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13249010 No.13249010[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

To all the british and french anons here,

you're welcome.

t. an american

>> No.13249090
File: 281 KB, 832x1280, E2EB2DB5-6B09-4E39-883B-D82E5FD92FD5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are also thankful to the French for the Revolution. Where my French nighas at?

>> No.13249159

The French revolution was literally the worst thing to happen in all of history.

>> No.13249164

If you knew your history, you'd know it was the two fronts that won the war.

>> No.13249208

>it was the two fronts that won the war
No, it were the German mistakes in Russia together with a competent Russian high command and a very able Russian army.

The war was lost for the Germans long before D-day happened, the US shortened it but did not contribute anything really relevant towards a victory over Germany.

>> No.13249223
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>> No.13249229

I’m American and LARP as a gun-toting patriot irl but this anon is absolutely correct

>> No.13249245

this is absolutely delusional. is this what russians are actually taught in the gas station parkinglots where they learn their history?

>> No.13249259

>Russia didn't invade 2 years ago so that Americans could claim that they liberated Paris, not once, not twice, but three times in 100 years.
I was a bit disappointed.

>> No.13249260

The Germans lost as soon as they stopped and ran out of steam. They should have gone into Britain without waiting for them to recover, but no their shit navy didn't dare

>> No.13249264

the russians only did well because of the winter you moron. their "army" was shit tier and they probably couldn't have even beaten Italy without help from the Americans.

>> No.13249267

Talking about French assistance in the American Revolution

>> No.13249269

When do you think D-day happened, '41?

The two front war didn't last very long and even then, it was at the end of the war when the Wehrmacht had long ago lost Stalingrad and was being pushed back.

>> No.13249271

Not lit

>> No.13249274

Thanks anon. You misspelled 'Russian' by the way.

>> No.13249285

The american invasion had a lot of impact not on the victory against Germany but against the propagation of communism
All germany or Italy could have been communist if the US didn't come first

>> No.13249286
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>80% of German casualties on the Eastern Front
>70% of mechanised infantry and tanks
>Stalingrad held through sheer Russian soul even though 90% destroyed and captured
>Amerikikes think their amazon deliveries after all this happened won the war

>> No.13249287

The germans went back voluntarily because it got cold and stalingrad was basically ruined, same as the french. There was nothing left to destroy so they went home. The russians have never won a serious military engagement by themselves in their entire history. The mongols stomped the shit outta them and it's a trend that has continued throughout history.

>> No.13249291

>they probably couldn't have even beaten Italy without help from the Americans.
Beside the lend lease they basically had no help from the US at the relevant points in the war.

And sure, individually the Russian army was pretty awful, at Stalingrad they took 4 times the losses Germany did, but that doesn't really matter if you care about winning.

And miscalculating the effects of the winter certainly was one of the mistakes of German high command.

>> No.13249298

Sure, but I wasn't arguing that.

>> No.13249307
File: 74 KB, 595x430, Stalingrad-grain-silo-595x430.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nazifag cope.
40 men held off the majority of Germans in Stalingrad for nearly a week.
Americans didn't do shit. 85% of economic support only came after Stalingrad had been secured.
Your KD doesn't matter if you're not taking objectives, faggot. The Nazis worshipped the martial spirit and ended up the joke of military history. Worst operations and strategy ever.