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/lit/ - Literature

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13282584 No.13282584 [Reply] [Original]

What do you read to become a man if your parents sheltered you, gave you a weak foundation and now you're an anxious self hating mess unable to take risks and make decisions for himself?

>> No.13282590

You don't read, you get out in the world and drink your neuroses away so you can make friends

>> No.13282604
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>> No.13282606

stay pure. you arent cut out for the world of deeds.

>> No.13282630

wtf did u get this from?
looks like its from athens, greece.

>> No.13282632

were you born with a dick? good job, you're already a man
were you born with a vagina? get a dick and some hormones, then you're a man
anything else is just masculinity as a social construct

>> No.13282645

Read everything in this list >>13282603

>> No.13282659

>be sheltered, weak, anxious, self hating mess unable to take risk or make decisions
>better read a book lmao
Read Fanged Noumena and get a job as a construction laborer

>> No.13282689

>t. almost certainly not a man

>> No.13282693

how is this girl called?

>> No.13282696

>I'm literally a cis man
okay söyanon, whatever you say

>> No.13282740

Sasha Gray is looking younger than ever. Don’t know how she does it.

>> No.13282758

Sick bantz tranny

>> No.13282759

Never in your life use those words in that order again.

>> No.13282763

my penis has been attached to me since birth and I feel no ill will towards it, thank you very much

>> No.13282773
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Must be a disconnect between your gender expression and gender identity

>> No.13282781

okay mr psychologist

>> No.13282798


what ethnicity do you have to be to have truck skids growing above your eyes

>> No.13283353

It's called makeup

>> No.13283364

The first step to becoming a man is to stop blaming your parents because you suck. Step two is reading whatever you want because that doesn't matter.

>> No.13283367

Mods delete
OP go man the fuck up under some dumbbells and the weight of your past failures

>> No.13283375

OP is an obsessive weirdo. He's been making these same threads for months. He also spams /lgbt/ with cock and ball torture threads, asking if it makes him gay even though he isn't attracted to men

>> No.13283381

What’s in the water, anon?
Are people like OP just the losers in an age powered by people who are strung along on fleeting rushes of dopamine?

>> No.13283384

He's just got OCD.

>> No.13283392

Are you suggesting that cock and ball torture is the object of his compulsory obsession? That’s fucking hilarious

>> No.13283393

ernst jünger

>> No.13283398

Not really.
He's been posting shit on the topic of his "anxious self hating" nature for months. Constantly posting threads about whether that makes him gay and shit. Obsessively posting questions, spamming /lit/ for books that will make him a "real man" or w/e. Never finding a satisfactory answer.

>> No.13283403

Sounds to me like he’s already there.

>> No.13283409
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>The first step to becoming a man is to stop blaming your parents because you suck. Step two is reading whatever you want because that doesn't matter.
This is awful advice, this is what I did for my entire life I always blamed myself and I thought my overbearing mother and completely passive father were ideal for me because they gave me the material conditions and that it was my own fault I was overemotional, unassertive and psychologically weak, I never read anything aside from what was required in non independent education and my peers manipulated me at every turn
Do you understand why having a controlling emasculating mother who keeps you inside the house until you're 20 and never treats you like a future adult male is bad for a man? Who molds you in her own image and raises you like her mother raised her and doesn't even realise what she is doing or why you are now like this other than oh its because you're gay and in the closet
When you tell her you will have no go through inevitable hardship as a man she just laughs and says what hardship
You weren't controlled like this your whole life and were probably given a slight amount of independence that allowed you male socialization and every other normal healthy male thing like putting yourself before others and not feeling responsible for everyone elses happiness etc etc

>> No.13283415

And in knowing that, what will you do/what have you done about it? Maybe it will help OP.

>> No.13283425

It wouldn't help OP at all. OP needs therapy, not 4chan shitposts. He's been spamming shit like this for months

>> No.13283434

>Atlas Shrugged/The Fountainhead
>Thinking fast and slow
>Moonwalking with Einstein
>Book of Pook
>48 Laws of Power
>The Tao Te Ching

>> No.13283438

If you were hitting yourself on the head when you were 6-10 for no reason and you get heart pounding dread if you aren't distracting yourself or have to be around other people for no real reason, if you naturally went through almost all of the steps in that image by yourself throughout all your formative years in education there is only so much you can do as an adult. Therapists are for people with problems in their lives and maybe mild mental issues like their thought patterns due to personality disorders, not for people like this no? How would they help you with problems with your brain? Psychiatrists are the only ones who do that and they don't care about your consciousness or will, they don't care if they have to try dozens of ssris to see which one is most optimal to turn you into a apathetic zombie

>> No.13283439

You can also throw 12 Rules for Life in there if you really need babymode tier advice

>> No.13283441

Nonsense, OP needs an objective view of his own faults and the means to understand them. 4chan accomplishes the former and libgen the latter.

