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File: 223 KB, 324x444, nemesis_thoughtcrime2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13276798 No.13276798 [Reply] [Original]

China is literally has re education camps to teach people to be better citizens and is putting plans in motion to censor people who do or say things against the government.

Have people just grown apathetic and numb? How is a 1984-esque society even becoming a thing.

>> No.13276807

>and is putting plans in motion to censor people who do or say things against the government.
The social credit system is NOT censorship, it is just a system which is a bandaid for a non existent societal framework.

In any decent culture criticising the Government comes at some social cost, but since both the west and China have long lost any "decent culture", the government needs to step in to reassert normality.
It's about as "Orwellian" as the pre WW1 west.

>> No.13276891


Youd have to be uninformed not to know that China is already actively censoring any anti government speech actively

>the government needs to step in to reassert normality.It's about as "Orwellian" as the pre WW1 west.

I was unaware the pre ww1 west had reduction camps for "unbehaving" citizens. Beside that your comment is too broad, in what way is an empirically counted set, set of points based on obedience to authoritarian system similar to a pre ww1 west? Give exact examples.

>> No.13276894

because they don't want to degenerate into a society like ours. they will conquer us through the most basic way ever to conquer other civilizations, monogamy.

>> No.13276898

>re education camps to teach people to be better citizens and is putting plans in motion to censor people who do or say things against the government
Based Platonists

>> No.13276919


So you would personally want to be under a system which closely monitors everything you do and say?

>> No.13276973

no, i just acknowledge that it's better than what we have, assuming it's put to the right uses, family and national values, which it is.

>> No.13277089

>China is already actively censoring any anti government speech actively
Like what? Worse then what is happening in the west?

>reduction camps for "unbehaving" citizens.
I thought the camps were for the Muslims?

>Beside that your comment is too broad, in what way is an empirically counted set, set of points based on obedience to authoritarian system similar to a pre ww1 west?
I don't get what you are trying to say, but it seems pretty self evident that if you went around in 1900 shitting on your government there would be social consequences.

>> No.13277094

I think the Chinese system is great. Not as great as having a decent culture to regulate these things by itself, but you can't have everything.

>> No.13277279

>So you would personally want to be under a system which closely monitors everything you do and say?

My desires clearly don't matter, because I'm already under it. Except the rules of behavior for violating which my life can be ruined are ever-mutable and people running the system are actively, openly hostile.

>> No.13277286

Hail China, freedom is a myth

>> No.13277289

Where have you been for the past 70 years, OP?

>> No.13277293
File: 265 KB, 712x716, EU Tolerance Camps.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>China is literally has re education camps to teach people to be better citizens and is putting plans in motion to censor people who do or say things against the government.
So does the EU?

>> No.13277564

Necessary trade-off to avoid the state of total social anarchy that capitalism inevitably brings about. Now we just need Western governments to realize this is how people actually want modern technology to be utilized, instead of using it to monitor whether or not you're angry about your child taking state-mandated sex hormone treatments.

>> No.13277589


Youre just making me feel old now

>> No.13277614

based. Everyone i talk with just argues with muh freedom, yet they never understand its only worth something if it exists in a valueable infrastructure where it can express itself. If you tolerate too much bullshit under the invisibility cloak of freedom, you will destroy anything wortwhile therefore your freedom of choice is worthless.

>> No.13277626

I've grown sympathetic with Chinese methods because most people are stupid and need to be shaped. The west stopped doing it and look what happened, we have adults cutting the balls off children because they accidentally picked up a Barbie. If the state doesn't indoctrinate people, somebody else will. The left in America has filled that void and results are disastrous.

>> No.13277687
File: 273 KB, 814x1181, Yellowpill against liberalism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The difference is China has a government of Chinese, for a Chinese future. The West has a ruling class alien and alienated from itself that is committed to its own decline and erasure. To be Chinese and be against the former is immoral.

>> No.13277697


>> No.13277721

When did the west stop seeing politics as public morality and statecraft as the guidance of the peoples morals and social attitudes? China is doing what a government should do in its own way. Europeans are the fucking weirdos here.

