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/lit/ - Literature

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13282978 No.13282978 [Reply] [Original]

I know many of you love this guy, and think he's a genius. I can assure you, none among you, are as impressed with his intelligence as he is. This guy is just insufferable. I've actually never witnessed a marriage of incompetence and confidence so fully and grotesquely consummated in the mind of a person with a public platform. This is the most arrogant person I have ever had the misfortune of meeting. When you meet him you quickly discover that he radiates a sense of grievance from his pores in a way that few people do. It's kind of like a preternatural force of negative charisma. He is a child in a man's body. And the mismatch between his estimation of himself and the quality of his utterances is so complete and so mortifying to witness in person that you just find you're jumping out of your skin.

>> No.13282987
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Shut the fuck up liberal

>> No.13282992

the sense of grievance is because being around nordics makes him feel like the little goblin man he is. just the other day he chimped about how nords are "bleached" and meds are "definitely white"

what a loser

>> No.13282995


>> No.13283006

i know, he is an insufferable brainlet. all of his books contain only one idea "muh antrifragility" and he is not even able to follow it to the end or draw any meaningful conclusions.

>> No.13283007

lol as if Taleb's hatred of liberals isn't just poorly masked racial resentment of blue-eyed Aryan elites who push that stuff

>> No.13283053

its an appeasement

>> No.13283197

You have no skin in the game.
t. cuck

>> No.13283199

This is from Sam Harris. The ultimate pseud-intelleckshual.

>> No.13283314

As a statistician, I can assure you that he knows what he is talking about
He keeps repeating the same shit over and over though

>> No.13283330

>As a statistician, I can assure you that he knows what he is talking about
He said some bullshit on IQ that staticians dismissed. He blocked them on Twitter.

>> No.13283414

is there anything to his antifragility talk?

>> No.13283419

i'm shit at maths, can i still read taleb?

>> No.13283433

He's a "probabilist", who asks of others to be antifragile, yet his ego is negatively fragile; at least he throws his skin in the game by being so arrogant that nobody will want to work with him, but ironically his skin is so in the game that he can't play the game at all.

>> No.13283706
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there is a character in this book with initials n.t. who is the smartiest and graduated from cambridge and got the better of everyone else by using taleb's methods and is daring and flies a helicopter and does other cool stuff and is into literature and fine arts but he is also humble.

>> No.13283967

This reminds me of his twitter war with Nate Silver (Whether or not Taleb was in the right is up to debate, but Silver was definitely wrong). I haven't seen the event you are referencing, but his papers are mathematically rigorous and do not generally contain mistakes.
Yeah, his books are targeted at laymen.

>> No.13284249
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You guys remember that time our boy Taleb absolutely destroyed Bill Gates?

All hyperbole aside. Taleb was right.

>> No.13284256

I unironically agree with samuel.

>> No.13284259

He has a PhD in something related to statistics and yet doesn't understand much about it.

>> No.13284286

His recent commentaries on genetics have been very odd. When he just criticized IQ as a flawed method I agreed with him, then suddenly he basically went full on "GENES DON'T EXIST BLACKS HAVE IT HARD ENOUGH SO WE SHOULDNT EVEN LOOK INTO THIS TABULA RASA IN THE HOUSE YO".

>> No.13284307


All great men have their blindspots. For Taleb, it's the link between genetics and intelligence.

>> No.13284314
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>You will never take a fat tail class with Taleb

>> No.13284431

is it tough to get in the course? (apart from having ~$5k)

>> No.13284474

>all of his books contain only one idea "muh antrifragility" and he is not even able to follow it to the end or draw any meaningful conclusions.
he is an ass but this is not correct.
read 'fooled by randomness' lots of stuff in there about the nature of randomness, how it is perceived, the nature of statistics, devastating critiques of Fisherian frequentism

>> No.13284479

>but his papers are mathematically rigorous and do not generally contain mistakes
they are also highly cited

>> No.13284545

At least Taleb have a good taste in books and literature unlike the majority of /lit/

>> No.13284553

>implying he actually read any of these

>> No.13284567

>never witnessed a marriage of incompetence and confidence so fully and grotesquely consummated in the mind of a person
That’s nice, very nice OP

>> No.13284594

That's Ben Stiller. Samuel.

