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13265098 No.13265098 [Reply] [Original]

Aldous Huxley wrote extensively on his experiences with psychedelics. What are some other authors' opinions or commentaries on psychs and are they worth trying? Lsd looking kinda scrumptious, ya feel me?

>> No.13265106

psychs are the best drugs. I can't wait for the war on drugs to end.

>> No.13265111

Has psychs ever positively influenced you in any way? I want to try LSD but im still a bit undecided.

>> No.13265118

Ernst Junger
Fun fact: in germany there was no war on drugs

>> No.13265125

Opium lady in Miss Macintosh is pretty great

>> No.13265137

Yes, absolutely. Although, that's me. I can't speak for how they will affect you since drugs affect us all differently, especially psychedelics. LSD is an incredible experience. I write constantly in my job and tripping has without a doubt made me a better writer.

>Fun fact: in germany there was no war on drugs
The United Nations has pushed a War on Drugs on all countries, anon.

>> No.13265141

I was talking about nazi germany.
In nazi germany addicts weren't considered subhumans and they thought addictions could be cured.
The majority of addicts were war veterans and physicians

>> No.13265150

based Nazis

>> No.13265171

I've heard that people should have a plan going into a trip. What are some concepts or emotions you would recommend someone explore when taking acid

>> No.13265372

I trip when I'm already on a natural high and I make sure I'm in a comfortable space. I learned that the hard way after a bad trip in a dark basement at 3 A.M.

>> No.13265531
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Take my advice. Clear out a room in your home of all furniture, clean it thoroughly, block the windows so that no light can enter the room. Take one tab and listen to TOOL. When you have achieved a totally transcendental state, do some guided meditation with this

MK ultra yourself into a spiritual experience, don't just looka da pretty colors n shapes like an fuckings toddler

>> No.13265536

420chan psy is a better place to ask general stuff about psychs, dosage, info about specific drugs and stuff.

ive only done lsd, 2cd, mdma, and sometimes weed has psychedelic effects.
lsd is the best thing ive done in my life and i recommend to everyone and anyone.

>> No.13265542

Weed is Herb in Ayurveda. Psychedelic drugs were part of our culture that war on durgs have fucked us. It's really slowly getting legalized in India. But it's gonna be awhile because alcohol lobbyists are in opposition corruption will make hard to get the drugs legalized.

>> No.13265543

this guy is offering one approach to psychedelics. I think that if you do this youll have an incredible experience but I'd recommend getting comfortable in the acid headspace (as comfortable as you can be in such a situation anyway) by having a number of experiences that are basically guaranteed to be positive.

>> No.13265549

having a plan is a strategy for avoiding a situation where you feel like you need to be doing something but cant decide on what.
this can lead to you being stuck in a thought loop and stressing out.
over the weeks leading up to your trip write down anything you'd like to think about while on acid.
when the time comes you'll probably not be interested or not like much of the things youve written down, this is a good way to find out how you feel about the things you wrote down honestly.

>> No.13265560

My best advice is to start small with your doses, 100-200ug. and work up to larger doses.
watch some movies, but don't watch shit movies. Try to find something that will make you think, i love watching movies for the first time ever on lsd, i usually come away with some weird interpretation that makes no sense when i come down and watch it again, but that i get something out of.
Music is great, frank zappa on lsd is my personal favourite. Ween was a good time and helped me lean into my largest ever dose 800ug.

The only thing you absolutely can never forget is that you arent in physical danger from the drug, and letting go of a thought is almost always the best option.

>> No.13265565

I forgot to mention authors lol
The nature of a psychedelic experience is that its hard to write down, indescribable, you'll want to write it all down but it wont make any sense to anyone except you.
Pynchon and DFW have written about the experience

>> No.13265587

>What are some concepts
Read Jung

>> No.13265594
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>> No.13265616

If you're doing it for the first time plans are probably unnecessary, just enjoy the ride. You can always do them again if you want to try a different approach.

>> No.13265779
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If you are undecided, don't do it. You don't do psychs for pleasure, once it has starded, there is no going back. It's no just some pot you smoke with the mates. Letting go, trusting life. Experiencing ego death is the single most frightening and incredible thing ever, and if you're not prepared for it, if you're not prepared to experience existence at it's fullest without any boundaries, you should give yourself more time.

