
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>> No.1330131

I'm really just wondering how something like this would be implemented. The article itself seems very, very vague on the specifics (though I understand it's just a general idea, and thus isn't supposed to be specific).

>> No.1330137

lol those zeitgeist faggots are at it again

>> No.1330145
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>> No.1330151

do you even have to ask.
simple mind physicalism would tell you that there is nothing else besides the physical processes, even in your subjective agency fluff. cra is not going to help you here at all, and in all lieklihood you are not interpreting cra correctly.

>> No.1330171

You are an idiot. That is a universal objective truth btw

>> No.1330212
File: 32 KB, 333x500, skepticism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there is nothing else besides the physical processes
what physical processes? That is a lovely castle made of sand onionbling maybe you should think bigger here

I'm the best, I am the best