>> No.13284613

>"If a GMO-imbecile ask you for "a citation", answer: "Pls *provide a citation* about requirement for a citation for a logical argument." -- N.N. Taleb
your favorite public intellectual, everybody

>> No.13284695

I mean, as much as I hate Taleb, the retardation of that statement rests on the context. If the "GMO-imbecile" asks for a citation in the face of a logical argument that can be investigated by a non-specialist, rather than a specialised scientific proof, then yes, it is Taleb who is arrogant and retarded. If it is something that cannot be reasonably be investigated without a baggage of specialised knowledge, then the GMO guy is indeed an imbecile.

>> No.13284707

But what is even more transparent is that I am the retard. The other way round. I obviously meant it's the GMO guy is retarded for asking for citation when face with a logical argument, whereas Taleb would be the imbecile if he thinks asking for citations when faced with scientific proofs for which you have no background knowledge is unreasonable and you should just take it on good authority.

>> No.13284744

Thanks for sorting that out, man. It all makes sense. And you're not a retard, you're a smart guy with a big heart

>> No.13284768

T-thanks, you t-too.

>> No.13284776


>> No.13286130

This dude loves Karl Popper and hates Plato. How do I reconcile this as a LARPing neo-Platonist Christian Zoomer who thought this man was based because of how he stuck it to the MAN (academia) in his tweets? Please help an intellectually befuddled zoomer

>> No.13286157

This. Harris is the greatest faggot of them all.

>> No.13286171 [DELETED] 

I work in AR and come at it from a very stats perspective as well.

I read half of the black swan when i was a child and sort of like it. Then some years ago I discovered who the author was and he doesn't seem likable.
Some months ago I looked for this papers and found - to my surprise desu - that they are actual normal looking math papers, e.g

>> No.13286186
File: 114 KB, 816x679, attitude.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I work in AR and come at it from a very stats perspective as well.

I read half of the black swan when i was a child and sort of like it. Then some years ago I discovered who the author was and he doesn't seem likable.
Some months ago I looked for this papers and found - to my surprise desu - that they are actual normal looking math papers, e.g


>> No.13286252

You’re not supposed to like him that’s the point. It’s his public person for marketing
Seek help

>> No.13286268

>for marketing
I highly doubt that his character is nicer than what he comes across when he lectures (and in his examples insults mostly everyone coming before him)

>> No.13286371

Not sure if this is copypasta, but it's 100% true. He possesses the technical expertise of a true intellectual but has the character of a 13 year old boy. It's a shame, because I really like some of his ideas.

He probably is his own biggest fan, but some of the sycophants who reply to all his Twitter posts give him a good run for his money

