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13286015 No.13286015 [Reply] [Original]

just quit my STEM studies to go study letters, how fucked am i lads?

regretful english major thread btw

>> No.13286023
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Hope for UBI before you graduate

>> No.13286027

If you weren't in medicine or comp sci it's basically the same employment outlook either way

>> No.13286033

it was computer science, i am a full retard

>> No.13286043

well you can always go back to that.
in fact you don't even need a degree at all for working as a coder

>> No.13286044

nice blog faggot

>> No.13286047

CS enrollment is skyrocketing anyway. in 10-15 years the job prospects are going to be the same as everything else, and the pay will drop and won't justify the tediousness of the job.

>> No.13286080

Wait, did schools learn how to teach programming in the last decade? Because it used to be the kids who already knew how to program at the start were the only ones who knew at the end. (Plus the job outlook still was good news last i heard. )

If you weren't going to be able to finish, it's better to get a degree in something than not get any degree at all and waste a bunch of money/time.

>> No.13286105

>did schools learn how to teach programming in the last decade?
CS isn't supposed to be a degree in coding. But yeah I agree, when I was going through it didn't seem like the people who were having trouble initially got much better as time went on.
>job outlook still was good news last i heard
It is but everyone's chasing the same nickel and programming isn't so hard that you can't overwhelm demand with supply.
>Girls coding camp!
>coding is the new literacy

>> No.13286194

No, it isn't a coding degree...but I've had to work with graduates, of top programs, who couldn't use the compiler in their "best" language. Like maybe a new truck driver would have some trouble backing up, but they should at least be able to open the door.
None of those people will learn to code either. At best no one who might code will do a different job, except so many jobs need those skills. It will probably still not be enough.

>> No.13286233
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>Going to college.
lol. This is my latest pay stub and I don't even have a degree, pal. Even "prestigious" universities are basically degree mills now. You might as well find an industry you're interested in and start working.

>> No.13286242

craigslist and classifieds, baby.

>> No.13286426

im a dirty thrid worlder, so going to college isnt really economical suicide down here

>> No.13286904

Honestly anon if you hated CS you made the right call. I stuck through it even when I didn't want to and now I'm stuck at a dumb office job coding nonsense that doesn't matter to anybody.

If you're going to do English, maybe just transfer to a university where you won't end up in insane student debt. I only had three semester's debt so I thought I was ok, until I realized my parents ended up with $80k.

>> No.13286942

I was in the same boat, but I actually got a publishing deal for my debut novel. This is the part when the money rolls in, right?

>> No.13286956

he fall for the letters meme.

>> No.13286985

my English degree helped set me up for a lifetime of misery and poverty

>> No.13287025

People like you have been predicting this for more than 30 years, it's bullshit. Everything's been debunked
>codemonkeys from Hindustan
- can't perform the same job as their Western counterparts
- don't have 4-year degrees from credentialed Western universities
- don't have basic qualifications for a long-term paid contract like U.S./EU citizenship

>so-and-so makes bank and doesn't have a degree
So-and-so is a rare exception; the vast majority of employers demand a four-year degree just to even look at your resume. HR will probably filter out your application the second you hit submit

>everybody's learning to code
And yet CS is one of the few STEM fields where there are consistently more job openings than their are CS graduates from universities year after year after year

Essentially meaningless in the context of CS. Programming is an already automated, constantly self-automating process. "Automation" in CS just means moving to higher level of abstraction

This is the only real concern. Wages are good compared to the vast majority of other fields and CS has one of the highest average salaries immediately after graduation. However, they're stagnant and I don't think that will change any time soon

>> No.13287069

Just got my english degree, anon. My biggest advice is to make sure you really take advantage of the work you're doing. Immerse yourself in the texts, ask questions, go to readings, get to know people. It's kind of an easy field to half ass if you have any sort of critical thinking skills. Try not to do that. You can be happy here!

>> No.13287078

yeah, one day bud

>> No.13287651

lol I'm in the same boat. but im making the switch from electronic and communication eng

>> No.13287976

I just enrolled in a theology/philosophy double major. Why didn't someone bully be out of this months ago RRREEEEEEE

>> No.13287990

it's going to be a tough road for you, anon. maybe keep your GPA up and aim for law school? i'm not sure how much a JD from the 110th ranked law school in the US will improve your prospects tho

>> No.13288006 [DELETED] 

I'm on CS but seriously considering dropping out to pursue fimmaking.

>> No.13288008

>my parents ended up with $80k
mine would've changed their phone numbers on me and moved to a different state before ever putting themselves in that kind of position. don't feel bad, though, it isn't your fault - the whole system is fucked up and irredeemable

>> No.13288021
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nice. i didnt go to college either. most people i know that went to college are retards. pic is what i made last year

>> No.13288027

I'm on CS but seriously considering dropping out to pursue fimmaking. Should I? It's the only think I love in life.

>> No.13288033

what do you do

>> No.13288040


>> No.13288045

big if true!

>> No.13288048

it doesn't fucking matter
I got a STEM degree, I stock shelves
nonna this matters

>> No.13288060

>"nonna this matters"
Are you black by any chance? lmao

>> No.13288067

no, then I would have had a black scholarship and not have to pay on this fucking debt
but really the debt doesn't matter that much, my parents have been very kind to me, probably too kind, so they don't charge me rent or for food or anything

>> No.13288074

Only if the market doesn't grow.

