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File: 243 KB, 1200x1200, friedrich-nietzsche-9423452-1-402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13292123 No.13292123 [Reply] [Original]

how was this man so smart, and has anyone in recent history come close to his level? he was as close to a literal prophet as theres ever been.

>> No.13292145 [DELETED] 


>> No.13292159
File: 107 KB, 466x496, shakespeare2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

suck his cock then why dontchya

>> No.13292189

What the fuck? Why do people think this guy was so intelligent? How much philosophy have you actually read?

>> No.13292969

I'm pretty sure prophets were the closest thing to prophets there's ever been.

>> No.13292980

post2016 /lit/....I would guess they've skim read some wiki articles and watched some yootoober bullshit

>> No.13293018


>> No.13293027

name a few men more philosophically important

>> No.13293051

No one is important, philosophy caters to people who had hard childhoods, reading isn’t for everyone.

>> No.13293462

Nietzsche was the living proof that you can only achieve true greatness through a great amount of suffering. He was psychologically tormented. He was lonely. He had health problems. Went nuts before his death but now he's considered one of the greatest thinkers of all time, side by side with Socrates.

>> No.13293466

>failed schopenhauer student
I'll pass

>> No.13293483

nietzsche said everything and that means he said nothing.

>> No.13293638

Why is Nietzsche at once so popular and yet so misunderstood. I've finished reading BG&E recently and it has been explicitly stated several times that he does not believe that humanity can bifurcated into "masters" and "slaves" and he's far too subtle to just say that masters need to rule the world or some shit and yet people talk about how they want to become a Nietzschian "ubermensch".

>> No.13294255

People like kant are far more relevant in their impact upon philosophy though. Seriously, you can’t have read much if you think this guy is the be all end all

>> No.13294272

>he was as close to a literal prophet
This is what happens when you read Nietzsche with no real knowledge of 19th century thought. You start to think everything he wrote was his own and not merely assumptions inherited from other thinkers as well as the general culture.

>> No.13294279

Plato, Aristotle, Aquinas, Kant, Hegel, Marx, Descartes, Carlyle

>> No.13295175

Jordan Peterson

>> No.13295200

I like Nietzsche because he is overrated just as I was in high school. All the attractive girls with good minds treated me like a prophet even though I just talked about shit in an obtuse fashion.

>> No.13295217

>appealing to authority
I hope you don’t think nietzsche would like you

>> No.13295222

So why exactly are you saying they had good minds

>> No.13295292

He was extremely well read. He was however totally wrong.

>> No.13295332

If anonymous says so

>> No.13295348

>Nietzsche never appealed to authority
I hope you don't think that you've read Nietzsche

>> No.13295355

Because he spent his entire life in isolation. Gives you a lot of time to think. He's also closer to a literary theorist/poet than an actual philosopher.

>> No.13295377

None of that’s true but if you want to read a 21st century person who’s on his level check out Mitchell Heisman.

>> No.13295384

>one of the greatest thinkers of all time,

How is he?

>> No.13295390

what did you tell them

>> No.13295392

Maybe that’s why incels are so smart

>> No.13295398

Only undergrads and brainlets would consider him on the same level as Socrates. He’s a second rate thinker. Which is still impressive.

>> No.13295404

>closer to a literary theorist/poet than an actual philosopher.
His work is about the most important Philsophical issue, morality.

>> No.13295413

I don't really get the hype

I only read l like 1/4th of beyond good and evil, but I read a lot of Evola who responds to him often.

Do I just need to seriously sit down and get into his writings? I never hear his ideas being interesting when mentioned second hand

>> No.13295415

Yup morality only exists because of literature. It's the poetic comprehension of the world.

>> No.13295416

Ahah ahaha hahahahahahahahaha

>> No.13295421

> Thinks Evola understood Nietzsche and second-hand interpretations are accurate
Go back to /pol anon. The big boy works aren't for you.

>> No.13295439

>morality only exists because of literature
Literature is moralizing but never discusses morality

>> No.13295464

Literature attempts to articulate our emotions using examples.

>> No.13295487

>I don’t really get the hype
>I’ve never even read any of his works
Dude just fuck off

>> No.13295490

People like him, Tesla, Van Gogh etc have this reverence from regular people which I don't understand. They're socially stunted autists who'd be shunned by people today if they were still alive (and not famous). And yet these fuckers have audacity to claim they relate to them.