>> No.13277810
File: 67 KB, 660x660, dunce cap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>China is literally has re education camps to teach people to be better citizens and is putting plans in motion to censor people who do or say things against the government.
China is a Marxist-Leninist state, even the worse of what's going on there today is better than during the cultural revolution 50 years ago.

>Have people just grown apathetic and numb? How is a 1984-esque society even becoming a thing.
What do you mean by a "1984-esque society"? Orwell was essentially writing about Stalin's Russia. It actually existed. China is surly extremely disturbing to anyone adhering to ostensibly "liberal" Western values but the prison population is actually BIGGER in America, it's weird to think but more people are totally deprived of even the right to free movement and such on very questionable charges there. Also it's not like the idea of taking "bad people" and putting them in hermetically sealed chambers and pumping in gas isn't a potentially very popular idea to protect the children and property of a precarious middle class.

>> No.13277857

you're preaching to a board of degenerates who think they're not, authoritarians who chose that ideology specifically because it goes against the status quo, needy men who want their desires met but want someone else to manage their lives for them. China is struggling with this issue right now because the young people want to liberalise but the older generations want a strong national identity. They may seem apathetic now and the government may seem to be tightening its grip but those are just growing pains. Once a nation's people get a taste of freedom, it becomes very difficult to take it away. The American government struggled for hundreds of years of wars, Supreme court decisions, and propaganda campaigns to become as authoritarian as it is today.

>> No.13277965

>In any decent culture criticising the Government comes at some social cost
Only if the government is infallible. Constructive criticism of the government can lead to positive change.

>> No.13278000

The main problem is that most of the west (including burgers) are now anti-imperialist and take such a stance against America that they praise their enemies/rivals. My guess would be that this is an innate tribal reflex that makes normies think you it's either one side or the other.

>> No.13278008


>> No.13278015

Commies try to erase traditions that have been in China for millennia.
>it's immoral to disagree

>> No.13278035
File: 25 KB, 600x600, costanza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Constructive criticism of the government can lead to positive change.
Provide an actual example. Do you mean its officers or its actual structure? When it comes to China the basis of the state itself (free Tibet dude and balkanize it) and the communist party itself is viewed as categorically illegitimate by the public and Western policy elite. The only correct institutional framework is "liberal democracy" as the end of history.
The only valid consequences of criticism of government can amount to replacing "bad men" with "good men" who will "obey the law" e.g. it's practically impossible to criticize the constitutional foundations of the state, anyone questioning the nearly impossible procedurally correct method of reform would be dismissed as a kook or an actual criminal who needs to be put down.

>most of the west (including burgers) are now anti-imperialist
No they're not. No one is revolting against their state nor questioning the foundational legitimacy of it or even demanding any drastic policy changes which would result in a real transformation of the basis of international relations.

>> No.13278040
File: 223 KB, 500x437, 2016090511594941.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Liberalism and Humanism are not Chinese traditions and the PRC and old-ROC were right to squelch it before it destroyed the republican project as it has in the West.

>> No.13278109

Because they literally have nuclear weapons and produce pretty much all the products we crave.

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

>> No.13278112

The majority of the policy comes from politicians trying to appeal to the voters criticisms of the current government (wanting tax breaks, increasing funding in healthcare, social reforms, etc). This is not about left and right because changes are constantly made in favour of every spectrum which is largely the result of the opinion of the electorate outside countries that only have 1 party.

>revolting against their state nor questioning the foundational legitimacy
Is this the only thing you consider a change? In the UK, there constant protests/criticism on Brexit, supplying arms to countries like Saudi Arbai, environmental controls (to the point of limiting individuals air travel), fairness in the current voting system. I would consider all of these drastic and would change things for the better or worse.

>> No.13278139

Mobs can pressure politicians to make positive or negative policy changes but politicians have to obey rules which prevent any real substantial redirections from ever occurring. The whole system is set up structurally to make them incapable of achieving goals. It's mostly theatrics.

>> No.13278153

Truly saddening to see everything implemented by the Chinese government is instantly viewed through western cynical lens as dystopic and evil, yet you guys somehow claim to be the more imaginative and creative race. How about gain some open mindedness and read through some Chinese history, you will then understand they’re not interested in world domination, they have never waged a war of conquest and simply want to live. Western imperialism is all you know and why you view things from such ideological lens.

