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13287894 No.13287894 [Reply] [Original]

>So who is Daniel Haqiqatjou? He was born in Houston, Texas and attended Harvard University where he studied physics and philosophy and converted to Islam. He completed a Masters degree in philosophy from Tufts University and is currently listed as a professor of Western philosophy at American Open University, which was established in 1995 and offers Islamic Studies classes online.


>> No.13287900

based and redpilled

>> No.13287912

Islam is cringe.

>> No.13287918

The conversation has been had a billion times but I still can't wrap my head around how Western society is able to simultaneously champion secularism AND defend Islam. How the feminists made an ally in hijab wearing Muslim women is insane. Its hypernormal, everyone knows it is fundamentally contradictory and yet you're not allowed to announce it publicly.

>> No.13287955

Well, I think most liberal-minded Westerners have it in their minds that Islam will take the form of the moderate Christianity rather than the more fundamentalist form of Islam seen in the middle east.
That is, the religion will cease to issue edicts of what is morally just such that it goes against what the societal accepted norm is.
Now, why they think this while the abortion shitflinging (I refuse to label this as a debate) goes on, I have no idea, as it shows that even within this more moderated form of modern (post-modern?) Christianity there is a large number of people willing to buck the standard progressive line in favor of a more ideologically pure law.
So I don't find it confusing, just sort of naive on their part, but then again, which populace of a developed country can be described as anything but naive?

>> No.13287958
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It's really simple.
1. Westerners don't like Islam because of the dressing women like ninjas, 9/11, multi-year war
2. Returning soldiers tell people they know that the heads of villages are all literally pedophiles that fuck boys all day
3. Monica Eddleman vacations down south, sees that guys who drive big trucks have crass bumper stickers. Turns on FAUX NEWS to see that they are anti-Islam.
4. Maybe she knows a westernized Muslim
5. Anyways, her enemy is the scary guy who doesn't like gay marriage, and that guy hates Islam
6. The decision has been made, we will support Islam because my countryman I disagree with politically does

>> No.13287980

The Taliban beheaded the boyfuckers, now they are prominent again because America refuses to take action

>> No.13287987

>he thinks that the Taliban were not also boyfuckers

>> No.13287989

lel dude you do realize Green Berets and others are still over there right? I think I'll take their word more seriously than yours.

>> No.13287992

I think you're giving them more credit than they deserve, really. I don't think they think about it that much. I'd say >>13287958 is more accurate, as crassly as that anon put it.

>> No.13287996

>black islamist
they never learn, do they?

>> No.13288000

Well, that's the initial action that then leads to the rationalization I noted, they naturally will side with the enemy of their enemy, the tribalism in the united states is extreme to say the least.

>> No.13288003

based? more like biased lmao

>> No.13288005

Based, now if only Christianity would understand this too

>> No.13288011

to some extent they are, that's what all this abortion hoopla is about, engaging the christian base

>> No.13288029

Yes, they are over there and doing nothing about the boyfucking in areas they control, it is rampant. The Taliban beheads them in their areas

>> No.13288037

Do you have proofs?

>> No.13288051

>During the Afghan Civil War (1996–2001), bacha bazi carried the death penalty under Taliban law.[10]

>A controversy arose after allegations surfaced that U.S. government forces in Afghanistan after the invasion of the country deliberately ignored bacha bazi.[13] The U.S. military justified this by claiming the abuse was largely the responsibility of the "local Afghan government."[14]

>> No.13288055

yikes islam is like very intolerant towards lgbtq+ people, this kind of neoreactionaries need to be deplatformed
again huge yikes from me

>> No.13288121

I wish this wasnt ture

>> No.13288138
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Most American Muslims just want to live the American dream. I'm not one of them though.

>> No.13288145

Islam is an even worse cancer than modernity. Fuck off with your sandnigger terrorist pedo cult

>> No.13288150
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>> No.13288156

You forgot to mention that Europe is overrun by violent mudslimes, raping and killing Europeans every hour

>> No.13288159

Probably in the same way they don’t speak out about jews occupying Palestinians because of their religion

>> No.13288171

>multi-year war
Again, israel. Do lefties realize what a resurgence in support talking about Israel would bring?

>> No.13288173
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The Daily Mail goes into that a lot

>> No.13288179


>> No.13288206

The only people who feel that modernity is a disease are:

>low IQ people
>uncultured shitskins

>> No.13288211
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Cope and projection

>> No.13288228

It's the cold hard truth. Not liking modernity means not liking the West and what high IQ whites have built. Liking Islam means being a disloyal brute.