>> No.13295494

I don't disagree. I'm saying that philosophy studies these feelings, questions them and values them. It's what Plato does in most of his early work. He criticizes the popular notions of what's good and right, values them and challenges them using his dialectics; that's why he often cites poetry.

>> No.13295495

Like Richard Spencer lol?

>> No.13295496

Nobody has ever explained Nietzche's ideas where they sounded interesting.

When I first heard Evola's ideas explained, it instantly sounded interesting. That's why I bought and read the book.

>> No.13295504

Plato was taught as a liberal globalist when I first read him in Philosophy years ago... Had to reread, but philosophy has become pure shit and all about how liberal globalism is so moral and right taught by overweight neckbeards and bald woman in shitty clothing.

>> No.13295507

Because he has many ideas and most of them are contradictory. Don't read him if you're bored. The first 1/4 of BGAE was the establishment of Will to Power and a criticism of philosophy, so IDK what to tell you.

>> No.13295521

Philosophy probably just isn’t for you then. Nietzsche, and philosophy in general, has a much more nuanced and complicated diagnosis of life beyond Evola’s esoteric approach which is that modernity = bad
I would still give BGE another try though, iirc it gets very interesting with much simpler ideas later into the book

>> No.13295529

>Philosophy probably just isn’t for you then. Nietzsche
No I still read a lot of philosophy, I just don't get the Nietzche hype.

Evola said that Nietzche was smart and prophetic but his observations were just the dissolution of the epoch and there is no materialist solution to what Nietzche was observing.

>> No.13295531

>Plato was taught as a liberal globalist
Even when he outright says that foreigners must not be allowed to spend too much time in the polis? Or when he scorns merchants? Or when he outright says that a perfect polis is a closed one? When he says it's a necessity to control who fucks whom and who is born?
You went to a shit uni, man

>> No.13295534

You should read primary sources if you want to criticize an author

>> No.13295540

So you're just basing your opinions exactly off Evola? A completely frivolous man who wanted to reach God. Also, somebody that uses "hype" describing anything other than a video game or sports ball game should not be reading Nietzsche to begin with. Philosophy does not exist for your sophomoric judgments on it. Read it and maybe you'll learn something. If not then waste your time with a midget Magician with a monocle.

>> No.13295543

Funnily enough we just skipped those parts lol.

>> No.13295548

Yes and that’s why Nietzsche wasn’t a materialist. The ubermensch is a metaphysical idea.
As other anons said, you should read Nietzsche for yourself and decide, rather than just taking someone else’s opinion

>> No.13295553

>People like kant are far more relevant in their impact upon philosophy though.

Irrelevant. What old dusty academics jerk off to the most shouldn't be used to judge the values of though.

>> No.13295555
File: 41 KB, 500x500, oswald-spengler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13295559

Academic philosophers are parasites. Reading any of their works that are longer than 100 pages is a waste of time.

>> No.13295570

You're supposed to read the books cover to cover

>> No.13295576

Spengler was an unironic time traveler so he doesn’t count

>> No.13295585

No our teacher only assigned us certain sections. I read it on my own though.

>> No.13295594

No the anon just brought up evola and said that his opinions were "modern=bad" and I was clarifying Evola's opinion of Nietzche

I'm still going to check out Nietzche just cuz I keep reading other authors responding to him and I don't know what they're talking about.

>You can't use "Hype" on a philosopher!!
Why not? Who do you think picks and chooses the philosophers that are remembered and "Relevant" to history? A bunch of faggots who hype and hide people depending on their agenda

>> No.13295600

>he has many ideas and most of them are contradictory
Yeah, I found it quite weird how he would state something in one instance, but would contradict/say the opposite just 20 pages later.

>> No.13295607

Typically happens with thinkers who aren't rooted in something static. They just shoot off anything interesting that comes to mind. Can be entertaining though

>> No.13295618

I don't understand his historical relevance.** See you're already 5 iq points higher than you were a few minutes ago now that you clarified what you meant by hype.

>> No.13295620

A lot of it is just thought experiments. That's why its written in aphorisms.

>> No.13295636

I'm not saying whether he's objectively relevant or not. I'm saying that crooning about using the word "Hype" on a philospher's legacy is retarded and cringe

>IQ 5 points higher!
You are low IQ

>> No.13295638

It's a dude-bro Campfire word that Hemingway would even laugh at. Fuck off anon, have fun with your Evola and magic kit.

