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/lit/ - Literature

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13275946 No.13275946 [Reply] [Original]

So I've been reading Nick Land and I think it's starting to get to my head. I spent the last couple days trying to figure out what the blinking light outside my apartment means, but so far I can't figure out the syntax. It might be binary but I need to figure out some sort of standard for breaking up the blinks temporally, then I can distinguish when it doubles up on 1, 1, or 0, 0, (on, on, or off, off,). It will probably take a few more days but I'm hoping Nick wrote something on binary to help me out. Also anything else on binary would help, fiction or non-fiction.

>> No.13275971

binary is like, one or the other
youre welcome

>> No.13275989

Smoking meth is so fucking stupid

>> No.13276033

I have begun to discover things you cannot begin to comprehend

>> No.13276038

As your grey matter begins to dissolve. You are tripping on the degeneration of your brain. Goodbye

>> No.13276045

Pauses like silence in music are codes too. Indicating sequence intervals is appropriate. Morse likewise had influences beyond the mundane. Trains and newspapers proceeded to new stations with more than bits.

>> No.13276056
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>> No.13276069
File: 96 KB, 600x487, 81A6254A-AA2F-4FC5-AD17-BF21753DC5E3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You too huh? After looking at the monogram(pic related) and reading http://www.orphandriftarchive.com/cyberpositive/ccru-and-abstract-culture.php and reading about its relation about Y2K(99-00=relapse). I've begun having coincidences left and fucking right, no kidding. Superstitions and coincidences left,right and center. The world is becoming increasingly transparent and I think im becoming aware of its intricacies.

>> No.13276073
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Also this graph/chart too

>> No.13276087

Has anyone else noticed their dreams getting clearer? I think there has been a major counter interference in the lines of communication from the Other Planet or something. Also I have been reading PKD and am almost certain he wrote his work as a message to accelerationists to abandon Marx in favor of Gnosticism and NeoPlatonism. I think PKD need to be cut up.

>> No.13276129

Nick Land has a lot invested in this.

>> No.13276285
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This was the recommended literature in my class for Hardware engineering, it should contain pretty much everything you could want to know.

>> No.13276297

Ahh, the glass dick.

>> No.13276587

Who's got the picture of Fanged Noumena with a bunch of weed and acid on it?

>> No.13276600

Ppl who smoke ice come up w crazy theories and degenerate into immense passions from innocuous things. These are creepy next level murderers

>> No.13276675
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>> No.13277339

Thank you!