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/lit/ - Literature

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13246734 No.13246734 [Reply] [Original]

/lit/, I just want to be a writer but every time I try and write anything that could be publishable both my skills and my talent immediately vanish.

It wasn't always this way. I wrote a bunch of short stories years ago, and it's been over a year and a half since I finished my first novel. Now I can't replicate it, and I don't think I'm ever going to be able to again. whose fucking dick do I have to suck to be good again?

>> No.13246759

Maybe stop fapping? Also, post your short stories

>> No.13246765

Stop masturbating.

>> No.13246769

how is that supposed to help?

>> No.13246786

The best way to push through writers block is to Outline hard, then push through the garbage and finish a first draft. Just write. Connect point A to B from your outline and keep going. Then go back and edit, add to it, make it beautiful. But just fucking finish something anon. Oh fuck, who am I kidding, you won't listen to me. You'll probably listen to the dudes that think masturbation is a sin before you listen to me. JUST FUCKING WRITE. PUSH THROUGH IT LIKE A BOOK THAT OWES YOU MONEY. FUCK YOU HEMINGWAY I'M FINISHING THIS FUCKING GARBAGE WHETHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT GOD DAMN IT WHY IS HE SAYING FAREWELL TO ARMS WHEN HIS LEGS WERE WHAT WAS BLOWN UP

>> No.13246804
File: 492 KB, 628x1712, 1534031102599.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is actually no logical reason to engage in sexual behavior apart from procreation. There is no objective benefit. It's self-defeating and wastes time and energy. The only motive is base hedonistic pleasure and I would contend the negative effects that follow and the subsequent dulled reward which impedes the enjoyment of non-sexual behaviors, makes indulging a net negative.

>> No.13246805

honestly, I tried doing that on my last run, but I went so long without getting better or making any significant progress that I just ran out of willpower, and then I started getting such terrible writers block I was basically paralyzed

>> No.13246823

What's that page from?

>> No.13246824

>without getting better
Well then somewhere in your master plan you fucked up. You didn't edit with meaning. You didn't critically examine your own work for improvement enough. You didn't go out of your way to find an editor or a friend to help see things you can't see in your own work. You didn't give it enough effort in solving problems, you only gave effort in completion and a minimum competency.

Go fucking text a friend. Any friend. Find someone who gives enough of a shit about you to feign interest in your work to inspire a critical shift in your psyche. You. God. Damn. Faggot.

>> No.13246845

I don't know. I saved it from this thread (which is a good read, by the way) - >>/lit/thread/S11604038..

>> No.13246916

Oh, alright then.
>that one anon shitting on LotR
Why do people shit on LotR? Is it just because it's popular? I mean, it's not "profound", but I'd rather read that, a spectacularly good story with heart, than a well-written novel about an intellectual and his lust for his slutty qt 3.14 step-daughter, supposedly meant as a mind-play gimmick.

>> No.13246936

Alright hold on, there's an image (can't upload because 4fag won't let me for "abuse") about how the brain is literally drained, that seems to imply it is limited. I believe I've heard this claim about the "old" view of masturbation from pro-onanists/sex-educators, where they mocked them partly due to that. In modern science papers, there reasoning, especially due to the advances of modern medical knowledge, is much more in-line with logical sense and my own observations of myself, and that is that masturbation fucks you up, but it's not like you can't recover from it eventually. Or perhaps I'm just misreading it.

>> No.13246951

oh, I critically analyzed myself alright. I looked over my work, paid attention to issues and attempted numerous ways to fix it, from simply minding it to engaging in complex psychological tricks and jarring changes in approach to solve the problem. It. Didn't. Work.

>> No.13246962

Sounds like you skipped over the part where I said have a friend look over it. If nothing from within can fix it, then you may need some external stimuli.

>> No.13246963
File: 55 KB, 850x400, 1534004805338.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why do people shit on LotR? Is it just because it's popular? I mean, it's not "profound", but I'd rather read that, a spectacularly good story with heart, than a well-written novel about an intellectual and his lust for his slutty qt 3.14 step-daughter, supposedly meant as a mind-play gimmick.

I don't know brother, I haven't read it. I hope you can find the willpower to stop the self-abuse and regain your strength; and if not for yourself, for God. One may look to Him for guidance in solving these problems, as He is the greatest source of knowledge and power that exists.

>> No.13247043

You should read LotR/The Hobbit.
Thanks, I'll try brother. Bless you.
(Was going to upload this but again, can't upload due to "abuse": https://i.imgur.com/qwP0QUg.jpg))

>> No.13247126

write erotica.
just write erotica all day and then compile it into a big novel that doesn't make any sense, but is full of dirty stupid fantasies.

>> No.13247906
File: 12 KB, 258x245, 354deaa3770912621bb816da070346ab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He thinks he needs skills and talent to be a great writer