>> No.13295640

>It's a dude-bro Campfire word
>Have fun with your Evola and magic kit
Evola didn't actually believe in magic you snarky woman

>> No.13295643


>> No.13295651

> Evola denied being a fascist and instead referred to himself as a "superfascist".
Very intelligent and articulate man. I can see what the appeal is. I'm not a 4channer, I'm a super4channer.

>> No.13295662

Pretty sure he was using this in terms of ‘supra’ the same as Nietzsche’s ‘superman’ mean’t ‘beyond man’. So he was ‘beyond fascism’

>> No.13295666

Yeah he was mocking them. He wrote about fascism being too populist-modernist

>I'm a super4channer
good one

>> No.13295668

So he can't even make his own terms. His philosophy is just the Divine Comedy with fascism as the means to transcendence.

>> No.13295677

>His philosophy is just the Divine Comedy with fascism as the means to transcendence.
He wasn't even fascist you drooling retard, he literally has entire books critiquing national socialism and Italian fascism

>> No.13295682

He clearly was a fascist and was close friends with Mussolini. He's effectively irrelevant today because of the Theocratic Multiculturalism establishment, so even if he is profound it'd be hard to say unless I actually read him. What have u read by him anon?

>> No.13295695

>He clearly was a fascist and was close friends with Mussolini
He wrote a doctrine on spiritual race for the Italian Fascist government and then left because they weren't on board with his ideology. Then he went to Nazi Germany where they despised his rejection of biological race and actually ordered people to spy on him while in Germany to make sure he didn't undermine their agenda.

He sympathized with fascism because he thought it might be a stepping stone away from liberalism/modernity towards Theocratic Traditionalism.

>What have u read by him
Revolt against the modern world, ride the tiger, the metaphysics of war, the metaphysics of sex, and skimmed his books on nat soc/fascism

>> No.13295699

I'll read Revolt.

>> No.13295713

Revolt is probably the last of Evola’s books you ought to read because it’s extremely dense and hard to comprehend without understanding his esoteric philosophy.
I’d recommend Ride the Tiger to start to get an idea of his philosophy

>> No.13295724

>I’d recommend Ride the Tiger to start to get an idea of his philosophy
Nah don't start with Ride the tiger, like 100 pages of that book are just him responding to 20th century philosophers. Honestly it's the worst of his books besides the last 50 pages where he talks about degenerate plebians going to the beach

I tell people to just dive into Revolt

>> No.13295753

Yeah but his diagnosis of modernity, and responses to and critiques of all of the nihilist and existentialist canon gives a good outline of where he stands philosophically, as well as his remedy for it as esoteric transcendence.
Having read Revolt first, it seemed much more accessible.

>> No.13295911

The beggining where he talks about Marx and Nietzsche was great though, it's after that that it became boring to me.

>> No.13296150

wow jaden das deep

>> No.13296270

Honestly I keep reading Nietszche and it's very frustrating because the writing is boring and the ideas themselves seem incredibly mundane and pedestrian and he just repeats himself over and over again and completely fails to participate in any meaningful introspection.

People talk about reading nietszche and it chaning their life but every one of his big gob smacking ideas seems incredibly obvious and simple-minded to me. please change my mind..

>> No.13296412
File: 175 KB, 485x815, Jensen A.K. - Nietzsche as a Scholar of Antiquity (2014) (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how was this man so smart
Because Classical Education, and lots of dedication to philology. The guy really immersed 24/7 into ancient Greeks and Romans since fucking childhood.

>> No.13296426
File: 244 KB, 493x811, Jensen A.K. - Nietzsche as a Scholar of Antiquity (2014) (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13296463

Isn't this the guy, whom Schopenhauer accused of being a literal charlatan?

>> No.13296486

I’ve never met any good person who seriously likes Nietzsche. It seems as everyone who is obsessed with this man is diabolical and ill-intentioned, as well as particularly dogmatic in their evil notions. And the worst thing is, they usually believe themselves to be good, or to know the greater good. They are dangerous people.
Nietzsche causes a huge impression on particular men, almost always ones who are already hateful, presumptuous and weak.

>> No.13296501

What the fuck do these words even mean? You speak nonsense.