>> No.13278156
File: 489 KB, 1024x768, Historic Monuments and Sites in Kaesong, North Korea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

North Korea has been an Orwellian society since its founding and people have criticized it for years. I've heard people both IRL and on the Internet (including this site) criticizing China's new policies. If anything, China is getting talked about far more now than in the last 2 decades.

>> No.13278164

What rules prevent them from implenting basic policy?

I'm literally saying
>goverment do bad thing
>people voice concern
>opposition says they will fix it if they vote for them
>enough people care to get them elected
>new government implements it under threat of not being elected next time
Most political decisions are made to keep themselves in power so they tend to bend to the will of the masses.

>> No.13278171

>because the government doesn't want to hurt me I shouldn't care about the welfare of countries people

>> No.13278177

>China is struggling with this issue right now because the young people want to liberalise but the older generations want a strong national identity

You’re either trolling or completely ignorant. The Chinese youths are nationalist as fuck, the government feeds them propaganda from a young age through formal education and selective showing of tv programs (unlike the Jewish media in america which is all about antagonisation see white supremacy and pol). They instil into them how great the Chinese civilisation once was and how great they can become, also throw in some anti jap hate, basically a big patriotic circlejerk to fuel their nationalism.

Just in Australia, there’s been news on international students trying to get professors fired because they (accidentally or otherwise) declared Taiwan was not a part of China.

Trust me when I say this, all this anti China propaganda is only fuelling the younger Chinese generation towards nationalism.

>> No.13278193

Or maybe after witnessing brexit, the election of trump and liberals willingly welcoming hordes of immigrants who only looted and raped their country, they began to open their eyes to the facts that maybe just maybe a western style democracy, handing power to the common masses, might not be the most effective way to govern a country.

>> No.13278202
File: 383 KB, 2000x1341, Tank Man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anti-China propaganda
There are legit criticisms of China's policies but they are co-opted by western governments in order to further their own agendas. this has made me realize that the more well-read and informed one becomes, the tinier the pool you respect and admire shrinks while the pool of people you hate grows.

>> No.13278205

A reminder that up until recently Britain executed 1% of its population ever year for Wrongthink.

>> No.13278227
File: 24 KB, 400x244, 73C90FE7-60A1-47B1-BEE3-C63B84300C88.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gtfo commie faggots. Freedom is the ideal and when people dont keep those in check who try to abuse it (politicians, businesses) then it shows its flaws. Stop hiding under the curtain of absolute authority due to you being weak faggots unable to do anything about anything

>> No.13278243

>hurr durr I shitpost on pol therefore I’m well read and better knowledged than you actual chinks who have lived in the country

Shut up

>> No.13278259
File: 337 KB, 2048x1151, Fanjingshan, China.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't posted on /pol/ since it got invaded by r/thedonald in 2016. You're not Chinese nigga, 4chan is banned there, and if you are you're paid by the government to shill for China.

>> No.13278285

I’m Chinese, but you can keep trying to deny whatever facts presented in front of you so don’t have to confront the fact that you’re a pseud and that you’re actually not that knowledgeable nor smart.

>> No.13278299

We will see how it works out in europe, people will run away from their freedom straight into the fangs of islam.
How is usury not abusing freedom?

>> No.13278313
File: 206 KB, 1200x630, Huanglong Scenic and Historic Interest Area, China.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're the one who deflecting. Your country's policies not only affect your countrymen but they affect people all over the world too. The social credit score system is ripe for abuse, your government liberally censors dissidents, you have taken land that doesn't belong to you on shaky justifications, you have annihilated your own culture, you produce a fuckton of pollution and take no steps to reduce the harm you do to the environment. And like it or not, this is the Internet. Everyone gets shit and criticized. If you don't like it you can stop posting anytime

>> No.13278420

Just going to post this here. You’re free to criticize at least back it up with facts yeah?
>you produce a fuckton of pullution and take no steps to reduce the harm


I won’t be addressing all those issues since Im not here to educate you, if you were genuinely interested in China and her policies you wouldn’t be here yapping, pretending to know everything.

