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13262400 No.13262400 [Reply] [Original]

What are some good books on the difference between Ash'ari (determinism, divine command theory) and Maturidi (free will, right and wrong exist in themselves) schools of Islam? Or failing that, books on one or the other.

>> No.13263218


>> No.13264667
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Has anyone written about the domestic life inside a Muslim household, especially one with multiple wives?

>> No.13264697

No idea but back in school I remember they taught us a chapter called Predestination and decree.

The gist of it, or at least what my 13 year old self understood at the time, was that all events in life are pre-determined and will inevitably unfold as they have been destined. However, simultaneously we as humans come to the decisions that bring about these events of our own free will and hence are responsible for whatever choices we make.

>> No.13264866

Islam requires each wife be given her own house

>> No.13264896

Is that true in every tradition? I was really hoping to discover some kind of domestic diplomacy that could somehow compartmentalize each woman, no small feat.

>> No.13264903

Yes, it is. You rotate which wife you spend the day with.