>> No.13296505

Fuck off Socrates

>> No.13296541


>> No.13296632

You don't "get the hype" because you have not read him thoroughly enough. If you did, you would know that all of philosophy and politics since him has either been an aping of him or backlash towards what he said.

>> No.13296636

I believe in Jesus Christ and really enjoy Nietzsche, his prose is enjoyable and excuse my language - Really makes you think.

>> No.13297014

This. I find myself cringing sometimes at his fedora-tipping treatment of Christianity but his ideas and prose are unparalleled

>> No.13297084

>his fedora-tipping treatment of Christianity
Nietzsche is probably much more competent to speak on behalf of Christianity than you. He was a son of pastor and willingly memorized whole parts of Bible by heart in childhood.

>> No.13297102

Define "good person"

>> No.13297132

>A highly polemical figure is more competent to speak on Christianity because they memorised verse

>> No.13297149

Not who you replied to, but Nietzsche was a very diligent reader and articulate child. There is a reason why he became one of the youngest professors in the world at the time. Academic boards across Europe acknowledged his intelligence.

>> No.13297197

Average reading comprehension is worse than you think and people here are especially zelous about "authors" and their "positions" as if something was so easily static

>> No.13298989
File: 161 KB, 639x479, Comparing the Two Moralities.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I’ve never met any good person who seriously likes Nietzsche.
>'good' person

get a load of this slave.

>> No.13299002

This isn’t that great for the time. De Quincey could already do a better greek oration than any of his professors by the time he was 9

>> No.13299065

supra 4 channer.
truth can be spoken even from jaden's mouth.
slicing throats for no reason, what do you call that?

Nietzsche was great, however he should not be read by people with no grounding in philosophy because that creates people like >>13297102
>>13296501 who completely miss the point of slave master morality and subvert the terms unknowingly.

>> No.13299078 [DELETED] 

You're not getting Nitschke. Read more Stirner and Richard Wolff

>> No.13299094

>implying nietzsche has only one facet in his writings that can be "gotten".
You have not understood him, probably didnt read him in german.

>> No.13300576

you forgot Goonan

>> No.13300843

Based Socrates BTFO Nicheboi even before he was born

>> No.13300847

If anonymous says no

>> No.13300854

>Funnily enough
It was on purpose.

>> No.13300861

>was an unironic time traveler
Care to explain?

>> No.13300877

Wilfrid Sellars :)

>> No.13300880

Alot of it is because his sister was a German Nationalist and anti-semite and when Nietzsche went catatonic she inherited his estate. She was a far better publicist than Nietzsche could have ever hoped for and she managed to make him very popular in Germany, but she also published a lot of Nietzsche's unfinished writing and edited them to promote her own politics. Then in the 1930s his work was under threat of being banned and so Nietzsche's estate published reviews of his work that promoted the parts of his work that could be twisted to seem to fit Nazi ideology. He then became popular with the Hitler youth and this fact made its way over to the UK and America where it combined with the fact that there weren't any good translations of his work and you get the web of confusion and misinformation that we have today.

>> No.13300885

I think I know what you're saying but I think it's you who are weak. I get the impression you don't want to take risk in assigning value to much. Your sentiment is in line with our times. The fewer and fewer strong men the world produces the greater and greater the fear of them coming back into style seems to be.

By not wanting to commit to a value system, judgment, etc., you are still implicitly condoning/selecting a value system and categorizing judgment. This is just cowardliness. There is no way around it. Leaving things alone to flow as they will is a particular direction is a vote in favor of that direction.

>> No.13300897

It's pretty common in undergrad philosophy courses to only be assigned sections of a book that are relevant to the lectures. Especially in intro courses where they have to cover Plato, Aristotle, Aquinas, Anselm, Descartes, Locke, Hume, Kant and more in a single semester.

>> No.13301190

not this poster but would like to add that it provides a sinister avenue towards radicalization and if anyone in undergrad is reading this please go above and beyond your assigned malarkey, it'll save you a lot of heartbreak later.

>> No.13301200

You give him too much credit, Nietzsche has been debunked many times...

>> No.13301210

Scopenhauer and Nietszche aren't relevant outside of online shitposting groups. Unlike Hegel who is a philosophical titan.

