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13257014 No.13257014 [Reply] [Original]

Admit it. It's fun, comfy, genuinely good. Not great. But good.

>> No.13257025

How long does this book take to read?

>> No.13257045

It depends on your capabilities desu. A fast reader could probably finish it in one (long) sitting.

>> No.13257057

Took me a few months, but I drink a lot, so either I'm too drunk or hungover to read. Probably take the average working midwit anon (such as myself, despite the alcoholism) two or three weeks.

>> No.13257065

I'm a very slow reader. Marley and Me took a month.

>> No.13257077

if you read at a moderate pace and forgo all other hobbies, including wasting time on the internet? two weeks
if you read slowly or want to do other things concurrently? somewhere in the ballpark of a month and a half

>> No.13257099

Infinite Jest may take you between 3 and 4 months, then. Not sure if it's worth so much time.

>> No.13258150

I know that some books get altered with new editions so I was wonder should I return the 20th anniversary copy in lieu of the original one, or is the worlk largely unaffected?

>> No.13258164

Wouldn't it say if it was altered or not?

>> No.13258297

Of course it must be fun, IJ has a certain structure of sitcom.

>> No.13258302

It's comfy because
>Sitcoms, minus the commercials, are typically 22 minutes long. Thus, a sitcom script is generally between 25 and 40 pages long. Every sitcom episode has the main plot (story A), as well as one or two subplots (stories B and C). Sitcoms usually have three main acts (divided by two commercial breaks), as well as a teaser scene in the beginning. Make sure that the problems or challenges of stories A, B, and C are wrapped up or have some conclusion by the end of the third act.
I mean litterally each chapter titles of Y.D.A.U are the commercial of IJ

>> No.13258425

Something smells delicious

>> No.13258600

I con' think it's a stretch to say great. There are some weak segments - not just the one we all talk about here - but plenty of classic longer novels have those too.

Chapter titles are in no way analogous to ad breaks, segments are not of reliable length, do not reliably conclude, and crossover storylines are never interwoven as subplots within a currently operating segment. This makes no sense at all.

>> No.13258603

Took me a week but I went pretty ham on it