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/lit/ - Literature

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13252628 No.13252628 [Reply] [Original]

>I read for enjoyment

>> No.13252640
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>i read to make awful posts on >>

>> No.13252655
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>I read

>> No.13252667

>enjoyment and self improvement are necessarily and fundamentally different

>> No.13252751
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>I force myself to read even though I don't enjoy it because it makes me (seem) smarter

>> No.13254151

>I read because gives me painnn
Insert meme Big brain

>> No.13254157


>> No.13254194

I read to grow as a person. What image do I get?

>> No.13254229

I read for two reasons. First, to see how great men have handled and come to terms with the Logos in the past, and how I can uncover that primordial invader myself. Second is to understand and experience human emotions that either I haven't or can't feel myself. I don't read romance novels, but I enjoy fiction that engages with mundane although slightly romanticized family affairs.

>> No.13254238

>I read to get an image online
you don't deserve one

>> No.13254242

No. That's what I type for.

>> No.13254246
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>> No.13254247

I read non-fiction because it contains more information on an interest. I read fiction because literature is often much better than tv or film for exploring themes. Writing gives the author more freedom than other forms of media as other forms are restrained by resources and working with a team

>> No.13254255

/lit/ - the smartest board on 4chan.

>> No.13254264

/His/ is unironically much smarter

>> No.13254271

t. /his/torian. Go shitpost about the Hittites

>> No.13254285

i read to alienate myself from the mundaine and focus on what really matters as much as possible.
i don't give a flying fuck to geopolitics or current matters.

>> No.13254456

literally every board is smarter than /lit/. It's objectively the dumbest board on 4chan

>> No.13254461

What about the music board

>> No.13254487

>It's objectively the dumbest board on 4chan
I wouldn't go that far. Have you spent time on r9k, toy or x?

>> No.13254605

Don’t tell me you don’t enjoy reading and learning? Oh anon...

>> No.13254615

Don't be the guy from catch-22
>knows everything about literature, except how to enjoy it

>> No.13254749
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>he doesn't enjoy being dutiful

>> No.13254753

>enjoyment and self improvement are necessarily and fundamentally different
um, yes they are
each can be had without the other

>> No.13254783

I think the tard meant to say mutually exclusive

>> No.13254793

/his/ is dumber but more knowledgeable. It's basically impossible to have an actual philosophical or political discussion there because they're so dumb, but you get their retardation with a good dose of copypasted Wikipedia

>> No.13254978

John WIlliams once said to read without pleasure is stupid and I tend to agree with him.

>> No.13255029

x is a board that should no longer exist.

>> No.13255055

Lol this guy looks like the chad guy except he's an incel

>> No.13256495

You mean to say that you read to torture yourself?

>> No.13256530

The smartest board on 4chan is like the cleanest toilet in Tijuana.

>> No.13256541

Borges read for enjoyment.

>> No.13256566


>> No.13256583

There is nothing that makes a pussy drier than a reading man. It’s genuinely the most cuck pastime in their eyes. Hit the books for the degree only, bros.

>> No.13256590

Me thinks the people who don't think /lit/ is smart are the people who get btfo by /lit/

>> No.13256617

eh, methinks it the other way around

>> No.13256624

>btfo by /lit/
Lmao that's literally impossible. It's the same as saying btfo by a pig. Sure, the pig can ram into you and get you dirty, maybe even snort and grunt at you, but nobody with an IQ above 90 would call that getting BTFO. If you think /lit/ is smart then you are absolutely delusional, and that's why you're so good to laugh at.

>> No.13256634

I read for enjoyment but I enjoy literary classics and genre fiction equally.

>> No.13256647

>I've never read Wodehouse

>> No.13256659

Speak for yourself.

>> No.13256949

Yeah, I read for enjoyment. In fact, I put down Lolita because I thought it wasn't compelling enough. Fuck Nabokov and his gay prose.

>> No.13258291

what do you like to read?

>> No.13258310

>What about the music board

Wost board by far.

>> No.13258326

I read because there is nothing better to do during commute.

>> No.13258341


>> No.13258346
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>reading for employment

>> No.13258379

>I read because whenever I go two or three days without reading, I start becoming distracted, irritable, and anxious.

>> No.13258606

>I read to supplement my mind with the insights and experiences of others.

>> No.13258613

The only reason to read for leisure is because you enjoy it.

>> No.13258616

hedonist pleb detected

>> No.13258618

I enjoy for reading imployment thanks

>> No.13258620

Why else would I?

>> No.13258643

I read because it’s impossible to avoid, just like how my life is inescapable and I cant be rid of myself no matter how hard I try, someone please help me I’m trapped in the mind of a madman and I’ve been waiting days for him to find me.

>> No.13258655

delete this

>> No.13258688
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>"And literature is written to be entertaining?" Wooley suggests again,
>"Absolutely. My God, to read without joy is stupid."~ John Williams(Stoner)