>> No.13278483


>muh 1984

Rambling Descarted

>> No.13278509
File: 238 KB, 1200x841, kent-state-student-reacting-to-death-of-slain-protester.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>the American government would never react violently against student proteste-

>> No.13278542

It's a leapfrog effect. What they do is, they pioneer "bottom-up" soft control in the West, where you have to be subtle about these things. Then they take the data they've gathered from the soft control methods and apply it "top-down" in China, where you can be ridiculously brutal about reeducating people, while still claiming to be a modern society and economy.

In the West you have people being on Facebook and other social media 24/7, carrying around listening devices and GPS trackers everywhere they go, being always in range of microphones, simply thinking of life itself in terms of "being online." Everything people do is now digitally "footprinted," exists in a digital matrix, so that even your mistypes and misclicks and abortive half-interests that don't go anywhere can still be fed into algorithms and monitored. In the East you have "social credit," the state digitally footprinting people and making Stalinist/Orwellian/North Korean totalitarianism modern.

Doesn't take a genius to see what the next step is. Just click the two together like a puzzle piece, China's top-down management and the West's bottom-up self-management, and you have the end of the species, already successfully protoyped and field-tested for decades now. All the repression of China with none of the backlash; all the soft control of the West's "consumer-citizens" with none of the slight possibility that they will rebel.

The only way to stop this is to rebel against computers in general. We can still use computers and machines, but we need to take a dramatic step back and reconsider their total infiltration of our lives, purge them from our systems a bit, stop this process of becoming cyborgs before we even asked to be cyborgs. China is a way of preventing this step back. In the West, there's still room for an unpredictable mass movement of reaction to cybernetic control. But with China, it will become a fait accompli, a billion people will be effectively cybernetic, and you will suddenly have to "compete" with China. The farther along the Chinese get, the harder it will be to convince Western leaders that it isn't the right path. Selective genetic engineering is next.

>> No.13278545

I hate both the American government and disapprove the policies of the PRC's leadership. Christ, get out of that us vs them, black and white mentality, the world is more complex than "side A good, side B bad"

>> No.13278566

you're dealing with an indoctrinated chinaman. you're lucky he can say something other than CHINA STRONG YOU NOT CRITICIZE CHINA.

>> No.13278576


>> No.13278584


I never said any of that. I am just saying that it's not only BAD COUNTRY THEM GOOD COUNTRY US NEVER DO.

>> No.13278792

The "poor people collecting recyclable garbage and selling it" happens too in cities in South America. I actually saw a family collecting cardboard and lugging it away in a horse-drawn carriage in Salta, Argentina.

>> No.13278809

Yes and it happens in North America but it doesn't fit the narrative

>> No.13278842

But the Brit does have a point thought. The concept of "face" is not present in Western societies, or at least not to the same extent as in China. This concept of "face" is also present in Japan and South Korea afaik.

>> No.13278851

I might be one of the few who watched the collectivization scenes in The Killing Fields and thought "god, I wish that was me." Being so run down that you're willing to trade your freedom for obedience is a weird place to be.

>> No.13278945

>you have taken land that doesn't belong to you on shaky justifications
>you have annihilated your own culture
>you produce a fuckton of pollution and take no steps to reduce the harm you do to the environment
>t. westerner

>> No.13278986

Is this really something people aren't aware of? There's recycling rebates all over the place and the poor are always taking advantage of it, even in america. That's what's so infuriating about the ocean being full of trash, if a government paid even less than a cent per pound of trash poor ass fucking people would go get it all.

>> No.13278995

the media leads the public to believe that garbage collecting only happens in places like India, where some people LITERALLY live on garbage piles.

>> No.13279012

at least china has a proffesional thought police working 24/7 to enforce a coherent set of prosocial, proven to work confucian-leninist virtues. The west, meanwhile, is an atomizing panopticon hell ruled by the arbitrary whims of discord trannies and prog virtue signal arms races, were the acceptance or rejection of a moral precept depends solely on how much it ''triggers'' the outgroup.

