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/lit/ - Literature

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13249474 No.13249474[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>read the kjv

>> No.13249485

>promises kept
I voted Trump as a joke and plan to do so again but do these people actually believe this?

>> No.13249525

the discord tranny's are out here in force today.


>> No.13249534


Are you STILL buttmad about this?

>> No.13249538
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>> No.13249550

>Will cut taxes
Taxes were cut.

>Will bring back the troops
Reclaimed ISIS-held territory, caliphate destroyed, bringing troops home.

>Will be strong against North Korea
Closest to peace that the Korean peninsula has experienced in decades. President Moon of South Korea has even said, in the White House, next to Trump, that he's the main reason that things are getting better on the peninsula.

>Will be strong against China
Making MUCH more now in trade with China, and speaks out against them when they fuck up

>Build the wall
Getting built, including the Trump Wall GoFundMe which I had donated to even though I'm not even an American... yet.

>Mexico will pay for it
Through the increased amount of money being made from trade with Mexico, and the business moving from Mexico back to America, they essentially are but if the leftists want to contend this then that's fine. I SERIOUSLY don't care how that wall gets paid for, as long as it's built, and slats are perfectly acceptable over concrete. Call it a 'barrier' if you want, I don't care, as long as it stops the illegals.

>Travel ban

>Protect gun rights

>Defend free speech
Defended (particularly on College/University campuses where they try to silence right-wingers)

Some other benefits...

>Supports Guaido in Venezuela in the face of authoritarian Socialist Maduro

>Supports Hungary and their desire for strong borders as well as their wish to resist the mass-migration epidemic ravaging Europe

>Will be a supportive trade partner with post-Brexit UK if they do it properly (no-deal, ideally)

>Fighting for gay rights in Islamic nations where it's still illegal to be gay, completely flabbergasting the left who love to call him a homophobe; he's doing more for gays than they are

Am I missing anything? No seriously. It would be a complete show of ingratitude for Americans NOT to re-elect him in 2020. Love from Canada, suffering for years under far-left ideologue Trudeau. Our Federal Election is in October. At minimum, Conservative victory. Ideally, "Mad Max" Bernier victory; the only right-winger running for Prime Minister, and he actively stands for many of the same things that Trump does. Against political correctness, for low-taxes, wants to improve gun rights (specifically scrap mag restrictions), stand for freedom of expression, decrease immigration, etc.

>> No.13249555

If its Trump or Bernie I'll vote Bernie. Otherwise I'm voting Trump to unironically own the libs.

>> No.13249563
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>the Trump Wall GoFundMe which I had donated to even though I'm not even an American... yet.

>> No.13249571

Dmitri pls go

>> No.13249579

Cruz should have won…
Now we got this orange baboon fat ass as the joke of the USA.
Fuck Drumpf and fuck white people. Remember to vote for the Constitutional Conservative next time.

>> No.13249582

As a fellow Canadian who dislikes Trudeau, you are out to fucking lunch. Trudeau is a prick because he doesn't do shit all, Trump is literally burning the political capital of the United States in a fucked up, cultural revolution style book burning. I think they will get 4 more years of Trump, which is going to lead to fucking Oprah 2024

>> No.13249584
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>Excuse me ma'am I didn't mean to call while you were eating dinner, I was just wondering if I could have a few minutes of your time to convince you to vote for the man who called my wife ugly and said my father killed JFK.

>> No.13249604

>no wall
It's all I particularly cared about but it's perfectly counterbalanced by the permanent damage Trump's inflicted on our institutions of democracy, so it's all good.

>> No.13249616
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>> No.13249628
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It really is amazing. Trump is probably the greatest leader in history.

And even if he wasn't we have a century's worth of lib tears and Q will help someone even better get elected in 2024.

