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13259554 No.13259554[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>pray to God
>God doesn't answer


>> No.13259560

It's like when you talk to girls

>> No.13259570

what form do you expect the answer to take

how do you conceive of god

>> No.13259571

>it's another religion thread
when will summer end

>> No.13259579


>> No.13259678

He's probably not real anon, that's the simple answer. This board has plenty of boomers who will cite esoteric literature they themselves have not read to prove that there's a god but those works themselves tend to pressupose a whole lot of unprovable shit.

>> No.13259682

God works in mysterious ways

>> No.13259691

They are only going to increase with my presence. :3 for various reasons.

>> No.13259702

yeah, pretty sure many in this board don't believe in girls either...

>> No.13259711

> this is proof god is a girl

>> No.13259728

>pray to God
>he gives an answer you don't want

>> No.13259734
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>cry out to god seeking his decision
>create my own prison

>> No.13259738

>God please cure my cancer I don't want to die
>Thanks, God

>> No.13259743

You mean you talk to women differently than you talk to men?

Retard. :3

>> No.13259745

If god ever "answers", i hope it answers in the form of beatboxing and sound effects.

>> No.13259749

I love her so much bros

>> No.13259767

have you tried praying harder

>> No.13259770

>God gives you cancer
>Pls cure it God
>Ah of course sorry anon, my mistake I'll just give it to someone else

>> No.13259773

At least I can take comfort in knowing that God is the cause of all medical suffering. Thanks God.

>> No.13259788

mysterious ways anon :^)

>> No.13259794

You cannot petition the lord with prayer!


>> No.13260017

Prayer is not some medium that can be used for the reciprocal exchange of values with God - regardless of how you imagine that happening - it is a solitary rite of faith that is practiced to express love for God and its children.

>> No.13260280

He won't talk directly with just abour anyone, Moses, may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, was one of the only prophets who got that distinction. Normal procedure is to use angels.

>> No.13260294
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>call my mother in the next room
>she doesn't answer

>> No.13260340


>> No.13260402

Is belief in God ultimately lack of courage in the face of one's mortality and absurd existence?

>> No.13260441
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Yes, of course. The abandoned child that cries himself nauseous is the metaphor for existential Crises

>> No.13260513

>Moses, may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, was one of the only prophets who got that distinction.
Moses was contacted by YHWH/Satan/Jupiter, not God.

>Normal procedure is to use angels.
Angels do not reveal themselves to humans - demons do, in the guise of an "angel of light".

>> No.13260534

I would say you’re disagreeing with him here, because an ‘abandoned child that cries himself nauseous’ sounds like an atheist.

That’s not you of course, is it? You wouldn’t be taking antagonistic stances towards me would you? :3

>> No.13260622

Satan is a concept from Scripture, no other original source on him, and both Testaments and the Qur'an distinguish him from Who spoke to Moses, the peace and blessings of Allah be upom him.

>> No.13260635

What was greeks name who said gods exist but they dont care about mortals affairs

>> No.13260646

Lucifer on the other hand is not, and pre dates both judaism/christianity and the greek/roman pantheon gods

>> No.13260649

You know, anon
Theology is not really a simple subject
If you want answers (which I doubt it) why don't you look for a theologian?

>> No.13260656

Exercise. Then talk to Goddess

>> No.13260677

Lucifier as mentioned in Isaiah is also distinct from the God, may He be glorified and exalted, Who spoke to Moses

>> No.13260710

I’m with this gentleman.

**I think we should all agree to consider God as the same being in the Old Testament and New Testament.**

Not only that, but Satan I believe to be the same force as in Job as in the Quran. Satan’s paradigm may be associated with capital (greed) in some way and may be why philosophers like Nick Land think they are on to something by saying ‘Capital is Sentient’

I think we are starting to get a hang of what’s really going on here :3

>> No.13260728

How is capital, greed?

>> No.13260736
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>pray to Apollo
>actually works

>> No.13260745

Being associated with the direction of capital in any way is greed. I think if you associate yourself in some way with the direction of commercial industry then you could say this is not greedy but simply blindly following where capital goes for certain is.

If I said that wherever the money goes, that place is best, well I should hope you’d call me greedy. I, for one, have definitely left positions where I would have made more money solely to have more time with the people who matter in my life.

And that is what is most important. :3

>> No.13260749

If it did, it’s because the real, true God, understood that you are traveling the correct path.

You will reach true faith, as your fallen ancestors took centuries to do before you. :3

>> No.13260756

Capital is more than just money and a lot of money is not capital

>> No.13260768

I know to use money to make money is usury and outlawed by the church for a few hundred years at the least, perhaps over 1000 years, idk when the church started to allow it

>> No.13260774

Actually Capital is always realizable into money. Literally always.

It’s because capital produces wealth. Go ahead and name me a time where you cannot monetize capital :3

>> No.13260798

So in early christians days if you wanted to be wealthy you needed to be productive, physically or mentally, there was no making money on loans unless the investment itself (e. g. some building being financed) was able to produce a profit afterwards, but no money being made directly from money, specifically interest

A banker would have been a lower class of person in the eyes of their god

>> No.13260799

Capital is more than usury, but of course you are right.

>> No.13260800

>Satan is a concept from Scripture

>both Testaments and the Qur'an
Are judaized corruptions.

>no other original source on him
If you cannot discern truth from falsity - no literary sources will help you learn.

>> No.13260809

Yes that is how Muslim banking works, except in Egypt which, after outsing the Muslim Brotherhood, introduced a definition of usury that doesn't include all interest, which has been rejected by the Ulema