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File: 77 KB, 850x400, basedbaudelaire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13289650 No.13289650 [Reply] [Original]

Based Baudelaire. BTFO STEMfags

>> No.13289657

>to know
>the priest

>> No.13289663
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>> No.13289683
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why choosing one when you can be the three?

>> No.13289698

cope harder wojak zoomer

>> No.13289783
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i'm not him but it's true that what you said before is brainlet tier. Monks and priests have always been known for their vast culture and will of knowdlege

>> No.13289790

Scientists are the priests of modernity.

>> No.13289812

You're right but I'm obviously talking about present day, present time which is basically what >>13289790 said

therefore OP calling out STEMfags is the brainlet

>> No.13290118

STEMfags are the priests of Baudelaire's trinity and he would agree with this himself if he were alive. Modern "philosophers" wouldn't be considered poets either, Baudelaire would probably have identified more with Keith Richards in the present day

>> No.13290165

big disagree

The only scientists I would say have an impact on the morality of people are steven pinker, dawkins and other new atheist types. These people only appeal to giga nerds, though. Most people get their morality from the media they consume, crafted by the bards of netflix.

Most STEM students I know are in it for money and jobs. Academic STEMfags are way too specialised, and only influence big firms looking to geet the jump on technological advancements or AI or whatever the fuck.

What we OUGHT to do with AI is a matter for the poets (netflix writers) and the current day priests (academic philosophers)

>> No.13290197

>The only scientists I would say have an impact on the morality of people are steven pinker, dawkins and other new atheist types.

That is not true at all. Scientists (and also doctors) are generally treated the same way that priests used to be treated: with a ton of respect, and with the assumption that these people know the most advanced things there are to know, and have access to secret knowledge that can make everything better. Most people don't understand what the scientist or doctor does, and yet have complete faith in their abilities to remedy their problems.

>> No.13290216

Just because there are many people masquerading as scientists to promote their moral viewpoint doesn’t make “science” priest like

>> No.13290219

Well both of you are brainlets, as the scientifist is the best example of mass-man as it said Ortega y Gasset in his famous book The Revolt of the Masses.

>The specialist serves as a striking concrete example of the species, making clear to us the radical nature of the novelty. For, previously,
men could be divided simply into the learned and the ignorant* those more or less the one, and those more or less the other. But your specialist cannot be brought in under other of these two categories, He is not learned, for he is formally ignorant of all that does not enter into his speciality; but neither is he ignorant, because he is “a scientist,” and “knows” very well his own tiny portion of the universe. We shall have to say that he is a learned ignoramus, which is a very serious matter, as it implies that he is a person who is ignorant, not in the fashion of the ignorant man, but with all the petulance of one who is learned in his own special line.

>> No.13290233

Lol but that doesn't make you a priest. You can say that for the modern man the scientist is a priest, but you can't compare both in terms of real knowdlege

>> No.13290243

and the priest only knows his own special line, your point?

>> No.13290264

Priests don't have "real knowledge" any more than scientists do. They are masters of different domains of knowledge. Both also consist of 98% quacks and con-men.

>> No.13290273

You’re not smart lefty

>> No.13290277

You neither tranny.

>> No.13290281

A priest knows history, philosophy, theology, latin, maybe italian if he's really inside the Vatican structure, maybe he has a degree on something else, as much of them join the church after collegue... incomparably superiors .

>> No.13290289

and i say more; they usually are well readed (not like stemfagggs)

>> No.13290334

>A priest knows history, philosophy, theology
very bold statement, I would like to read some sources on that.
Those are all humongous fields, one life time isn't merely enough to KNOW a single one.
At best they casually tackled those subjects like any NEET /lit/fag do here. Which any STEMfag can aswell if he wishes to do so.

>> No.13290348

>The creative force is one of humanities virtues
>But all professions and craftsman are faggots
>Except for poets
lel, Baudelaire is a little exceptionality gay boy. Go get your nose broken if you want to feel primordal force, cause you won't find it in a faggy poem. A hand built wooden house, fighter jet and fields of grain as far as the eye can see embody the creative spirit, rigor and will of humanity more viscerally than some faggy scribblings by some kid who probably got bullied.

>> No.13290357

A GOOD priest knows those things. Most priests aren't good priests.

