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13258634 No.13258634 [Reply] [Original]

Sell me a book in one line

>> No.13258638

Lord of the Flies
It's spoopy.

>> No.13258639

Everything you have ever been told about the contents of Mein Kampf is likely a lie.

>> No.13258644

This is true.

>> No.13258653

You ever realize the first thing he had the boys do when he started the book is get naked and go for a swim, he practically pulls a dickens and cockslaps you with pedo implications on the first page

>> No.13258672

If you weren’t turned on by the first page of lotf you were reading it wrong

>> No.13258676

There is nothing inherently sexual about skinny-dipping. Stop being a weirdo.

>> No.13258697

It’s not even me you’re just not yet able to separate the work from the writer and are still enthralled by the veil of the artist, given enough time everything you know will crumble down around you as you can’t watch a tv show without seeing an actor or read a book without seeing a control freak. As much as we’d like to believe that authors are a diverse people they require a certain palette of human qualities that coincidentally are rather caniving and predatory. Did you ever realize, that every word you read you read with your minds voice, even if it was written by someone else? I shouldn’t have to explain what I mean by that.

>> No.13258719

Yeah I understand. I'm reading it in MY mind voice so I am projecting my values onto the author.

But guess what? I don't even remember who wrote lotf or even know anything about him.

>> No.13258720

take your meds

>> No.13258721

take your meds

>> No.13258725

Reading Inside the Concentration Camps from cover to cover reveals a dialectic in the Jewish narrative of the Holocaust that goes unseen when each story is segregated from the rest by explanatory narration of third parties.

>> No.13258729

Can you explain some of it to me?

>> No.13258742

If I've heard a writer read their work, I hear it in their voice in my mind.

>> No.13258745
File: 267 KB, 1000x600, take.your.pills.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nordskog's We Bankers sheds a revealing light on the cause of the Great Depression, revealing a third of the story that goes otherwise untold.

>> No.13258781

As I read, I started to notice patterns of figures of speech:
>I couldn't tell you how many times X happened
>You wouldn't believe me if I told you
This dialectic combined with over the top claims that have been proven false lend towards an understanding of their storytelling style. Once you see the dialectic combined with an obvious lie, the dialectic itself becomes an indicator of itself that a story containing it should be considered suspect even though the associated lie is less obvious. Many of the examples that come to mind sound horrific separately with third party narration to build the story. Read as a whole, the mass of the combined stories lack a truth telling style and reveal themselves as bullshit.

>> No.13258833

Now if you can do that, you can read the first page of lord of the flies and tell me you can imagine a grown man writing that way without being a gay predator. Don’t the boys literally sodomize another buy in that book?

>> No.13258838

Preemptively posting against all the great one liners in mein kampf

>> No.13258856
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"Its main character is an incontinent, elderly (born the same day as Heinrich Himmler) yet puerile, militantly male chauvinist, female-phobic gay man who is also a pro-Nazi Aryan supremacist, an anti-intellectual bibliophile with an avid interest in European philosophy and post-modernist literature and theory, a substance abuser, an incestuous pedophile, a murderer, and a cannibal (!) living in rural northeast Sweden."

>> No.13258861

>Redefining entropy, Mein Kampf will assault your worldview anew on every page, leaving you wondering why people still lie about this book so universally.

>> No.13258867

Needs more em dash and semicolon.

>> No.13260309

That'll be £7.99

>> No.13261219

Buy it or die

>> No.13261296

I read the first pages and he was just whining about his childhood and "muh good old days", came off as insufferable desu.

>> No.13261319
File: 37 KB, 218x327, Underworld.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"He is just a running boy, a half-seen figure from the streets, but the way running running reveals some clue to being, the way a runner bares himself to consciousness, this is how the dark-skinned kid seems to open to the world, how the bloodrush of a dozen strides brings him into eloquence."

>> No.13261348

>Only now is the child finally divested of all that he has been. His origins are become remote as is his destiny and not again in all the worlds turning will there be terrains so wild and barbarous to try whether the stuff of creation may be shaped to man's will or whether hos own heart is another kind of clay.