>> No.13249629

>politics is srs bsns mkay guys

>> No.13249635

I honestly wouldn't be surprised if Trump j.r. ended up President in 2024. As for Trudeau not doing fuck-all, he's increased spending like mad, increased Canadian debt like mad, he officially changed our national anthem to be more 'inclusive' (instead of "in all thy son's command" it's "in all of us command"), then there's Bill C16 (making intentionally misgendering a trans person a criminal offence), Motion 103 ('anti-Islamophobia', meaning it could make it illegal to criticize the Islamic religion, which I consider to be a particularly abhorrent religion), and then there's the trip to India in which Trudeau embarrassed the nation. He also invited a Sikh extremist, apparently. Then there's the increase of immigration (from 250,000 per year under Harper to a planned 350,000 by 2021 if he's re-elected, and increase of 40% in just a few years), and I heard he withheld funds to help church organizations with summer jobs unless they signed some sort of pro-abortion form. He also spends millions on holiday trips and has given millions to a convicted terrorist who fought against our American allies in the name of Islamic extremism. Fucker should have been hung, not paid.

So no, I don't think Trudeau "doesn't do shit all", because he's actively destroying our country, a country which he is quoted as having said that we have no identity of our own and so must import people to create one. In his view, our identity comes from those who aren't even from here. He's also quoted from years ago as having said that Quebecers are better than Canadians. He's sum, and he wants to hand our country over to any Black or Brown hands that reach out to take it.

Trump, on the other hand, loves his country. He wants to keep the borders secure, keep immigration under control, fights against North Korea and China, supports freedom and Capitalism (the only economic system that actually works) in Venezuela (which had been the richest country of South America before adopting Socialism and becoming one of the poorest countries in the WORLD in spite of all their natural resources), and as mentioned, even fights for gay rights in nations where they have no voice and are routinely put to death. He doesn't give a damn about political correctness, and it seems to me like he keeps true to his promises as best he can. Has he fulfilled all of them? Probably not, but he's doing a damn good job at those that he's able to contend with. No President has seen such pressure and hatred as Trump, but he's strong, he's a proper man, and he's taking it in fine style. God bless Trump, let his next 4 years be as glorious as his first four, and I hope Mad Max wins the Canadian election in 4 months. They would be a true force for nationalism in the face of the awful globalism coming out of the EU and Trudeau. Time to deal with the migrant crisis that the left have thrown the West into...

>> No.13249636

Based, this.

>> No.13249638

I would rather own the libs than put Granny Warren or Uncle Joe in the White House.

>> No.13249647

Trump should have unironically been himself during the election instead of projecting the evangelical base. If he acted the same way he does on Howard Stern shit would be cash and literally changing how politics would be run. You would even see him on Joe Rogan talking about grabbing pussy and getting drunk with Japanese businessmen. Would have been a funny term but now we just have a Christian boomer fever dream.

>> No.13249659

I don't understand the pic, the farming industry in America has never been better.

Don't know what you mean by 'Q', it's something I've been noticing lately though, seems to be a meme I'm not yet privy to. Anyhow, yes, I do believe that Trump is (at least thus far) easily one of the greatest Presidents to have ever served in America. If his next 5.5 years go as well as his initial 2.5, then absolutely, he ought to go down in history as one of the greatest Presidents in history. He truly loves his country, and seeing the contempt that Trudeau has for Canada and Canadians, it really warms my heart. He really does LOVE America, and the world could use more love.

>> No.13249661

Based Granny

>> No.13249672

>I don't understand the pic, the farming industry in America has never been better.
You realize there is a massive flooding problem in the Midwest right now right?

>> No.13249681

how old are you and where do you get your news?

>> No.13249687

I don’t think I’ve ever cringed so hard on /lit/. I have zero animosity, I just feel so fucking bad for you.

>> No.13249695

>>Protect gun rights
all so tiresome

>> No.13249703

Late-20s, mostly get my news from Tim Pool (he's centre-left, we disagree on a lot but he seems to have absolutely outstanding journalistic ethic) on YouTube, I also watch some lips from Fox and on occasion I watch some from CNN to see what nonsense they're getting up to. Today I even watched some of Rachel Maddow or however her name is spelt, and bloody Hell, she really does seem like the left-wing version of Alex Jones, except she's being unironic about it. MSNBC is in a bad state. I also enjoy Steven Crowder vids.

