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13291780 No.13291780 [Reply] [Original]

How is this book ? And is it true he used to post here ?

>> No.13291787

go away Tao, your times up

>> No.13291872

Man, just read Pynchon instead. He was here yesterday, even posted some of his private correspondence.

>> No.13292004

The book is good and he writes about posting here in that book.

>> No.13292025


Yes. He used to post here very early on when 4chan was totally different.

It's Tao's best novel so far. It's pretty good if you like 80's minimalism. He did a good job bringing that aesthetic into the aughts.

I don't think it's a great novel but it's not a promising one.

>> No.13292242


>> No.13292249

>Yes. He used to post here very early on when 4chan was totally different


Ill give it a go, thanks

>> No.13292481
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Read this.

>> No.13292487

It's pretty shit. Shallow characters, no plot, literally nothing interesting about it.

>> No.13293303
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He didn't, but this tard did.

>> No.13293361

is this Pynchon writing about V? do you have the context for this?

>> No.13293372

it felt stylistically repellant at first. but about twenty pages into reading, my girlfriend and I broke up rather suddenly, and the prose became kind of hypnotic and only amplified the sort of millenial-ennui trying to find love themes.

>> No.13293752

It is indeed, but I have no context for it. Someone posted it in a V. thread a day or two ago, got a few replies, but never responded to them. This is the first time I've seen it, I wish the poster would elaborate on it.

>> No.13293774

Millennials are awful people, and here's why: the book

>> No.13293856

yeah, it was really cool to read even without the context. i should try to track down more of pynch's letters, he has had such an interesting career and legacy that i'm curious to hear him reflect on it more

>> No.13293876

all of these posts are Tao Lin. stop shilling your shitty book, that's Behead-All-Satans-anon's job

>> No.13293885

Tao Lin here. I am that Anon. I address this in Leave Society.

>> No.13293913

Behead All Satans isn't even in print anymore.

>> No.13293933

Tao, can you please tell Megan I'm sorry? I came here from shitty boards and assumed all the astroturfing and chat room-coordinated shitposting was rampant here too. I said things I shouldn't have. She's one of the good guys. I wish her the best and love her work.

>> No.13293952

>He used to post here very early on when 4chan was totally different.
I've been here since 2005, this website has always been shit. This hell hole is the only consistent thing in my life.

>> No.13294117

Megan Boyle's Liveblog is superior in scope, execution, voice, style, content, spirit and charm.

>> No.13294147
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>> No.13294149

Megan Boyle is a 35 year old deviantart poetess who no one aside from her personal friends and relatives will mention or think of, ever again.

>> No.13294248
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She writes very well, at times quite pure if at others unhinged.

>> No.13294314

She has a great sense of humor and is a gifted writer

>> No.13294416
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>> No.13294423
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>> No.13294431
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>> No.13294465
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