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13256636 No.13256636[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why are all anti-postmodernists and anti-marxists fucking numales? Is postmodernism and marxism truly chad philosophy?

>> No.13256644

>Why are all anti-postmodernists and anti-marxists fucking numales?
Because, unsurprisingly, even the """right""" is made up of degenerate soibois.

>> No.13256658

Your brain is severely warped from too much internet use. I suggest having sex and getting out more.

>> No.13256670

Zizeks incel quote comes to mind

>> No.13256672

who is the guy on the bottom left?

>> No.13256691
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>Is postmodernism and marxism truly chad philosophy?

>> No.13256699


>> No.13256702


>> No.13256709
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>As a matter of fact, I can name a postmodern neomarxist, and it is I.

>> No.13256715

>having sex makes u a Chad
Okay cucks

>> No.13256718

Both Peterson and Shapiro are married.

>> No.13256735

lotsa queers

>> No.13256748

If having sex means you're worth anything then explain women

>> No.13256778

They should have a Chad divorce

>> No.13256817

Their marriages are evidence of coping

>> No.13256839


>> No.13256841

Coping of what? lmao

>> No.13256873

Are you joking? Commies are some of the weakest looking "men" out there. The whole point behind communism and socialism is to have someone else do the work for you, which means they're doomed for failure.

>> No.13256901

Do you guys think he is into wife sharing

>> No.13257000


>> No.13257042

So do you get some sort of benefits or neetbux because you have down syndrome

>> No.13257082

lol, why because I watch the news and notice who's pimping it? All a bunch of weak, noodle-arm "men" who play activist because they know they're not good enough to get ahead by work. Talk to any of them long enough and they'll reveal mental illness, a lifetime of dependence and a complete lack of their own agency.

>> No.13257677
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>> No.13257763

they compensate for a lack of manliness by asserting a culture of it

>> No.13257778
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Even those who criticize postmodernism from the left look like weaklings. You may be on something here, OP.

>> No.13257784
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>the virgin Sokal: "You can't just use terms from mathematics and physics in your work without knowing what they actually mean
>the chad Deleuze: "Just watch me"

>> No.13257791

Stop thinking in memes

>> No.13257807
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You may be right op, pomo thinkers look aesthetic.

>> No.13257816

Most of the groups represented online are made up of degenerate soibos. It comes with the territory.

>> No.13257822

sokal = jeb
deleuze = trump

>> No.13257833

Peterson is literally a roughneck, the guy is like some Canadian version of a cowboy.

>> No.13257860

I've literally never met a 'communist' who could win a fight against the average woman living here and going to school in Jew York. The irony of it is staggering. I look forward to their eventual violent revolution.

>> No.13257870
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>Is postmodernism and marxism truly chad philosophy?

>> No.13257873

you are thinking of liberals

>> No.13257878

This man looks like Benedict Cumberbatch and John Green in the same body

>> No.13257908

What exactely are you expecting? Having 80 year old men working and lifting weights?

>> No.13257914

Because anyone who thinks abou postmodernism at all is a total basedboy.
Chad doesn't even read

>> No.13257926


This is such a neoliberal take. I can smell the burger on you, Amerimutt. Smells like early onset diabetes.

>> No.13257943

Modern communists are liberals, they're also stupid and don't see this as a disconnect. Why is this the case? The answer is simple, because communism had to adapt to the world rather than the reverse, after the many failures of communism in the 20th century. Rather than let the ideology die as the failure it is, it's become perverted and mixed with other leftist political schemes and serves now more as a signifier of political identity than any doctrine of conduct or policy.

>> No.13257944

Most people who call themselves communist are actually just edgy liberals.

If you want to learn to identify them, just talk to them about "socialist morals" or "socialist values", if they flinch they are just liberals dressed in read.

>> No.13257955

I have never in my life met a communist that gets more angry if you defend capitalism than if you say you're racist or sexist. They're progressives first like everyone else.

>> No.13257957

> just talk to them about "socialist morals" or "socialist values", if they flinch they are just liberals dressed in read.
What does this mean?

>> No.13257974

Modern communists liberals? I know that chinks sort of dropped maoism and integrated in global capitalism, but calling them liberals for it seems like a stretch.

>> No.13257985

the chinks seem blatantly fascist to me. They're basically an ethnostate and the Muslim camps and whatnot.

>> No.13258001
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keep coping

>> No.13258003
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Actual communists have a strong sense of morality, in the name of socialist values. Most communist countries ban pornography, Lenin himself shot prostitutes, Cuba has an extremely harsh penal code that gives the state the right to preventively arrest or at best put under surveillance people who engage in acts like drunken behavior, drug use and vagrancy.

That's because socialist morals are not liberal morals that emphasize the rights and desires of individuals. But tell that to liberals dressed in red. They think communism just means getting paid to engage in polyamorous orgies.

>> No.13258013

>Cherrypicking the thread

>> No.13258018
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We are talking about the Western world, of course. If we include China and India, then most conservatives are Hindu nationalist Chads who beat up Muslims for looking at a Hindu woman.

>> No.13258065

Modern communists in the western world? Where are those? In Greece?

>> No.13258080

That was the whole point, wasn't it? It wasn't saying that liberals are communists, but that most people who call themselves communists are liberals.

And yes, I've heard the KKE in Greece are still truly communist.

>> No.13258081
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>> No.13258094

A better question would be why are they zionists or kikes?

>> No.13258140

Socialists tend to be anti-bank and anti-israel, so they feel threatened.

>> No.13258144

Americans should not be allowed to speak about communism until they go beyond their propaganda and outright lies from creatures that benefit from their ignorance and stupidity.

>> No.13258228

What does it matter? The most communist country in the world is North Korea, I think it's safe to say everyone has the verdict on communism anon.

>> No.13258345


Never reply to me again.

>> No.13258365

>le awakened comrade who doesnt fall for ur propaganda
yeah bro the Soviet Union are totally credible, just believe what they said

>> No.13258437


No one said that, you blasted burger.

>> No.13258482

Capitalism is what creates soibois and has destroyed traditional values. Prove me wrong.

>> No.13258511

che, lenin, sankara all objective chads.

shapira, peterson, crowder debate 19 freshmans liberals for their 14 year old libertarian fan base

>> No.13258559

criticizing postmodernism is postmodern. its postmodern all the way down, bucko

>> No.13258565

i did like how che and stalin btfod the gays that was fairly based

>> No.13259907

Wrong for Peterson most of the leftist he debates are the people who interview him.