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13284971 No.13284971 [Reply] [Original]

>Today’s crisis of Marxism is not due only to the sociopolitical defeats of Marxist movements; at an inherent theoretical level the crisis can (and should) be indexed through he decline (virtual disappearance, even) of dialectal materialism as the philosophical underpinning of Marxism— dialectal matetialism, not the much more acceptable, and much less embarrassing, “materialist dialectic”: the shift from determinate reflection to reflective determination is crucial here— this is another case where a word it the position of words decides everything.

What is he actually trying to say? I have no clue how to interpret this. Does anyone have any thoughts on this?

>> No.13285034
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He is the one that called the french post modernist linguistic "obscurantism" a fetishiation of marginality. How ironic. If there is something that the annalytics got right was their distate for people like him.

>> No.13285113
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This is actually pretty straight forward: the criticism of Marxism shouldn't be posed simply to the fact "it didn't work", but rather that Marxism as a system has moved from a type of dialectical materialism (materialism itself as the source of dialectics) to materialist dialectics (dialectics themselves being materialist). Determinate reflection is precisely a process of reflection, where reflective determination is a process of determination. Basically Marx and the Marxists are too idealistic, that's why we need to bring Hegel back in to rematerialize the system

>> No.13285255

>Op wants clarity
>Brings munbo jumbo of words
If you want to convey meaning through your propositions you should clarify the meaning of a few words you are using. Most of what you said makes no sense to anyone outside your system. What botters me the most is that people like you could explain it in simplier terms as the analytic hegelians have tried. Because it demystifies your worldview it loses the marginal aspect, which is an integral part of the value extracted from being a part of such groups. Your wounds are exposed and subjected to public scrutiny. Obscurantism becomes a defensive mechanism against devaluation and conflict that would be brought by linguistic clarity.

>> No.13285341

i just started reading and i just subvocalize like he talks.
i will never get into Žižek sadly.

>> No.13285417


>> No.13285429

I have a pretty bad head cold right now so I sound like a female Žižek.

>> No.13285438

Sorry, maybe I'm too deep in philosophy, what about that don't you understand? I can try and explain it simpler, but I actually can't tell what you are having trouble with.

>> No.13285473

He's saying something very simple:
current day "Marxists" have rejected a material analysis of history, and their analysis and solutions are not based on the material conditions of society anymore.

>> No.13285501

People don't read Marx much anymore, and those that do don't read into the key issue of materialism, but instead look to the other parts of his analysis, which is kinda stupid because he was complaining about martialism/production of goods

>> No.13285510

Marx based his analysis on observing the movement of capital and how it operates in the world. He extracts from the material world a theory (aka, an attempt at science). The method for this analysis is to look at the effects of material change on society throughout history. Marx’s theory then is contigent on these material factors and their effects. Meaning, that it’s always incomplete because the material conditions abd their effects are infinite. Theory then requires a constant observing of the world and history and to adapt to it. Modern marxists dont do this, they stick with the premises of original marxist theories and then superimpose them upon the world and history, when it should be the other way around. Artre covered this far clearer and to greater detail in his Search for a Method.