>> No.13288237

The contemporary West is not what high IQ whites built, lmao, it is a cuck carosal established by npc bureacrats, screeching spinsters and homosexual professors

>> No.13288262

Nice slander and lies you fucking uncultured traitorous piece of shit. Go fuck off and suck Allah's hairy sandnigger dick.

>> No.13288354

>yet you're not allowed to announce it publicly.
People announce this publicly all the time. The exact point you are making is all over right wing new media and commentary

>> No.13288438

Bring George Washington to current day America and I'm quite sure he'd be appalled by the state of his country.

>> No.13288457
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It's literally just because they're brown. Traditionalism, religious fundamentalism and strong national identities are just fine if you're from a foreign country outside of the West. Only white people are admonished for such things.

>> No.13288558


>> No.13289628

It used to be the other way around

>> No.13289635

>He was born in Houston, Texas

>> No.13289652

>killing Europeans every hour
every second*

>> No.13289665

Not really. He'd be glad to see America as a dominant force in the world. he wasn't low iq, like you anon

>> No.13289679

this, intersectionality leads to serious cognitive dissonance.

>> No.13289684

America is just the lackey of her creditors

>> No.13289697

>Not liking modernity means not liking the West and what high IQ whites have built
are jews white?

>> No.13289708
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>whole western tradition is started by greeks who practiced pederasty
>practice is kept alive to this day by brave catholic priests risking prosecution by SJWs
>afghan intellectuals do the same
>they are seen as savages

>> No.13289716

Yeah, maybe. And you think this means he'd be okay with his people promoting Islam? Are you fucking out of your mind?

Whiter than Muhammad. Jews have interbred with many European races. Mixed Jews are also not the only ones responsible for modernity. Read a history book.

>> No.13289717
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>afghan intellectuals
no such thing

>> No.13289724

Who DOESN'T judge these goy mercenaries exactly?

>> No.13289726

>Yeah, maybe. And you think this means he'd be okay with his people promoting Islam? Are you fucking out of your mind?
He signed the Treaty of Tripoli which said America is not Christian just to placate Muslim chads

>> No.13289733

He was defending what's his face that Trump is defending

>> No.13289744

And he was right, America was not founded on Christianity. It was not founded on any desert folk religion. The pilgrims came to America to get away from the pathetic herd mentality that these religions encourage.

>> No.13289752

And hang witches

>> No.13289764

we still do that today

>> No.13289768

It's an imperfect world where the ignorant cling onto the independent with all their might and sometimes even thrive on their backs.

>> No.13289784

No, today the witches try YOU

>> No.13289891

Based islamists triggering boomers and americlaps

>> No.13290161

I will never, EVER respect a person who CONVERTS to Islam. If you're born and raised in it, I at least understand your retardation. But to convert to it is off the charts.

>> No.13290174
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>incest rates

>> No.13290215

This goes for any Middle Eastern or Eastern religion. You have to be extremely uncultured or dissociated from the people around you to even entertain such a thing.

>> No.13290278 [SPOILER] 
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Islam means submission, so it is very simple, really...
Will you submit? Or will you resist?

>> No.13290305
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Agreed! It is understandable if you were brainwashed from birth, of course...

>> No.13290325

Submission to God, it was coined as a description for the religion of Abraham (a non Jew)

>> No.13290337
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>There Are NGOs That Purport To Empower Women, But... They Want Women To Go Out Against All The Religious And Social Restrictions, They Do Not Want Women To Be Free – They Want Them To Be Out Of Control

>We can see that the main purpose of it was to have boys and girls in the same place. There was dancing, singing, and mingling, and all the kites that were flown there were in the colors of the homosexuals.


>> No.13290365

This. Gays in the military during the time of Washington were literally executed and/or castrated. Washington would probably an hero if he saw what America is today.

>> No.13290375

Lmao, puritan were some of the biggest sheep to have ever existed. They were just pissed their bat shit beliefs werent tolerated back home.

>> No.13290396

The founding fathers didn't identify as Puritans beyond pretense to attract followers, hence why the foundations they laid out did not secure Puritanism in the nation's aristocracy and later generated movements such as pragmatism and transcendentalism, both which held physical independence and anti-idealism as core values.

>> No.13290404

God damn, the state of /lit/

>> No.13290798

Americas biggest creditors are Americans themselves.

>> No.13290930

By "America" I obviously mean the res publica

>> No.13291483

>The founding fathers didn't identify as Puritans
All you needed to say