Same goes for scientists and doctors. The best of them are incredibly well read and cultured. To be effective in their fields, they must have extensive knowledge of the history of their fields, of business, of culture, and to some extent, philosophy (especially if they take an interest in teaching for these fields later in their careers).

>> No.13290364


/lit/ really opens ones eyes to how reactionaries are beta bois hiding behind big words trying to get guys killed without risking anything themselves

>> No.13290369

This is the most brainlet thing I have ever read.

>> No.13290383

who wants to kill anybody here? stop your leftist braying

>> No.13290412

>There are but three things to respect... to kill
Ideological tards confirmed for having 0 reading comprehension

>> No.13290418

What an oddly right wing anti right post

>> No.13290447

yes, a warrior's job is to kill, where is the problem? Which doesn't mean that warriors want to get anybody killed. Is that they get paid for doing it

>> No.13290590

The problem is that some faggy poet is glorifying killing people while being a weak, whiny cuck himself.

>> No.13290779

He joined the revolutionares in 1848, what have YOU done?

Read Metaphysics of War by Evola.

>> No.13290815

>That is not true at all. Scientists (and also doctors) are generally treated the same way that priests used to be treated: with a ton of respect, and with the assumption that these people know the most advanced things there are to know, and have access to secret knowledge that can make everything better.
Only for a broken leg, you spanner. Doctors can tell you smoking is bad but they don't tell you what OUGHT to be done, only what will happen.

Unless you mean psychiatrists (who basically practicing moral philosophy with sciencey language)

>> No.13290866

Fucking pleb

>> No.13291107

This quote is so boomer it’s pre-pre boomer

>> No.13291136

>knows nothing about Baudelaire
Why not find another board?

>> No.13291139

explain yourself

>> No.13291154

>Only for a broken leg, you spanner. Doctors can tell you smoking is bad but they don't tell you what OUGHT to be done, only what will happen.
You must not be very familiar with people. Many of them really do believe that scientists and doctors have all the answers, and barrage them with questions at every appointment, hoping to get step by step instructions on how to wipe their asses right.

>> No.13291164

Talk to me better, tranny.

>> No.13291165

Yeah, scientists and mathematicians but not engineers and techfags. SM > TE

>> No.13291175

>I don't like it, therefore, boomer
There, explained.

>> No.13291181


>> No.13291184

I doubt it. I hate Burgers and their superlatives.

>> No.13291195

Cringe. What would Leonardo da Vinci be?

>> No.13291208

an italian fag

>> No.13291233

That's... not what he said. He said "There is no great among men but the poet, the priest and the soldier, the man who sings, the man who blesses, the man who sacrifices and sacrifices himself." And he never mentioned the STEMs. Very dishonest of you, OP.

>> No.13291296

>Read Metaphysics of War by Evola.
I'll read books about war written by soldiers, thank you very much. There is a huge difference between the admiration of war and of killing. Junger and Clausewitz glorify soldiers duty, honor, bravery and overcoming hardship. It seems only pure, meek intellectuals admire bloodshed for bloodsheds sake. They project their world view on exemplary human beings who don't actually share their views, such as Junger.
>He joined the revolutionaries in 1848
So did everyone and their mother. Is everybody partaking in Hong Kong revolts of today member of some noble warrior cult?
>Read Metaphysics of War by Evola
lel Evola had a cushy artillery job at a bumfuck front and didn't see combat in WWII. Afterwards he became a full-on degenerate escapist dead beat, on par with the Beats. It'll sure be authentic when he tells me how nice war and hardship is.

Stop reading people rambling about things they never experienced.

>> No.13291326

>A Dandy does nothing. Can you imagine a dandy addressing the common herd, except to make game of them?

>There is no form of rational and assured government save an aristocracy.

>A monarchy or a republic, based upon democracy, are equally absurd and feeble.

>> No.13291331

Take a look at this site. Number 22. You're talking about number 47. He also says "The rest are made for the whip." which includes STEMfags


>> No.13291335

Reactionary intellectuals telling the people how nice being a soldier is is analogues to rich, neolib family men telling the people how noble it is to be a druggy degenerate deadbeat minority

>> No.13291343

Wtf how can be a man this based?