>> No.13288085

You're good to go then. You're a white guy in America. The world is yours. Blacks receive special scholarships merely because of their shitskin? LMAO wtf America

>> No.13288099

yeah, I'm feeling at the top of the world right now that's for sure, stocking those shelves
the ethnic scholarships (pretty sure they exist for quite literally everything except for FUCKING WHITE MALES) are real, but I think their prevalence and impact has been overstated by opponents of affirmative action, which is also overstated in impact I think
overall my life is quite comfortable and I'm treated well both at home and work (save for the occasional asshole customer) so I find it hard to complain to anyone about anything

>> No.13288160

Well at least you're not a third worlder like me. Even if I finish my degree the future seems mediocre and dreaful. And even if you manage, somehow, to slip through the cracks and you become rich, then the fucking scum of my country, that is, the organized crime would target you and kidnap some relative of yours, rob your house or some other dirty trick to steal money from you. At least as a white guy in America you are protected, respected and have big opportunities, which a third worlder like me can only dream about.

>> No.13288191

Protected sure, respected definitely not, have big opportunities sure in the same way a lottery ticket is an opportunity.
my dread of the future is less financial and more philosophical, as fucking pretentious as that sounds, the founding principles of the united states and the united states itself are at odds and I spend no insignificant time while I stock shelves thinking about it
that's why I'm an antinatalist, I don't think it's right to bring life into this world so that it can witness the downward spiral of the ideas I hold dear
but then again that might just be cope from an under-performing, aimless, under-employed virgin, but I don't think any man adopts a philosophy which disagrees with his fundamental disposition, perhaps all philosophy is just cope

>> No.13288209

What stem degree has got you stocking shelves? Bio?

>> No.13288214


>> No.13288229

electrical engineering
I completed the degree with a decent gpa, but i feel like all the interesting stuff (semiconductor manufacturing) is at the graduate level, and I don't feel like doubling my debt just to satisfy some stupid curiosity of mine
in my area, the EE stuff is all power and motors which are probably the two subjects which I have little to no interest in and did not perform well in (though to be fair the electromechanics class was first thing in the morning and I'm not a morning person)
there are a few classes that I passed that I had no real business passing, but university isn't about learning, it's about checking boxes, the only class I felt like I actually learned anything in was the philosophy course (Introduction to Logic) I took as a free credit

>> No.13288282

ew. anyway, there are a lot of jobs open to you that are going to compensate you better than stocking shelves. unless you're happy as is then god bless. but you could even work in semi- or unrelated fields. the degree will open a lot of doors

>> No.13288326

"open" is a relative term, very few companies are willing to hire someone for a position that requires a degree, but has no experience
you are right that the degree will be taken by more than just companies searching strictly for EEs
also it's been 4 years since I got my degree, I seriously doubt any company would hire me over a fresh grad

>> No.13288395

which country?

>> No.13288401

I feel you. I graduated 6 months ago and I can barely bring myself to apply to anything remotely related to what I studied. Still though, there is a boatload of salaried positions that you can end up at that are going to do you better than your current work. Companies hire grads with no experience, or else no one would ever get a job.

>> No.13288410

The true redpill is taking STEM formally and studying philosophy on the side.

>> No.13288446

what STEM do you do?

>> No.13288460
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It's becoming a meme to not require a degree for tech jobs, thanks to overlord google clawing for prbux.

Even now, I know people with degrees and experience who had to work retail while looking for coding jobs. Every company thinks it deserves A+ talent. I don't think blowing up the pool of applicants with money-chasing retards will affect the high end of wages, because the newcomers will be competing with street shitter code monkeys.

>welcome to /lit/

>> No.13288478

My friend got a job at a nuclear power plant right out of school with an ECE degree. Good pay, annoying hours. It starts with like 6 months of training so the degree is just to prove that you're capable of learning what they're teaching. Look into that instead of being a defeatist faggot.

Even an internship would pay better than stocking shelves at this point.

>> No.13288479

> STEM studies
this isnt a major, the STEM meme needs to die. math is way different from bio way different from engineering, way different from CS way different from chemistry
people should say what werethey actually studying, STEM is meaning less

>> No.13288504

I kinda wish I tried to enter some sort of physical career right out of high school, or maybe do some associates degree at the most. I’m majoring in math but that’s only because I’m more interested in math than any other subject. I don’t actually know what career I want. I’m indifferent, really, about work, and have no passion for anything. Passion just seems illogical to me when it comes to work. You work because you have to, because you need to feed your family. The idea that we should find a career that we love doing might just be poison to our minds. Let me just work simply and hard, and read books at home.

>> No.13288514

You can make a good career for yourself without giving a shit about what you're doing. Be competent, practical, and mercenary. Then you still go home and read books but you have more money.

>> No.13288564

When I was four years old, I wanted to be a “builder.” But after going to school, this dream disappeared. The only thing I learned from school was that I was better than everyone else at remembering what is required and making good grades. So people expect me to go down the path of academics. I’m a math genius, I’ll cure cancer, I’ll make a LOT of money, etc. But now I’m starting to feel really out of place. Maybe I’ve just been conditioned, but I hate non-physical work. It disgusts me and hardly satisfies me. Maybe I do want to build stuff outside in the sun, I don’t know.

>> No.13288578

You fucked up. Life is easy mode with a technical degree.

>> No.13288602

Careful you don't trade in something valuable that few people can do for something common that everyone can. People can meme all they want about manual labor blue collar jobs but every last one of them is trading in their sight, hearing, knees, back, hands or some combination thereof to earn their paycheck.