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/lit/ - Literature

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13284603 No.13284603 [Reply] [Original]

>I read in public

>> No.13284607
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>> No.13284625

Reading in public is cringe. It's for fat anti social idiots. Imagine having a lunch break and instead of socializing you have your nose in a book. If you don't want to socialize, then just collect SSI and stay home. I don't want to deal with some rude person with their face in a book all day.

>> No.13284633

what do you do when you're waiting for a bus or train? Or when you're riding one

>> No.13284637

Sit there, look out the window and think. You can't read effectively in those environments. You can only pretend to read.

>> No.13284640

Reading in public is okay when you're on the train and everyone has their face into the smartphone. There's almost no way of socializing there, I always read when I'm the train, also it's comfy.

>> No.13284644

Maybe if you have adhd you cant

>> No.13284645

Sit there and mediate. It isn't comfortable to read in public on a moving vessel. That's the definition of uncomfortable.

>> No.13284649

People with ADHD can't stand still. You need to read or fidget. Just sit there and think. You aren't a thinker or great individual so nothing comes to your mind and you aren't inspired by anything. NOT gonna make it.

>> No.13284653

This. I only read at the train station/on the train or when I take a shit. Reading at lunch or anywhere else in public is top tier cringe. Last summer I rode my bike to a nice little bench outside at a forrest and read there but there was literally no one else there so I think that is acceptable too.

>> No.13284662


>> No.13284663

My journey to uni is quite long and my local trains are very stable. Sorry you live in a shitty metropolis desu.

>> No.13284668

lmao I saw some guy stare at his phone for like 40 minutes today and then in the last 10 minutes on the train he pulled out a book pseud fucks everywhere

>> No.13284684
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>You can't read effectively in those environments

>> No.13284701


>the only public is a lunch break

>> No.13284721

Just on the bus or train, not like anyone is actually talking to each other anyway

>> No.13284891

Kampala has good public trams.

>> No.13284898


>> No.13284919

>reading in public is fedora
>reading in public is cringe
>reading in public is rude
>no one can read on a train!
What even is this board. Why do so many non-readers come here? Btw reading the bible doesn't make you a reader

>> No.13284924
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it's no joisey wop anon but it's still pretty funny
Your voice is both BASED and CRINGE Btw are you a spic?

>> No.13284965

It's not me

>> No.13285139

I refuse to believe people are able to read in public with all the noise around. Like the other anon said, it feels as though you're only pretending to read to appear smart. I even saw a nerd on the bus trying to read a novel, but he was obviously pretending, since he was on the same page for like 20 minutes. I know it's creepy btw, but I like spotting these pseuds.

>> No.13285158

>too insecure to read in public
No one cares what you do, especially if it is as inoffensive as reading a book

>> No.13285166 [DELETED] 

Have sex

>> No.13285302

He was probably on the same page for a while because it can be difficult to read in public--sometimes you have to read lines multiple times until you're able to focus and zone. If you ever get bored of peeping on and judging strangers you should try it.

>> No.13285422
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I read in cafe's sometimes because I like the atmosphere, I don't make it a daily thing but its a fun thing to do every week.

>> No.13285455

I literally read in public all the time. Reading at home is a miserable experience because of my roommates. baka this board is full of retards.

>> No.13285461
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>I bring my own books to the library to read

>> No.13285464

>reading in public is cringe and rude
>mindlessly scrolling through mindless content on your phone isn't

>> No.13285465

>reading a book doesnt make you a reader

>> No.13285476

I have one hour free between lunch (at my campus' cafeteria), and my class after that. I usually just go to the park, seat on a bench and read. How is that cringe?

>> No.13285502

correct. reading 'a book' does not make someone a reader

>> No.13285504

>reading from books
If you're not reading in pitch black with only the glow of your monitor lighting your face and a hundred tabs open to look up difficult passages and translate obscure language, then the material you're reading is too damn easy and you need to step up your game.

>> No.13285506

I keep seeing this thing coming up on /lit/ and I think it's mostly Americans (other anglophones at best) who feel self-conscious about reading in public. If you go to Europe, and to France especially, people do read in public and nobody gives a shit. In Paris people literally sit in coffees, take one espresso and read a book for an hour.

>> No.13285625

I was sitting outside a small Café in Paris last week, reading a nice hardback copy of Lolita. Soon after an older gentleman told me that he loved Nabokov and we chatted about what his best works are for a bit.

Later on two 19 year old qts came up to me, telling me how much they like the book and I ended up fucking both of them that same night. Thank fuck I'm not an insecure anglo who lives in an uncultered shithole like the US, I guess.

>> No.13285643

What’s the vocal equivalent of pasta? Vocalpasta? I don’t even know if this is that since I don’t click all the vocaroo links but I think we need a word for this before it goes any further.

>> No.13285759

>I don't want to deal with some rude person with their face in a book all day.
If they're reading a book then you're not dealing with them now are you?

>> No.13285779
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>People with autism are often highly sensitive to their environments. That, of course, means different things to different people on the spectrum — but in general people with autism have unusually sensitive "sensory" systems, meaning that their senses sight, hearing, touch, smell, and taste can all be easily overloaded.
>Even more challenging, it can be difficult for people with autism to "just ignore" sensory information as it comes in.
>So, unlike people with typical sensory systems, people on the spectrum may not be able to, for example, notice a car alarm going off and then decide not to listen to it.

>> No.13285908
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>> No.13285917

Are you retarded?

>> No.13285948

Postan in an ebyn shitposting bread!

>> No.13285972

Did everyone in the cafe clap at the very least? Without this line no larp is complete.

>> No.13286087

I have to study all the time. So when it's impossible to study, I read. Bus, train, between two classes ...
If I don't do that I can never read.
I managed to finish a few books this way.
And it's not to appear smart since I have to hide the cover of all the banned political or autistic books I actually bring to uni