>> No.13286373


My parents had an account with the largest bookstore in Beirut and I would pick up books in what seemed to me unlimited quantities. There was such a difference between the shelves of the library and the narrow school material; so I realized that school was a plot designed to deprive people of erudition by squeezing their knowledge into a narrow set of authors. I started, around the age of thirteen, to keep a log of my reading hours, shooting for between thirty and sixty a week, a practice I’ve kept up for a long time. I read the likes of Dostoyevsky, Turgenev, Chekhov, Bishop Bossuet, Stendhal, Dante, Proust, Borges, Calvino, Céline, Schultz, Zweig (didn’t like), Henry Miller, Max Brod, Kafka, Ionesco, the surrealists, Faulkner, Malraux (along with other wild adventurers such as Conrad and Melville; the first book I read in English was Moby-Dick) and similar authors in literature, many of them obscure, and Hegel, Schopenhauer, Nietzsche, Marx, Jaspers, Husserl, Lévi-Strauss, Levinas, Scholem, Benjamin, and similar ones in philosophy because they had the golden status of not being on the school program, and I managed to read nothing that was prescribed by school so to this day I haven’t read Racine, Corneille, and other bores. One summer I decided to read the twenty novels by Émile Zola in twenty days, one a day, and managed to do so at great expense. Perhaps joining an underground anti-government group motivated me to look into Marxist studies, and I picked up the most about Hegel indirectly, mostly through Alexandre Kojève.
When I decided to come to the United States, I repeated, around the age of eighteen, the marathon exercise by buying a few hundred books in English (by authors ranging from Trollope to Burke, Macaulay, and Gibbon, with Anaïs Nin and other then fashionable authors de scandale), not showing up to class, and keeping the thirty- to sixty-hour discipline.
In school, I had figured out that when one could write essays with a rich, literary, but precise vocabulary (though not inadequate to the topic at hand), and maintain some coherence throughout, what one writes about becomes secondary and the examiners get a hint about one’s style and rigor from that. And my father gave me a complete break after I got published as a teenager in the local paper—“just don’t flunk” was his condition. It was a barbell—play it safe at school and read on your own, have zero expectation from school. Later, after I was jailed for assaulting a policeman in a student riot, he acted scared of me and let me do whatever I wanted. When I reached the “f*** you money” stage in my twenties, at the time when it was much, much rarer than today, in spite of a war raging in the home country, my father took credit for it by attributing it to the breadth of the education he allowed me to have and how it differentiated me from others like him with narrow background.

>> No.13286381

Reminds me of Taleb often retweeting a comic called "the Black Swan Man", where the main character is ultra and obviously based on Taleb. Yet more proof that he has the mind of a 13 year old desu

>> No.13286395
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>> No.13286409

Good for you. I wish I had started reading great literature earlier.

>> No.13286410

From what I saw the people he blocked were midwit psychologists.

>> No.13286422

If you do not accept IQ as a legitimate measure intelligence given Taleb's critique of it as well as pseuds utilizing correlation incorrectly, then all previous previous knowledge on the link between genetics and intelligence should be suspect.

>> No.13286429

He's right though.

>> No.13286433

>When he just criticized IQ as a flawed
Ryan Faulk thoroughly debunked him

>> No.13286436

>you should just take it on good authority.

>> No.13286449

That's Taleb.

>> No.13286507

I agree. Im right wing as fuck, but I think this guy was probably literally emotionally retarded by his experience in Lebanon. He might be smart and well read, but hes fucking socially retarded.

>> No.13286888

Cringe. No one asked for your political beliefs you Nazi

>> No.13286917

even your digits think youre a faggot

>> No.13287119

is that fucking mark rippetoe

>> No.13287158

god I can smell your festering troon hole just from this post

>> No.13287205

it is. Name a more iconic duo.

>> No.13287236
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Fragilista talking.

>> No.13287488


>> No.13287599

Provide sauce or I won't believe it

>> No.13287751

>Ryan Faulk
>random retard with no academic achievements

Yup, I bet he destroyed Taleb's statistical analysis.

>> No.13287755

taleb wouldnt approve of this academic dicksucking

>> No.13287821

True, doesn't change the high probability Taleb's analysis is more correct than Faulk's.

>> No.13288573

I read Kant and Nietzsche when I was 18 as well. It's just that I didn't understand a single thing these guys were saying.

>> No.13288584

At least post his name OP. I have face blindness and have no idea who we're discussing but it could be anyone.

>> No.13288586

Idk, I feel like if you survived a fatwa and appeared on "Seinfeld" you have a right to some personal grievance and arrogance. Plus "Haroun" is a pretty great way to introduce kids to postmodern literature.

>> No.13288590
File: 557 KB, 500x775, 0BD8697A-E56E-4D80-8DA0-69F0A8E74D0E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We gon get you some pussy OP don’t worry

>> No.13288594

Being obsessed with pundits is your thing brainlet lefty

>> No.13288741

>anti fragile
>drives a fucking Mini

>> No.13290081


>> No.13290415

it is from Antifragile

>> No.13290420

he owns Tesla car and is very fond of it