OP just needs a positive purpose and instructions on how to use these tools to his benefit, not his psychological detriment.

>> No.13283443

Just shut the fuck up already then. If you're going to be a defeatist bitch then just shut the fuck up and stop spamming 4chan with your nonsense.
Kill yourself if everything is so hopeless, I'm tired of seeing your shit everywhere.

>> No.13283446

He's an obsessive moron, reading some ebin self-help books and Junger won't do shit, idiot.

>> No.13283491

Well the only alternative to getting him busy with something of meaning is to have my /lit/ shat up with these threads of his which whore for attention. If enough people give actual valid input on real life shit and not literary masturbation maybe the obsessive moron with some dissonant tendencies will start to see enough of a pattern to have some vague idea to work off of to improve

But hey I’ve overestimated human capacity before

>> No.13283510

Seek psychotherapy. It Helps.
I had an abusive (physical and emotional), manipulative father, smothering mother, both control freaks and they would react very violently if any issue ever precipitated between them (very often).
My father also managed to make my school years a mess (or hell) because he would make daily visits there, chat up teachers, take in reports from teachers regarding my behaviour and academic performance and God forbid they had any complaints, however minor they might be.
Im stuck with depression, anxiety, detachment, resentment, avoidance. I cannot stomach academic setting anymore (hence the degree is going down the drain). I cannot see myself in a relationship with a woman (fear that it might end up the same way as with my parents) hence still a virgin at 30 despite me desiring a romantic relationship oh so desperately.
You are not alone anon. Hell has a special place for us all.
Books - kinda help:
If You Had Controlling Parents - Dan Neuharth
The intimacy Factor - Pia Mellody
The Essentials of Psycho-Analysis - Sigmund Freud
In Sheep's Clothing / Character Disturbance - both by George K. Simon Jr.
On a side note, interesting books:
Science of Love and Betrayal - Robin Dunbar
Games People Play - Eric Berne
Dont Shoot The Dog - Karen Pryor
And again, seek therapy/counselling. If you are neurotic, CBT will not help.
What i wrote above.

>> No.13283520

Imagine being 30 and still reading books pertaining to the exact issues you’re trying to stave off

>> No.13283546
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>> No.13283547



>> No.13283552

It's already too late for you, my man. You can pretend to be something you are not, but you will never fully change.

>> No.13283554

are you that same guy who replied to me the other day saying my "neuroses" is showing? If you are, then you need help.

>> No.13283558

Gee, i dont know anon. Id rather get to know my issues and their origin and somehow sort them out, than go through my life as a zombie doing same things my parents did to others and most importantly - loved ones.
>staving off
Breaking point or a zombie. Suicide is there too. Dont want either of those.
Being a man is overcoming an issue - understanding it, resolving it. Thats what im doing. There is a lot of uncertainty there too.
Ignoring issue/s by telling yourself to "man the fuck up" will not help you or get you out of misery/hell.

>> No.13283565

>become an alcoholic
>shoot your health to hell
Worse still:
>make friends via consumption of alcohol
>via consumption of alcohol
Nothing good will ever come out of that. Ever.

>> No.13283579

I don't know about that, OP, but i have 2 words for your pic -


Don't be like her, OP you'll end up killing yourself.

>> No.13283604

Post more of this pheemail

>> No.13283715

remember OP, most of the people who browse here are under 21 years of age. and they think theyve got it all figured out already. dont take it personally. this isn't the place to ask for this kind of advice. sometimes there is good advice though, but you probably realistically need an older male mentor who isn't your dad and isn't a complete fuck. sometimes you can get this through a therapist, but youll have to find one that you feel is worthy of that. try it.

>> No.13284559

I can speak from personal experience don't do that. Alcohol is a depressant.

>> No.13284587
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I am in a very similar situation, 29 years old, just carved out a small living for myself to be alone and I try to live quietly.

Probably the best thing you can do is work out and, no meme'ing, start with the Greeks, work your way through the Romans and into Christianity. There is a great deal there that will help you come to terms with your existence. I think I will always be alone and probably never achieve anything noteworthy, and your life will probably be the same, but that is okay.

>> No.13285830

>If you are neurotic, CBT will not help.
Why is this? Why is CBT such a meme?