>> No.13291355

NOT even close. There are no parallels that can be drawn between modern society and traditional society, because if there were, it wouldn't be modern. Modernism is the destruction of all classes and castes, it's not a reskin of old hierarchies, it's the absence of them. The whole entire goal is one homogenous slave class. That's it. No masters, no aristocrats, no bourgeoisie. Modernity is a spirit that comes from slaves and enslaves those who submit to it.

>> No.13291412

you know literally nothing about Baudelaire, don't you?

>> No.13291632
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>> No.13291638
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Yeah, the worshippers of ugliness.

>> No.13291644

>not bard
A poet is a person who lacks the talent of the musician, the creativity of the painter, the skill of the sculptor, and the commitment of the novelist, but who styles theirself as an "artist" nonetheless; a person concerned more with thematic density than the form of beauty.

>> No.13291696

What about capitalist modernity? There are hierarchies then.

>> No.13291706

>a person concerned more with thematic density than the form of beauty.
a totally misguided understanding of poetry. commit suicide immediately.

>> No.13291816

the poet is the human being closer to be God. It doesn't need the vulgar primal matter, he hates getting his hands dirty. All what is needed to create it's inside him: he is a craftsman of emotions.

Go talk about "thematic density" to the Logos, who is himself the ultimate form of beauty and the very first.

>> No.13291906

Without craft, there is no
basis by which we can ascertain his goodness. The poet is just as likely to be a charlatan.

>> No.13291912


>> No.13292100

Right, but the main difference is past priests told sought truth. Present priests do not

>> No.13292173

>told sought truth.
Do you mean that they told truths that people sought, or they spoke and sought only truth? Because scientists and doctors pledge oaths to do the same thing and those oaths follow the ones worth their salt to their graves.

>> No.13293364

>Because scientists and doctors pledge oaths to do the same thing

Neither scientists nor doctors have to pledge oaths in Germany. (Am an MD myself, after graduation they just send you the oath as a letter for your information, no need to sign or pledge anything) I've seen US medical soaps, but do your scientists also pledge oaths?

>> No.13293762

what a fucking modern asshole

>> No.13295319

>The only scientists I would say have an impact on the morality of people are steven pinker, dawkins and other new atheist types.

>> No.13295350

Massive cope.

>> No.13295394

>tfw STEMlord

The priest is nowadays a pedo, warrior is a welfare queen who risks his life for the check and the poet is an Instagram thot.

>> No.13295395
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Priests are some of the most learned people. 4 years postgraduate. You sneer because of your hatred and bias.

>> No.13295694

what a piece of rubbish. Baudelaire coined the term "modernity", faggot.

>> No.13295856
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Baudelaire's writing is based, but does anyone else roll their eyes whenever he circlejerks poets? Half of les fleurs du mal is reminding us that poets are apex humans. Why did he think so highly of us?

>the poet is an instagram thot
*Baudelaire rolls in his grave*

>> No.13295896

I'm struggling to find a good english translation.
Any Recommendation?
I love decadent shit tho

>> No.13296040

Anthony Mortimer

>> No.13296607

Scientists by their nature do not posess knowledge, science is limited to the empirical world of appearances. The priest has dogmatic and revealed knowledge of things as they are.

>> No.13296646

Factually untrue
Most scientists are spergs who can barely get a handle on their field of expertise, much less be knowledgeable on anything related to the complexities of life and philosophy

>> No.13297032

A modern scientist pledges on the unwritten oath that they will apply the scientific method diligently, which explicitly defines what truth is as far as the scientist is concerned. Any good scientist understands that every theory is a hypothesis that has simply not been proven wrong yet. There is an intellectual cleanliness to the good scientist's work that good priests also have.

>> No.13297055

Max Planck was a priest, right?

>> No.13297074

no but Georges Lemaître was

>> No.13297075

>Most STEM students I know are in it for money and jobs.
At the undergrad level yes
>Academic STEMfags are way too specialised, and only influence big firms looking to geet the jump on technological advancements or AI or whatever the fuck.
The too specialized part is very true. I'd also add new medications
>Scientists (and also doctors) are generally treated the same way that priests used to be treated: with a ton of respect, and with the assumption that these people know the most advanced things there are to know, and have access to secret knowledge that can make everything better.
kek, this is true for doctors, but not scientists, but perhaps this is only the case in burger land

>> No.13297087

No, we don't pledge oaths, but we sign animal ethics and scheduled drug stuff if we work with either (I work with both). Depending on the school teaching related stuff too.