>> No.13265782


>> No.13265788

There was no war on drugs at that time in the world anyway... germany wasn't special

>> No.13265844

just low dose and have a trip sitter brainlets

also first time do it near your home, so if it goes dark you can just go brainlet by flicking on thor ragnorak

>> No.13267219

acid helped me understand some poetry better and also made me really enjoy looking at plants and trees

>> No.13267222

watch a david lynch movie

>> No.13267246

>ego death
this doesn't mean what people think it means

>> No.13267357

even worse it's become a complete goofball meme

>> No.13267387

What does it mean

>> No.13267411

You only understand ego death once you're there. That meme is very true. You will almost never reach it on lsd or mushrooms, ect. You either need to take a heroic dose, or use something more dissociative like salvia or dmt

>> No.13267430

I had read the name Terence Mckeena thrown around as someone who had interesting ideas about the topic, then I went and watched his videos, and it turns out he is just a hippy, which means he is just a white guy who takes a lot of drugs and likes to take elements from other cultures out of context and act like he is onto something new. Not recommended.

>> No.13267489


You can totally do psychedelics for pleasure. Most of my mystical experiences on psyches started as recreation.

I get that this is tested wisdom, but personally I'm very glad I started with 4 grams of mushrooms. For acid, I recommend 4 tabs of good stuff.

>> No.13267563

Alright, anons. OP here. I've decided to drop this Friday from 9am-8pm. This sound ok? Any last advice?

>> No.13267569

turn off your phone so it doesnt keep going off. in the middle of a good experience your grandma sending cat pictures through whatsapp kills the mood.

>> No.13267577

Listen to Oval - 94diskont. It will change your life. Use headphones

>> No.13267597

Lol forsure man.
I'll take a look anon. Thanks for the rec.

>> No.13267608

about 1/3 of mckenna's ideas are genuinely good and the rest total malarkey. you just have to improve your hippy bullshit filter. it's also not entirely terrance's fault, he's very much a product of his time

>> No.13267629

Worth trying but the identification machine can be seriously, possibly irreparably damaged. What this means in practice is that (you) have seen something (you) can't unsee. When we see things, we often attempt to pin them down. Especially something that seems amazing or important or revealing. Considering your current position/investments, this can have dire consequences - for some even the abstract understanding of the act of "drug use" and its relation to their family/sustaining elements can be enough of a ticking time bomb in terms of what they may think they're doing or what they think constitutes "them". Where is it physically ok for you to be at a given time? Where are you physically ok with being at any given time? What is permitted and what is forbidden? You can surprise yourself.

>> No.13267643

This sounds like important information. Any further explanations or articles that go over this issue?

>> No.13267653

Go /out/

>> No.13267670

Same guy that replied to you last time. I had my only ego death during that first time I took 4 grams, it was anything but frightening for me.
Experiencing my ego dying on DMT was scary

>> No.13267671

>The only thing you absolutely can never forget is that you arent in physical danger from the drug, and letting go of a thought is almost always the best option.
>The only thing you can absolutely never forget
>letting go of a thought is almost always the best option
>absolutlely never forget
>letting go
Its so damn hard to put into words but this post is def pointing at one of the key breaking points for people imo. And at high enough doses I would expect less and less "control". I think its at least responsible to go into it asking yourself some serious questions while similtaneously knowing you can't have serious answers.

>> No.13267706

I guess this is a final question to all you anons out there. What are some questions that you explored during a trip that truly changed you in a significant way? Any questions that I should ask myself?

>> No.13267734

Cioran's aphorisms in The Trouble With Being Born. Just read each one and think lol.

>> No.13267771

"Am I capable of asking or answering this question?" This is all speaking from personal experience, but monitor the language apparatus closely. Notice that I have to relay this sentiment to you through language. Don't expect to be imparted any sort of intelligible divine knowledge or epiphany.

>> No.13267774

Psychedelics, such as LSD, make you see and feel things that aren't there. The emotional sensations you feel aren't innately real either. If you feel enlightened it could just be that, a feeling. Same with the sensation of impeding doom which is equally commom. Psychedelics aren't the key to enlightenment, they construct an illusion of it.

>> No.13267891
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Huxley wrote about LSD several years before the negative side effects were widely known. Also, he died before the hippy movement became a thing, so he never got to see the LSD burnouts. Don't wind up like Syd Barrett or Brian Wilson.

>> No.13267910

I did shrooms when I was 13 and I have a feeling it permanently altered my psychology, triggering or enhancing latent schizoid tendencies.

>> No.13267924

It probably did, LSD can really fuck your head.

