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/lit/ - Literature

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13274808 No.13274808 [Reply] [Original]

how did you rediscover books /lit/?
link: https://youtu.be/bbhn8gpbenI

>> No.13274820

I went to law school and was forced to read mountains of boring textbooks and judicial opinions. I picked up a fiction book and realized I can read it at three times the speed and it was far more entertaining.

>> No.13274828

Movies lost their magic and books are a better investment in my time.

>> No.13274829
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>> No.13274839

>law school
I hear that's suicide material. Glad you made it out alive anon.

>> No.13274859
File: 150 KB, 308x348, ahckshually.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"mainly at this stage in my life, i'm consuming self-help books or work on psychology or spirituality. and it's almost entirely audiobooks, but the point i'm tryna make here is there's no right way to do it"

>> No.13274862

Thanks. I'm doing bar prep right now and forcing myself to do all the assignments. Trying real hard to keep it at 1 refresh of /lit/ between assignments. I don't want to get any further behind and my sleep schedule is fucked.

>> No.13274877

love how he almost never says "read" a book, it's always "consuming" a book LMAO this both covers up the fact that he only listens to audiobooks and also betrays his inability to think beyond his own merely consumeristic and shallow lifestyle

>> No.13275136

This, books are a better storytelling medium once you've "mastered" art house/foreing/indie/classics etc

>> No.13275137

rhetorical question, just make fun of this dude with me bros

>> No.13275152

I started reading fiction and felt incredibly excited, almost nostalgic, about the whole "movie, except in your head" thing again. It also inspires me considering I want to be an animator.

>> No.13275237

He has a punchable face, but I think his message on a medium that exposes more people to the idea of reading again is a good thing. But in reality it's just going to more content to eat on youtube before you go onto the next video and you FEEL like you started reading again without actually having to. His video quality is good. I think the problem is that people on /lit/ already knew everything he's saying. But he's not targeting us, anon. We get angry at his focus on himself, but the medium demands a cult of personality. Any youtuber that provides only information or opinion without surrounding it upon themselves gets burred by the algorithm. He is a result of his environment. And it makes me sad, both that we feel the need to make fun of him, but also that he thinks this kind of information is going to have any sort of effect on the masses. There's a far better version of basically the same video by Max Joseph, where instead of talking about his feelings and personal experience the entire time with arbitrary drone footage, he actually interviews experts and provides footage of some fantastic bookstores. Again, none of this is going to make much a change on people, but OP's video is pulling only from a place of feeling, without any other part to the argument.

>> No.13275240

What a sòyfaggot

>> No.13275361

I don't get him. Why did he feel the need to make a high production video out of this - unless that is the only thing he has to offer? I usually don't make fun of things I don't understand.

>> No.13275441

i don't know, i noticed a growing youtube trend of incredibly high production videos discussing self help 101 fads like cold showers, meditating, less technology, journaling etc.

imo the advice in the videos isn't bad usually, but it's full of the most boring, unoriginal commentary. these guys try so hard to make everything seem meaningful, but generally they just rely on nice production value to give the semblance of meaning to their content. most of their commentary can be boiled down to cheap phrases like "this really changed my perspective on life and humanity" (even tho the dude just made a goal to turn off his phone at 6 PM every day or some other self help thing idk)

it's also getting highly unoriginal, here are two accounts making the exact same videos, with nearly identical commentary and style:

on meditation:

cold showers:

phone addiction:

etc. etc. many other channels like this too. feel like the self help market is full of narcissistic petit-bourgeoisie manlets who think they're lives are deep because they listen to audiobooks while they drink tea in their minimalist apartment with their cute gf, pretty pretentious and sad but at the same time i envy them and sometimes i wish i could be so shallow and dumb

>> No.13275446

i hate the faces these faggot make for the thumbnail

>> No.13275454

It's legit baffling how this guy manages to have a beard and ample chest hair and still look effeminate af

>> No.13275457
File: 2.18 MB, 1286x1472, Screen Shot 2019-06-10 at 7.16.21 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

think the fact that he is just ripping off other youtubers is pretty bad tho. pic related from what i just posted above. the thing is that the trend is chock-full of unoriginality and is mostly just narcissists jerking themselves off on camera about how some self help 101 shit they did like deleting the twitter app on their phone or something

>> No.13275486
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he reminds me of bourdain, couldn't help but notice an interesting title among his books tho

>> No.13275498
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"you wake up in the morning and you flip on an audiobook, while you're brushing your teeth and making breakfast, done! that's it, you're done your thirty minutes (of reading)"


>> No.13275554
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>watching some söyboy and not based forest man


>> No.13275581

If audio books aren't reading then what are audio books? They are information being encoded by one person sent and decoded by another person. The only difference is the medium of that encoding being auditory instead of visual, but we have the well known idea of sub-vocalization. Parents read to their children before they learn to read for themselves and those children are taught to read aloud at first. The visual stimulation of reading is actually an extra step added to the process. I would go as far to say that reading itself isn't reading, it's just reading with extra steps.

>> No.13275612
File: 49 KB, 496x305, 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I would go as far to say that reading itself isn't reading,

>> No.13275626

audio books are listening, NOT READING, different things! shut up retard lmao

>> No.13275650
File: 31 KB, 460x276, Slavoj-Z-iz-ek-at-his-hom-008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reading itself isn't reading

>> No.13275707
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>>I would go as far to say that reading itself isn't reading

>> No.13275712

nigga that's what the word 'listen' is for

>> No.13275770

He doesn't have 'carriage'. He just doesn't come across, carry himself across. It's not even him being effeminate, it's that there's nothing there.

>> No.13275791

he's a gay, secular jew.

>> No.13275945

Audio books probably dilute your own vocabulary and critical thinking skills

>> No.13275959


>> No.13275979


lad thats top down stuff youre watching shills

>> No.13276003

if this guy had a worse haircut/glasses and said rightwing stuff you all would be into him

>> No.13276021

I get what you are saying, but damn that last sentence is funny as fuck.

>> No.13276059


I stopped working 60 hours a week and enjoyed two-years of personally funded elevated NEET-dom (going to museums, learning things, picking books back up after a long hiatus).