>> No.13297095

Lawyers are some of the most learned people. Three years postgraduate. You answer because of your hatred and bias.

>> No.13297178
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>Lawyers are some of the most learned people.
>have to memorize laws and how to win legal battles

how insightful, truly, the best of the best

>> No.13297189

...and? I'm not here to tell you priests are useless. But Lemaître's contributions emerged from his time as an academic scientist.

>> No.13297204

>But Lemaître's SCIENTIFIC contributions emerged from his time as an academic scientist.

sorry man.

>> No.13297211

You're an intellectual dumbass.

>> No.13297237

Learn what exactly? To memorise hudreds of pages of different interpretations of the Genesis, or the "demonstrations" of medieval scholastics?

>> No.13297239


>> No.13297247

see >>13297237

>> No.13297269
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priests of post modernity you mean

>> No.13297306

priest is archaic name for STEMlord. it's clear he meant "those who hold knowledge" and in today's time that would be the STEMlord.
based Baudelaire BTFO OP

>> No.13297321

we tested the part of this revealed knowledge that was testable and revealed it to be bullshit. this calls into doubt the very concept of revelation.

>> No.13297378

Name a non-scientific contribution he made.

How priestly.
I kid, of course. Actual priests are usually patient and courteous to those engaged in honest discourse.

>> No.13298859

What the fuck does the poet create, he can't fucking build a house or anything worthy. Yeah the poet can write some words blabla. This says nothing about blue collar men - so how are any of these supposed to build anything

>> No.13298966

Poets create new values and beautify the processes by which they become realized.

>> No.13299417

you have said

>But Lemaître's contributions emerged from his time as an academic scientist

It's only that if he is well known for his contributions to SCIENCE necessarily these contributions are going to be emerged from his time as an academic scientist. It is tautological. This fact does not diminish value to any contribution who could have hypothetically made to theology because it is a different field.

>> No.13299476

Please stop being this idiot. Everyone can build a fucking house, even an illiterate gypsy. Atomic bombs are pragmatic too. BUT WHO CARES. Only poets can make poems. AND THEY ARE MEANT TO BE BEAUTYFUL NOT USEFUL. If you weren't so blind you could see that anybody's is going to build a house of there is not enough reasons to live in. Since we are humans with will and we can choose wether if we continue living or not, if we choose procreating or we kill ourselves. Beauty gives additional reasons, if it is not the unique, to live.

>> No.13300009

Poets are not the source of sunrises, fall breezes, strawberries, or smiling children. There is not a poet living in the last hundred years that has improved my life.

>> No.13300076

>Poets are not the source of sunrises, fall breezes, strawberries, or smiling children.
No, but they're the source of the emotions you feel from all of them. Without poets, we're monkeys.

>> No.13300328

Poets can create things of beauty. But attributing all beauty to them is beyond the pale. I'm genuinely shocked that you'd claim people enjoy sunrises because of poets.

>> No.13300378


>to know
>stem btfo

op, i'm sorry, but you are a fucking retard

>> No.13300390

>what a 19th century poet said within a 19th century contexts somehow relates to STEMs

>> No.13300429

In order to become a priest you need to be ordained. In order to be ordained you need to graduate from seminary. You learn Latin/Greek in seminary in order to read church documents. They also heavily study philosophy and theology. You usually get a bachelors in Philosophy and then a masters in divinity. This, of course, depends on the country and if the priest is part of a religious order or secular.

>> No.13300466

you better be young or I lmao @ ur life

>> No.13300804

More like the deacons.

>> No.13300806


>> No.13300824

Lefties are inherently stupid though.

>> No.13300903

Artists are priests of post modernity.

>> No.13301463
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cause there is a process renewed by poets in which the humans accomodate his brutal primary brain to beauty. When you listen classic music for the very first time after listening only hip hop and all sort of trash, you think you catch all the nuances? No, you need to get used.

Or you think a primitive man of the caves could enjoy sunrise as the man of the XVIII century did?