>> No.13268072

Lol ur scaring me now. I'm getting a lot of responses saying it'll be good but a few saying I'll ruin my brain

>> No.13268109

you'll be fine, it doesn't seem like you have a brain to ruin

>> No.13268125

Drugs are a great way of manifesting latent mental illness, but you already need the latent mental illness. LSD can manifest latent schizophrenia, so can weed, neither can "give" you schizophrenia

>> No.13268206

LSD gave me a pseudo-mystical experience and loosened my materialist/scientist convictions, making me open to exploring real spirituality after I stopped taking it.
It also made me critically evaluate my life, what I wanted, what I was doing wrong, and what I needed to do to at least get on the path to where I wanted to be.
It also made me feel incredibly empowered, as though my entire life was in my hands, and I had the full power to decide my future.
This is not the case for everyone though - I've met a bunch of people who have taken loads of acid who ended up like the stereotypical hippie burnouts, as well as local gangster-esque animalistic people living on the streets who basically had no introspection/changed nothing about themselves after their acid experiences, even after 800ug+ trips.
So yea your mileage may vary. I think it had an overall positive impact on me but I wouldn't take it again unless I was doing it with a close friend who wanted to explore that 'otherworldy' side of life for their first time - since it's a lot easier to get a friend to take acid with you (and have what I consider to be a McDonalds-brand mystical experience), than to get them into a dedicated long-term spiritual practice.

>> No.13268265

You'll be fine, as long as you haven't been in and out of mental wards or have a family history of schizo shit a small dose of LSD won't fuck your head

>> No.13268364

Id really recommend having a look at 420chans psychedelics board.
If you have a good meal before you trip it won't hit as fast, but an issue I've had is if I don't eat beforehand I won't eat all day and then I get bad stomach cramps, acid does something to your gut.
You don't ever feel like eating while tripping, if you do you'll want to eat fruit or some other "clean" feeling food, so if you get bad stomach cramps you probably just need to eat something. This has manifested itself as a sense of impending doom in some of my trips, then I eat an apple and it goes away.
Set and setting is really the big thing to consider, don't trip if you're going to stress out about something, and don't trip if you don't have anywhere safe. It's also important you're able to change settings, sometimes that takes you out of the dark place.

Movies are my favourite thing to do on mid-low doses of LSD. David Lynch being the most interesting. Samsara is a no-dialogue documentary that I cried watching on LSD. Good horror movies that pull you in are also great, the shining was fantastic on LSD. Dont be afraid to put on a "happy" movie on to cheer you up either, the Lego movie is a genuinely enjoyable movie due to the animation and some of the concepts it explores.

Everyone will recommend going outside and I agree that its pretty difficult to have a bad time while soaking up nature. I've had some bad experiences where I put myself in danger so I kind of avoid going into the bush alone while tripping now, but just don't do anything dumb and you'll love it.

>> No.13268623

This generation of internet darknet losers should be exterminated
If you manage to get LSD... DO NOT waste your time watching movies and TV...

Take it and go somewhere nice

>> No.13268675
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>block the windows so that no light can enter the room. Take one tab and listen to TOOL

>> No.13268685
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>Take it and go somewhere nice
LSD in nature is the best. my best experience was in the Olympic Peninsula.

>> No.13268758

Don't listen to old hippies like this, I would have thought a literature board would have had a greater appreciation for experiencing a film while on acid. Have trips out in nature, have trips inside watching movies, have trips in complete darkness, have trips at crowded parties. Just enjoy it, don't feel like you have to do anything other than pay attention. Dont be afraid to try something weird. It might be a waste of time, you might hate it, you might freak out, you will get to know how to get the most out of a trip on your own.

>> No.13268775

fucking hell that photo is lovely

>> No.13268785

Just to clarify, most have my trips have been out in nature. Above a certain dosage though I usually lay in bed with or without music.

>> No.13269033


>> No.13269059

Life is not serious anon. Accept what is coming to you. It's okay to be scared, it's okay to cry, It's okay to laugh, everything is fine. You wont be dying, you'll be more than alive, more than life. The first time is always so bizarre, buckle up and enjoy that ride.

>> No.13269149

vice said psych are the new anal sex!

>> No.13269178

Thanks for this, anon. I've decided to take it with a close sober friend later this month. Excited for this experience and I'll keep in mind all your comments. Thanks to all of you anons who helped me out

>> No.13269275

Where can I get lsd

>> No.13269397

Dark net markets, it's harder these days but still can be done, make sure you do a lot of research

>> No.13269598

Make friends with teenagers.

>> No.13269858


>> No.13269870

Evergreen State College is filled with a bunch of retards, but you can get really good deals on high quality acid there

>> No.13269903

Took a bunch of LSD, Mushrooms, 2C-xs, Mescaline, and DMT during my college years. The experiences you have will be life changing, but they are simulations, at best, of experiences that can be obtained through hard work, spiritual exercises, and God's intervention. Man isn't meant to explore that realm unguided.

>> No.13270080

stav go to bed