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/lit/ - Literature

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13263585 No.13263585 [Reply] [Original]

>The Odyssey is like so dumb. Odysseus has sex with like a ton of girls but he's going to kill Penelope if she's not faithful? That's not very feminist, Ody. You got some learnin' to do.

>Now for today's thought bubble: a little tiny Lysistrata figurine. Oh Homer, we can't possibly hold you accountable for not being a feminist in ancient Greece, after all, it's not like feminism existed back then, oh wait, it totally did, you misogynist pig.

>Back to the Odyssey: is Penelope the true hero of the story? Yes. Yes she is. That's all we have time for today, be sure to like and subscribe and buy tickets to my new movie: The Da Vinci Code with Teenagers.


>> No.13263618

He has a point.

my little sister tried to read the Odyssey and she became so discouraged with it that she couldn't even finish it. She asked why all of the women were just objects or subplots for the men and had to do everything that the men told them to. I tried to explain to her that that's how it was back then, that men were really bad and bigoted but she didn't seem all that reassured. She said she'd rather read something that didn't make her feel like a secondary sex and could actually show her something useful about life, not just a masculinity power trip fantasy novel. I couldn't blame her.

tldr; actual girls need literature that they can identify with and be edified by and The Odyssey and Homer and Western literature in general doesn't provide them that

It's just that now that more women have been allowed to be in positions of authority in academia and literature that we are beginning to see challenges to works like those of Homer to see if they actually have any enduring merit that appeals to all races, sexes, and genders rather than just one: white males. (spoiler: most don't)

thankfully my little sister continued to pursue her interest in literature (with a bit of guidance from me) and she has come to adore Toni Morrison, Margaret Atwood, Jhumpa Lahiri, Virginia Woolf, and Kathryn Stripling Byer among others

>> No.13263641

you're right. we should all eat cereal thats had 30 penises in it.

>> No.13263651

Your little sister sounds like a fine example of why women shouldn't be taught to read.

>> No.13263666

But WHAT IF Odysesseus was gay and had sex with like 30 dudes and then went hope to Perseus instead of Penelope. WHAT NOW BIGOT

>> No.13263668

It's pasta. This entire thread is garbage; no one will gain anything from being here. Just leave and go read something worthwhile.

>> No.13263679

Thank you. That is exactly what I needed to jolt me into closing my browser for the day. I'm going to go read a book.

>> No.13263834

>men treat women like objects
>why is this book treating women like objects

>> No.13263875

If I remember correctly he became the sex slave for the goddess Calypso. I distinctly remember getting a boner at that part

>> No.13263882

>gets to bone a literal goddess and live forever
>instead chooses to go back to his aging wife

what a guy

>> No.13264451

You don't have to identify with a character. This shows that women have no sense of intelligence. I am more like that plump balding guy in The Iliad than Achilles, but I understand that art is something to be appreciated not a pathetic excuse to affirm your own world view. The message through a book is juvenile and sophomoric because there's so much more to convey. Imagine reducing your entire life to one hackneyed platitude. "The woman are objects in The Odyssey". Clearly not true, but even if what is so unbelievable about the story and the premise. All fiction is about creating worlds. The message conveyed in an authors world is irrelevant and counterintuitive to the details and intricate moments/motifs expressed. Even authors like Orwell and Dosto who wrote allegories and plays in novellic form cannot be reduced to a single line. "Big Brother is the Soviet Union and Raskolnikov is a murderer." OP is even more pathetic by posting it and I'm the most pathetic by indulging it, but I'm still right.

>> No.13264524

Jesus Christ why a fucking idiot and a soiboy.

Why are people keep posting this fucking moron over here? He has no balls.

>> No.13264538

Your sister sounds like a faggot.

>> No.13264548

I'll see your sister protest naked as a bald dyke in 15-20 years

>> No.13264553

I saw this thread four years ago

>> No.13264558

>works of Homer appeal to white males
>white males

Fuck I hate how reductive the term 'white males' is. I get that it's just shorthand for oppressor, the 'them' to a minority's 'us and them', but it literally makes no fucking sense. White males are hated because they're seen by leftists as manifestations of oppressive power structures.
How the fuck is Ancient Greece in any way related to modern history and power structures? The disconnect between the cultural landscape of Ancient Greece and the modern day is huge, yet these fucking people have to import our modern conceptions of 'white males' into a landscape where those relationships of oppression are completely irrelevant.
Go make an SJW critique of modern literature or something, fine I don't care, but it literally makes zero sense to apply this modern leftist logic to Homer

>> No.13264559

What if I read books in my browser?

>> No.13264581


Cool story bro.

>> No.13264681


>> No.13264684

>Being this much of a newfag
SJW doesn't make any sense.

>> No.13264700
File: 117 KB, 500x711, GRjapanese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I started using this board around that time, the video came out in 2014 and we used to have a lot more John Green hate threads. All the posts here just repeat but are slightly worse each month.

>> No.13264706

It's such a spectacularly poor take. Modern notions of gender equality wouldn't even have made sense in Mycenaean Greece.

Also, John.
>Well screw you, Penelope. I can't go back in the past and un-screw all those women, but that doesn't mean I don't genuinely enjoy your faithful loyalty.

>> No.13265117

your little sister sounds like a real piece of shit if she can't identify with Odysseus just because he has a penis. I feel sympathy and empathy with female characters all the time despite being a male.

And you're an even bigger piece of shit for encouraging literary segregation.

>> No.13265130
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>the women were just objects
Hi. I'm Athena and what the hell are you talking about?

>> No.13265138

>She asked why all of the women were just objects or subplots for the men
Because that's what reality is like.

Feminism is basically just women demanding to be men, there is not an ounce of the feminin in Feminism.

>> No.13265308


>OMG I can't read this it's so demoralising! My hand has been forced; I must never read anything that's not YA again!

>> No.13265331

Ironically feminism is a product of the white male. Only Gaul men used soap.

>> No.13265337

Odysseus literally gets raped.
In fact, he gets captured by a being of far greater strength, held against his will, and used for his body while he weeps and thinks of his home and child. He is made the victim of the very fate that awaits women at the hands of the wars he fights.
But the kind of people thatl ook for things that dont align with their stunningly mediocre understanding of contemporary social issues in ancient works aren't known for their intellect, so even a basic understanding of the way in which the odyssey portrays its protagonist as both masculine hero and feminine victim would be a bit beyond them.
But it doesn't matter, nothing in this bait thread matters.

>> No.13265413

ITT: Newfags incapable of recognizing baitpasta

>> No.13265447

Then there would be OddyMoms and a multi-picture franchise in the works, much like Twilight.
because /lit/ is addicted to YA fiction like a single woman in her 30s

>> No.13266095


>> No.13266099

And it keeps getting funnier every single time I see it.

>> No.13266112

Slit your fucking wrists, newfag(s).

>> No.13266121
File: 86 KB, 446x435, 1552723747217.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post yfw the best character in Homer is a girl (Pallas)

>> No.13266134

I know this is bait but it's honestly quite legit.

>> No.13266145

if you ever needed evidence that literature is a hub of tryhard morons, it's the existence of this utter cuckold.

>> No.13266172

2/15 recognizing the old pasta, the absolute state of this board.

>> No.13266183

It's not pasta if it's true