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13273324 No.13273324 [Reply] [Original]

How do I write male characters?

>> No.13273327

Write a woman, then add reason and accountability.

>> No.13273344
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Fuck women! They're all whores

>> No.13273346

r/writing here. Just write a "person" and then randomly decide on gender. We're all exactly the same.

>> No.13273349

stay here with us

>> No.13273355

Manliness is a relation which relates itself to its own self. Try to put your character into a mindset where they only care about social status and perceived "manliness". To chase this perception men usually perform reckless activities, act in a way that is vulgar, use women as trophies to seem more masculine (bonus points if they fuck someone else's girl), act truculently, etc.
Men usually have very fragile egos and since their entire identity rests upon their degree of perceived manliness they will take any criticism, especially of masculinity, as an affront to their core personhood.

>> No.13273361

give them a male name

>> No.13273365

That sounds kind of shallow and it's the kind of writing I want to avoid. I don't mind giving a particular character that personality (because it can lead to very interesting interactions), but I need something less specific and more general to male psychology.

>> No.13273370

How about "Claire"?

>> No.13273374

I'm going to assume that if anyone calls this post retarted you'll just say its because they're fragile. Right?

>> No.13273384

More like think of a woman and remove intelligence and self control

>> No.13273387

If you just call a post retarded it's likely you have no argument and are just assmad.
Men are the most fragile little creatures on the planet. See: reaction to Wonder Woman film.

>> No.13273391

call him "he"

>> No.13273401

>lose my temper and lash out because you suggested I'm emotionally fragile

>> No.13273420
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You should come up with a personality then their likes and dislikes and imagine what they would say do feel and think in situations that you write them into
Good luck writing.

>> No.13273423

Yep, you got me totally assmad at someone on the internet because they posted something i disagree with. Seems like you're the mad one beacuse i dared to challenge you. People got mad at a film so that means every man is fragile. Wow great come back

>> No.13273428

Where did i lash out? Please enlighten me

>> No.13273467

"And then he said:
-I don't give a rat's ass about what they were doing and what happened to them. I could name 5 moments my Bitcoin wallet peaked this week. The rest of their story can go to hell for all I care, it is not inside my interest so I'm not interested, it's that simple."

>> No.13273488

I can't find the flaw in this logic.
It explains why women freak out about rape more than other violence. Because it's stealing a possession they want to monetize.

>> No.13273944

General distaste for nurturing. We find it boring. Competitive attitude towards things perceived as manly. Can be intense about whatever we perceive as purposeful. Less mature men may view women only as either nuturing mother like figures or sinister prostitutes with no in between. That's the gist of make psychology as I know it. Hope that gets some wheels turning

>> No.13273965

This, we are all essentially the same just have different experiences that shape us (as well as some hormonal differences but either way they make you crazy, so). To write a male you write a person who has grown up with expectations and unfairness, to write a female you write a person who has grown up utterly spoiled in every interaction.

>> No.13273986

we're done here folks

>> No.13274012

It's certainly helpful; I would have never thought of that, but it makes a lot of sense when I think about it.

>> No.13274030

Based Nicholson

>> No.13274033


>> No.13274077

Append every piece of male dialogue with "muh dik"

>> No.13274129
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>> No.13274130

Yikes, incel detected

>> No.13274160

Kek, roastie got tossed around like the used meat she is.

Truth is, OP, that men are more idealistic and women materialistic, but they share more things in common than not. Sex will be a huge part of writing your character, but so is their beauty, their age, their wealth, their childhood, their culture, etc, etc. Just remember when writing a man, how he perceives himself, his goals (or lack thereof), and his relation to them are critical. He is more interested in the idea of things than his female counterpart.

>> No.13274424

this tirade against being emotional is such proof of women's general brainletism.

>> No.13275100

What other differences should be kept in mind when writing male characters? I don't want my characters to act unrealistic based on what poor ideas of masculinity I have.

>> No.13275118

Masculine man is a protector, he values good and his service to good. Pick his idea of good and have him live it vehemently.

>> No.13275208

Take a look at a list of every trait associated with masculinity and try to incorporate a few of them.