>> No.13301222

Almost every single person in France from 1600 onwards

>> No.13301247
File: 60 KB, 645x729, A1634AEA-6BBF-46CC-9C2A-B98D0CB03FFB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13301363

>slicing throats for no reason, what do you call that?
You do realise that Roman word "bonus/duonus/duenos" (good) is etymologically related to "bellum" (war) and "duellum" (duel).

Furthermore, modern linguistics derive them from Indo-European *dew- (“to injure, destroy, burn”),
Also, Slavic "дoбpo" (good) is cognate of Armenian "darbin" (warsmith).

So, with that information, let me ask you again: what the fuck does "good" mean?
And why your judgement on "slicing throats" should matter here at all?

>> No.13301374

>completely miss the point of slave master morality

>> No.13301375

you have no idea what youre talking about lol, especially Nietzsche

>> No.13301441

Hegel: teleology (debunked), dialectics (disregarded as worthless shit), idealism (undefendable claim nowadays), consciousness/matter dichotomy (eliminativism debunks this).

Nietzsche: the problem of nihilism (relevant still); the environmentally-based nature of morality;
the illusionary nature of subjectivity/consciousness/etc (the "It" that thinks; true, neuroscience confirms it); the fallibility of knowledge due to cognitive biases ("God" as the product of grammar); etc.
The guy at his 19th century was ahead of his time, pinpoiting what is now the fucking common sense (of intellectual people at least).

>> No.13301540

what is the point exactly? not him, just wondering if im interpreting it right. i take it very literally

>> No.13301549

kek, this


>> No.13301567

"Master morality": dude tells others what is "good". His definition of "good" is what makes him powerful via constant overcoming. If he's successful, others are convinced in his defintion.
Also, the dichotomy is not "good/evil", but rather "good/despicable"

"Slave morality": people hate master's morality, because they don't fit in into that definition. Therefore, they brand master's virtues as "evil" and build their image of "good" as a grotesque mirror of their master's.
Wherether master's definition of "good" was environmentally/externally based, the slaves internalise it, and literally persist with whatever dogma they had adopted. Even if it doesn't fit in environment at all, literally killing or degrading them.

>> No.13301576

His sister sounds alot more based and redpilled then Nietzsche

>> No.13302368


>> No.13302716

It was already common sense you fucking idiot

>> No.13302746

Nope. In 19th century we had:
1. Fucking socialists. Either prudonian "capitalism is immoral" variety or marxist "dialectics laws of history" shit.
2. Fucking Spencer and other social-darwinists with their teleology.
3. Fucking schopenhaurians with their "Life is suffering, therefore living is bad".
4. Fucking hegelians and other idealists with their world-spirit.
5. etc.
Nietzsche was in stark contrast to the mainstream philosophy of that time.

>> No.13302874

>the illusionary nature of subjectivity/consciousness/etc (the "It" that thinks; true, neuroscience confirms it);
Can you expand on this?

>> No.13302951

Your "I" is a product of your body - your cognition is predetermined by your physiology and by reactions of your physiology to the outside world. You are literally constantly being externally MADE to think what you think.
Your will is a consequence and not a cause - you merely acknowledge the actions your body has already commited.
You mistake causality and falsely attribute causes to other abstract notions.

That's pretty much the same gist that neurosciences give you. Split-brain experiments, where humans (with surgically split brain due to epilepsy) confabulate and assume agency and responsibility of their actions, despite being externally manipulated, for example.

>> No.13303052

So we just "ARE".

>> No.13303099

Pretty much

>> No.13303106
File: 29 KB, 595x345, GG8ulWW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hegel: teleology
Read the Science of Logic

>> No.13303107

Cringe. 9/10 of his ideas preceded him. I can’t think of anything that didn’t save his useless classification of master/slave morality

>> No.13303118

>sometimes you think you will what you don’t, therefore you never really will anything

>> No.13303144

It's experimentally proven, that your volition happens post hoc. It's science already.

>> No.13303169

And all philosophy is just mere commentary on Plato.

>> No.13303183

nice dodge

>> No.13303192

>It's experimentally proven
>sometimes, you don't will what you think you do, therefore you never do
>you report that you felt this way, therefore you really did feel this way during a complex process that occurs in a fraction of a second and your memory of it is totally accurate

>> No.13303197


>> No.13304301


>> No.13304470

*Footnotes to Plato.
Plagiarise properly nigga.

>> No.13304519

Big man Nietzsche with the big brain