>> No.13279049

the sudden redditor moral panic about those devious red Chinese, just seems so... coordinated.First the Trump Russia Gay Putler affair, now this. Doesn't it remind one of the cold war? or 2003 Saddam WMD? How to tell when one is falling for a CIA disinfo op?

>> No.13279104
File: 677 KB, 620x387, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not interested in world domination, they have never waged a war of conquest

>> No.13279161

>implying the feudal boy fucking theocrats of tibet didn't have it coming.

>implying the dalai lama is not a known CIA asset

Can the Chinese yoke really be THAT bad? I don't get Canadians or Australians who complain about muh Chinese invasion. The Anglos had their chance and their golden days, but they failed to keep their dominion over the lesser races. Stern confucian morality is just what Trudeauland needs in order to keep from degenerating into full sharia transgender dystopia.

>> No.13279171

>order stern confucian morality
>receive take away restaurants and chinese nouveau riche kids in bmw's

>> No.13279748


>> No.13279786

Everything is transgender with you people, even islam for some reason.

>> No.13279952
File: 264 KB, 456x407, Screen Shot 2019-06-11 at 11.10.31 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not a fan of the Blumpf, he does not display confucian virtue, he is fact the opposite of a virtuous ruler and has achieved nothing except further deranging his subjects through his bad example. A virtuous ruler would be someone more on the lines of Xi Jinping or Lee Kwan Yew.

shitlibs have made clear what are their plans for islam, from the BBC. This made me unironically sympathise with Jihadis.


>> No.13280048

How does one start with Confucius?

>> No.13280059

china is far superior in their set up, their niggers are at least racially homogenous and don't sow racial tension.

>> No.13280075

Trannyism is the perfect representative of what's wrong with the west. That is our collective morality now. It is what's being taught in the libraries, schools, and the media.

>> No.13280152

And this will somehow bring China's emissions to less than 20% of the world's total?

>> No.13280173

China is far worse than the US, there is no equivalence.

>> No.13280202
File: 207 KB, 406x284, Screen Shot 2019-06-11 at 11.48.57 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the living standards of the average chinese have improved dramatically over the last 50 years, while for american's they have stagnated if not actually gone backwards. but we are at least free to make jokes about the drumpf and be trannies you are into that sort of thing

>> No.13280235

>the living standards of the average chinese have improved dramatically over the last 50 years, while for american's they have stagnated if not actually gone backwards.
...the chinese living standards are still worse

>> No.13280274

For one the, chinese are not made to feel guilty for being chinese. Their traditional culture is revered, their music their history, religion and philosophy, meanwhile western culture is forgotten by the masses and on the academy hijacked by shitlib ideologues who hate their own discipline and field of study, only want to talk about queers and white privilege and get anyone who is really interested in the greeks or dante or beethoven fired for being probably a closet white supremacist

>> No.13280676

>The social credit system is NOT censorship, it is just a system which is a bandaid for a non existent societal framework.
>Do and act as we say or accrue cost.

>> No.13280685

China is are Asiatic mutts. The wealthy hide all their wealth outside of China when it all goes tits up.

>> No.13280747

People are not going to prison for wrong think.

>> No.13280765

>chinas living quality: rising
>western living quality: dropping
do the math

>> No.13280798

>China is literally has re education camps to teach people to be better citizens and is putting plans in motion to censor people who do or say things against the government.
and America has public schools, Hollywood, HR departments, Twitter, Facebook, the ADL and the SPLC, etc. etc. Turns out it's a lot easier to control people if you just give them iPhones and capeshit. The television, film, and the internet at the most dangerous weapons ever created.

>> No.13280841


>> No.13280844

Did you know that famous photograph was taken a day after the alleged incident? The photographer himself, Jay Widener, said so. This is really a fascinating article from Unz about it. The CIA had a huge part in making the June 4th incident international news. In fact, without the CIA I doubt anything would have happened there. http://www.unz.com/article/tiananmen-square-1989-revisited/

>> No.13280858

What a load of bullshit

I went to a poetry reading by some black poet from Princeton who couldn't stop talking about how great Bach/Glenn Gould was

You don't know wtf you're talking about its all paranoia

>> No.13281984

