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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 51 KB, 601x451, BAM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13262340 No.13262340 [Reply] [Original]

Is this book a meme or worth reading? Gone through Nietzsche, Dostoevsky, Schopenhauer, Carlyle, Greek Stoicism and a number of others.. Curious if this is an entertaining light read or if I should continue on with more of the classics

>> No.13262355
File: 463 KB, 500x775, E2DCACE8-8D1B-4F49-9543-9A927F8A038D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s a meme.
I’d never pay for it.

>> No.13262364

>bronze age

>> No.13262378

i read it, it is a light entrtaining read and you can do it in one sitting, it has a bit of truth to it and sometimes it reads literally as /fitlit/ poster or a evolved /pol/ might is right
however i took the ancient greek hero myth pill and its great as one day i will evolve up to modern philosophy

>> No.13262387
File: 182 KB, 1347x394, bronze age eugenics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A bad meme.

>> No.13262389

I wouldn't mind something like that honestly. I love the deeper stuff but Crime and Punishment was hard to finish at points. Also wouldn't mind a good laugh or 2.
Also what do you mean by the ancient greek hero myth pill?

>> No.13262401

why are these losers so obsessed with muh viriles greeks who were literally quite gay

>> No.13262409

Because of how incredibly advanced they were? Because they are the foundation of the greatest civilization the world has ever seen?

>> No.13262410

what books on stoicism would you recommend?

>> No.13262418

This. Caught it after I posted.

Ugh. Now that know I’ll never bother.
—-Except maybe to write the antithesis for fun.

Start with the Greeks, anon.

>> No.13262419

Meditations by Marcus Aurelius is memed by some people but is honestly worth the read. If you can take away certain mindsets from it, it will help you build mental fortitude. Also would recommend Discourses by Epictetus (Epictetus influenced Aurelius)

>> No.13262421

They aren't though. They represent the exact opposite of the Greeks.

>> No.13262422

So based. I love IRONY. This is what trads, reactionaries, and other fringe groups actually think lmao!!! hail the neoliberal established order keep btfoing these ass backwards bigots!!

>> No.13262464

Are you OK? Your post looks like an incomprehensible alt-right meltdown, friend. I hope you'll feel better tomorrow.