>> No.13261814

It's by Stephen King

>> No.13261843

Take you are meds *

>> No.13261917
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Yeah yeah, you'll laugh you'll cry it'll change your life

>> No.13261936

that pic gives me a boner. who's the girl?

>> No.13261956

Lolita, light of my life, fire of my loins!

>> No.13261971

I don't hear my voice when I read, I hear another voice, also it does not repeat the words on the page

>> No.13262161

>Sell me a book in one line
If you simply said "I'm from Burgerland." it would take you less words to convey the intended info.

>> No.13262184

Something I have never understood. If the holocaust was, to some degree, a hoax or Jewish conspiracy, why are there nazi records of the human experiments? That stuff is definitely the most fucked up part of the camps, and it was all recorded and carried out by nazi doctors.

>> No.13263432

Phenomenology of Spirit: Everything in the world is exactly the same.

>> No.13263461

On "On Learned Ignorance" Cusanus deduces an infinite universe out of the definition of God

>> No.13263473

War and Peace
It's pretty good

>> No.13263578
File: 24 KB, 220x383, Only Revolutions.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's Finnegans Wake, but as an epic poem

>> No.13263941

Pig Island
You will hate women by the end of it.

>> No.13263966

Can someone else "unsell" me on this?


>> No.13264068

so you're interested but want an excuse to not read it?

>> No.13264176

I read House of Leaves, and I did like the first half of the book quite a bit, but the rest of it was kinda meh, and I've heard that his other work is not at all worth

>> No.13264217

Only Revolutions will piss you off if
>you've read another MZD book (HoL, The Familiar, TFYS) and you found his visual gimmicks annoying
>you've read Finnegans Wake and found the opaque, borderline non-English narration annoying
>you don't like cliche storylines and archetypes, even when reappropriated
otherwise, I consider it worth it just to try

>> No.13264238


>> No.13264263

Lord of The Rings
You'll never need to waste money on geography lessons

>> No.13264651

Whenever you become and adult and have children, make sure to never be in the same room as your kid naked, that is inherently sexual and would make you a pedophile, you bumblefuck retard.

>> No.13265288

>Moby Dick

>> No.13266210

>Did you ever realize, that every word you read you read with your minds voice, even if it was written by someone else?
This is true in most cases. Lord of the Rings though, I read it in actors voices. Swapped Gandalf out with Sean Connery and Aragorn with Russell Crowe. Was good. I highly recommend

>> No.13266392


I and the Father are one.

>> No.13266421

It's not that the Nazis were the good guys or that they didn't do awful shit to jews. What a lot of people claim is that the "holocaust" as a systematic genocide of the jewish population is false and never happened the way they try to make us think it did

>> No.13266833

confessions of St. Augustine
They are quite shocking, and might change your mind on some issues, regardless of your position on religion. There is a reason why there are congresses held around this book stilll nowadays.

>> No.13266908

So it's Finnegans Wake but without the good writing and visual gimmicks instead?

>> No.13266928

gravity's rainbow
shit smeared psychic rocket propelled nazi nigger dicks.

>> No.13267932

>without the good writing
no, you misinterpreted my comment. cliches and archetypes aren't necessarily bad
>visual gimmicks
if it makes you feel any better, there are reasons for the gimmicks, and tbqh, Finnegans Wake already has the gimmick of not being written in normal English

>> No.13267956
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>What degenerate produced this abortion

>> No.13267961

>regardless of your position on religion

>> No.13268045

can confirm, was an avid Christian until I read the Confessions, which radicalized me to hard atheism. that anyone can read and understand the words of St. Augustine without immediately deconverting is utterly mind-boggling

>> No.13268107

Can you go into more detail?

>> No.13268173
File: 1.53 MB, 420x314, c'est magnifique.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"It was the afternoon of my eighty-first birthday, and I was in bed with my catamite when Ali announced that the archbishop had come to see me."

>> No.13269844

Spinoza, Ethics
The world will make sense to you once you realize that you having the correct idea of God is actually the same as God thinking itself through you.

>> No.13270321

"i found this book interesting and it will brainwash you"

ok retard

>> No.13271414
File: 336 KB, 1536x2048, Boarding House - William Trevor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not quite one line but I'm planning to read this soon based on this incredible back cover intro.