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1325837 No.1325837 [Reply] [Original]

enjoy shit tier degrees

>> No.1325843


>> No.1325847

> Shit Tier: English
I wonder if it's a troll thread

>> No.1325854

lolol but it's true

>> No.1325857
File: 27 KB, 320x240, tropic_movie_downeyjr1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>astronomy degree

>> No.1325861

>English, Classics, History, and Philosophy in shit tier

I wonder if this is a troll...

>> No.1325865

but many who get english and history degree eventually go into law. Same with those who study the life science. Eventually they go into medicine.

>> No.1325866

This guys face when English is pre-law

>> No.1325867

leave thy wine and thy whore
and thou shalt have more
than two tens to a score

>> No.1325868
File: 179 KB, 589x564, 1291170426968.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Physics, God tier. Physics is an interesting subject but good fucking luck finding a job.

>> No.1325869

physics is actually basically dead, "medicine" doesnt exist without biology, the world needs less faggy lawyers, lol at kinesiology, i dont think wow playing compsci losers working for porn hosts help mankind, and econ and business are well known at being the most scrub tier degrees for awful human beings

>> No.1325872

where does my film productions degree fit in?

>> No.1325876

>study philosophy and political science
>required to do work placement for 2 weeks
>do one at BBC
>finish degree
>get offered a place by them on news staff


>> No.1325879

I would kick it with everybody except most of the mid tier and the aspier parts of the god tier

>> No.1325884

so you mean mathematics physics chemistry engineering astronomy.... so everything except medicine...

>> No.1325883


No this is from /sci/ and it is also totally true.

>> No.1325893
File: 84 KB, 404x492, annefrank1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> wow playing compsci losers
Trolls trolling trolls.
C'mon /lit/, you're supposed to be smart!

>> No.1325896

how the fuck is Psychology "Low Tier"? Psychologists make like $187,000 a year!

Also, what the fuck are you going to do with a degree in Physics? Become a High School Physics teacher?

>> No.1325902

Where the hell did you get that number

>> No.1325906


2009 Yale/Rutgers poll on what doctor makes the most annually, Psychologist came in at 17th with an average of $187,000 annually

>> No.1325908

lololol hadron collider, space shit, earthquake resistant buildings.. the list goes on bro

>> No.1325922

Depends on what college you go to. My friend is graduating with a physics degree from MIT and I bet he could get a job doing whatever the fuck he wants. An employer put it to me this way, I can teach a physics math whiz finance but I can't teach a finance guy to be able to be good at math.

>> No.1325925

>compsci losers
>don't benefit mankind
We run your precious internet. See the benefit now?

>> No.1325926

Physics degree grads make a lot if they're good at something and they go to a college that is known for physics. But they have to be really good and they need to specialize in something.

LOL! Go get a psychology degree then.

>> No.1325927
File: 31 KB, 390x361, rus2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My face when foreign languages are >implied to be shit tier.

Guess OP won't be reading any Dostoevsky, Tolstoy, Muakami, Gogol, Marquez, Dante, Voltaire, Camus, or Cervantes. Also I guess my country will cut off communications with any country that does not speak our language because it would be a waste to employ some "shit tier" translators.

Also, if I had a nickel for every time I saw this damn picture posted, I could buy all the books on all you bastards' Amazon wishlists.

>> No.1325931

lol @ hermoine ever not knowing something

dremony Criticus,

>> No.1325935
File: 121 KB, 240x249, yallniggaz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seriously. You people are acting like fucking children.

>> No.1325953

>business majors
>not in its own below-shit tier

Oh wow.

>> No.1325958

welp ima math major