>> No.13285918

Anons think they're better than small consistent repetitive acts over time when this is literally the most effective way to change habits

>> No.13285971
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>> No.13285981

How to win friends and influence ppl is fine

>> No.13285985

Lol it does

>> No.13285991

I'm not that guy, but if you're getting it from multiple sources, maybe it's you...
>Become an alcoholic
Nice strawman. People have been using alcohol to loosen up for thousands of years. And yes, grownups can meet other grownups while doing grown-up things and become friends
have sex
Yeah, it's a dice roll. But as long as he doesn't go schizo he'll be fine
T. Guy who's seen some shit

>> No.13286285

you need to hit the gym, join a martial arts, live on your own and get a job and start making decisions for your self.

>> No.13286302

Fucking orbiter, pathetic loser cunt

>> No.13286313

posting ontologicool is cringe

>> No.13286596

hemingway desu

>> No.13286744

Watch Mad Men and David Lynch. Learn to still yourself and trust your intuition.

>> No.13287132

You are me.

>> No.13288019

Read the Bible, go to mass and pray the rosary (very important). I'm much more mature than I was exactly one year ago and that's because I try to do things according to God's Will. I wish people knew more about the healing effects of Christianity.

>> No.13288049

>Here, become a sheltered self hating mess for the church. It will tell you what to do and how to think.

Antsy little busybody, aren’t you.

>> No.13288224

I will get shit for this but fight club and choke helped me a lot

>> No.13288280

lmao, she dumped his bf and got another that identically like his ex.

>> No.13288288


>> No.13288304


>> No.13288315

What?, are you 15? Grow up faggot

>> No.13288316

Being sheltered would help wouldn’t it? At least you weren’t beaten.

>> No.13288474

This might help

>> No.13288546
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Brandon Jones' The Diamond League. It will make a man out of you

>> No.13288618
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i share these same feelings and i want to say that ive been meaning to purchase The Wisdom of Insecurity by Alan Watts. i think it might help you out as well. good luck.

>> No.13288750

Mate, I feel you. I'm a woman and my mum did this to me and it still fucked me up though, so it isn't an exclusively male experience.

>> No.13288784

bitches ain't shit (desu)

>> No.13288841


>> No.13288970

Do you feel you get more sympathy as a woman though? Do people regard you as just as pathetic?

>> No.13289009

What do you define as a 'man'?
Why do you want to become one?
Why would you take advice from these damaged people, that admit they have not managed to change their life but even then they recommend you books?

You do realize that there is no book who will change you, as that possibility to change relies on you?

Do you know that more than change the way you are is more of a matter of learning to live with your problems?, is not only less frustrating but also smarter.

>> No.13289031

for one you might stop blaming your parents

>> No.13289041

Nietzsche - Beyond Good And Evil
Ragnar Redbeard - Might is Right
The Havamala
The Bhagavad Gita
George Lincoln Rockwell - White Power

>> No.13289091

>What do you define as a 'man'?
Someone who isn't/doesn't naive, neurotic, have high negative emotion, have a lack of a father figure, submissive, avoids confrontation, overly anxious/worried, wide eyed/prey eyes, overly happy whenever someone is polite to them, self hating, masochistic, extremely critical of themselves, critical of their appearance, low emotional/psychological resilience in general, care about everyones opinions on them, care about being accepted by everyone around them if they be nice as possible and make themselves look as nonthreatening as possible, attracted to girls but doesn't want to have sex with them, no real principles/strong beliefs, can't think for themselves or are highly influenced by their environment and the people around them even though they aren't a child anymore, extremely impressionable, react to conflict by feeling scared and anxious and trying to be as kind as possible, always wanting to give up responsibility because they have no control over these intense negative emotions and they're at the mercy of whoever is around them, not understanding manful competition, only feel safe around others if you look down, look as nonthreatening as possible, not bother anyone, make the minimum amount of noise possible, always visibly nervous, allow others to verbally harass you or lightly physically abuse you without doing anything back because you are too emotionally weak to stop them (this is never arousing at the time and causes recurring nightmares years after) feel incredibly warm and happy if someone compliments you or if they are simply polite to you, often experience so much heart pounding crippling fear you have no anger whatsoever towards others just frustration at yourself and a fear of things getting even worse, often think of having someone emotionally and mentally resilient to take care of you and in turn making them happy.
>Why do you want to become one?
To overcome hardship, actually desire difficulty and suffering in life to grow as a person, not be utterly pathetic, self agency, not be inherently psychologically and emotionally weak I could go on and on

>> No.13289117

stop using /lit/ as your therapist, you fucking faggot

>> No.13289164

This. Unless you conquer the urge to do pathetic things like this, with the pretense as if you'll actually apply any advice here to your actions, then nothing will change.

>> No.13289427


Mechanical and electrical handbooks.

>> No.13289439

he's a fucking weirdo
he spends all day doing this shit
you can spot him on other boards too
here he is in /lgbt/

>> No.13289476

So he's a gay faggot?

>> No.13289512
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>This might help
I have never experience any empathy from my mother.