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13288662 No.13288662 [Reply] [Original]

everyone who regards physical books as better than e-books is a pseud

prove me wrong

pro-tip: you can't

>> No.13288666


>> No.13288669

not an argument

>> No.13288673

I don’t care faggot

>> No.13288676

I don't think they're better, I just prefer them. Dude if you prefer e-readers then use e-readers. Granted, some faggots are really jerkish about "muh physical copy" but there's nothing wrong with either.

>> No.13288677

how's summer kid

>> No.13288682

More fun than you’re having

>> No.13288684

Not bad, bit hot innit

>> No.13288687

>everyone who regards physical books as better than e-books is a chad

>> No.13288688

Imagine being enough of a faggot to care about "jerky people", no one said gay shit like this before the smoking ban
>oh I care about how the next man perceives me

>> No.13288692

I dont care to prove you wrong either.
You do you.

>> No.13288701

>everyone who reads books is a pseud

>> No.13288726

Books activate the 5 senses.

>You can touch a book, it has multiple textures and pleasurable tactile feedback
>You can smell a book, its smell changes with age and where you store the book
>You can hear a book, the crisp crinkle of a turning page, the corner flicking off your finger
>You can see a book, it's a 3D object you can manipulate in a million minuscule ways
>You can taste a book

e-books activate 2 senses extremely poorly

>You can hold an e-book in your hands, but it has none of the pleasurable feedback of a real book
>You can look at an e-book, but it's a flat 2D object that is extremely limited in its manipulation
>Can't smell an e-book/reader
>Can't taste an e-book/reader
>Can't hear an e-book/reader

>> No.13288733

but the smell bro xD

>> No.13288800

which book tastes the best

>> No.13288804

Only thing I care about is the content and knowledges it provides

>> No.13288843

The more of the senses something activates, the richer the knowledge you gain from the experience.

>> No.13288846

Ereaders give me a headache

>> No.13288855

I find it better to read physical books over ebooks, but I don’t want to go to the library and don’t want to order books.

>> No.13288862

anime shitposting negates your argument

>> No.13288874

e-books are much better than real books, if you have no money and can't get to a library.

>> No.13288886

w-what is sh-she drinking?

>> No.13288888


>> No.13288891


>> No.13288896

Fair point I guess.
Now let me add that I'm a poorfag and can't afford one billion book

>> No.13288898
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>> No.13288968

You can't smell an ebook. Czechmate.

>> No.13289038

My opinion > your opinion = shit

>> No.13289042

this is why you should read a book along with an audiobook

>> No.13289045

but i like the smell

>> No.13289056
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>you can't smell an e-reader
>you can't taste an e-reader
>you can't hear an e-reader

>> No.13289064
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>> No.13289066

>he spends thousands of dollars for this
Just have a physical book next to you while you're reading and sniff it from time to time

>> No.13289102

3rd editions of Pride and Prejudice in French

>> No.13289129

studies show that even children prefer physical books

>> No.13289185

I didn’t know people like to taste books.
Fair points otherwise tho

>> No.13289228


>> No.13289379

Can't sniff e-books

>> No.13289406
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>> No.13289462

This. The more connections made in the mind the harder that thing is to forget. Tactile senses, the sound of the pages turning, the smell of the book cement the content of the book into your mind better simply because there are more memories connected to the event of reading the book. Sounds faggy but it's true.

>> No.13289474

>You can taste a book
Yeah, when i shove it down your throat you pretentious faggot.

>> No.13289477

I probably have more PDFs and epubs than physical books but I simply hate reading on digital screens and I can't be assed to buy a new e-reader and put all my books onto it

>> No.13289482

>children like to touch stuff
wow, great study.

>> No.13289516

No ads, no backlight, no battery running out. I just want to unplug from society and excessive technology and read a fucking book. If you don't care, great. I don't care what you do either.

>> No.13289536

shit on you.

>> No.13289547

I use and appreciate both.

For convenience and sheer volume of literature, obviously an e-reader wins hand down. I have a kindle I have used almost daily for about 3 years now which makes travelling light considerably easier. It also has more books on it than I would be able to afford if I were to buy only physical copies.

That being said, I find it much more enjoyable to read a physical book, and will usually choose a hard copy over a digital copy if I am reading at home for example.

>> No.13289565

good tune

>> No.13289583

I got water on the spine of my Gravity's Rainbow and now I'm upset