Fair enough, I hadn't heard of that, though I've heard of some farmlands in California who've been deprived water because they had to funnel it over to the cities.

>> No.13249714

ah that explains it.

>> No.13249806


>> No.13249895

>protected gun rights
>literally said "let's take away guns now and worry about due process later"

Fuck you. Trump hasn't done shit for gun rights. He's appointed a pro-2A justice, but at the same time he put through a bump stock ban and is now talking about banning suppressors. He's not pro-gun. He's never been pro-gun. Now that he's desperately trying to get reelected he's whoring himself out to gun-grabbers in an attempt to appease them.

>> No.13249903


>> No.13249908

accurate post. Trump is pretty much a retard wrt Israel though

>> No.13249954

this is your brain on partisanism

>> No.13249968

>mostly get my news from Tim Pool
>Tim "does reaction videos to articles he's reading for the first time" Pool
>he's centre-left
you are the reason an informed democracy is a fucking pipe dream

>> No.13249989

Wtf, I thought reading books would make you smarter. Did /lit/ fucking lied?

Partisanism is for the dumb masses, you guys got memed into being cheerleaders.

>> No.13250012

The effort that went into this bait.
You could write a novel.

>> No.13250053

>officially changed our national anthem to be more 'inclusive'
Fun fact, the line in the anthem was originally gender neutral, being: "thou dost in us command". It was changed to mention "sons" in 1914 as part of the War Effort. Moving it back to a gender neutral form is a reactionary movement.

>> No.13250134

I've written several novels, self-published something like 400,000 words worth of books.

This is quite interesting, however it would seem as though it were changed to 'in all thy son's command' in 1913, a year before WWI, and 105 years before it was changed to 'in all of us command'. That means that, when it was officially adopted as our national anthem in the 50s or 60s, it had 'in all thy son's command'. Thus, I'm inclined towards 'in all thy son's command' and if I were to have the power to do so, I would change it back. I've given thought for a fair while now of getting into politics, and who knows, I could climb the hierarchy quite nicely in the next 20-30 years. I'm not foolish enough to think that I have a chance at Prime Minister while still merely in my 20s; a lot more knowledge and wisdom to accrue in the coming decades.

You are free to disagree. That is your right.

>> No.13250183

afaik it's ambiguous when the altered lyric was first written but it was popularized/standardized during WWI for obvious reasons. they should have just changed it back to the original lyric imo, would have kept everyone happy

>> No.13250243

I'm imagining, just hypothetically, that she's at an equivalent venue for a strand of politics I support. And she's wearing a pretty dumb shirt with the insignia of a movement I'm attached to, and has a lot of buttons, etc. I'm still repulsed and really embarrassed by the association. Why is this? Is it just because she's old and ugly?

>> No.13250412
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this gif reminded me of some creepypasta

>> No.13250435


>> No.13250441

how much are they paying you over in russia? mcdonalds sucks ass and I can pick up enough slavspeak to do your job

>> No.13250448

>implying reddit wouldn't be excited about Oprah 2024

>> No.13250451

real people are taking seriously what you and your fellow 4channel posters take as nothing more than "ironic" "shitposting"

>> No.13250452
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>lee la sagrada biblia de torres amat 1825

>> No.13250464

Boomers are terrible at nuance, im sure lefty types feel the same way about their boomer supporters.

>> No.13250471

This thread has nothing to do with literature and absolutely reeks of reddit.

>> No.13250501
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>read douay-rheims

>> No.13250524

This thread is becoming too homosexual

>> No.13250565

So this is the racist pepe poster you've been debating all these years

>> No.13250587
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>read latin vulgate ;)

>> No.13250591
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When /pol/ sends their people to our board they're not sending their best...

>> No.13250594
File: 1.06 MB, 2048x1289, ct-angry-americans-get-over-it-perspec-1114-md-20161111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
