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/lit/ - Literature

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1324666 No.1324666 [Reply] [Original]

Science fiction will always enjoy more literary signifigance and artistic relevance than fantasy.

It's just how it is.

>> No.1324669


>> No.1324674

Nah, it's just as bad, really.

>> No.1324675

Neither will ever be anything but frivolous timesinks, mostly for underdeveloped man-children

>> No.1324690
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What is is like being so wrong?

>> No.1324692

feels a bit like being trolled i guess

>> No.1324694

>Science fiction enjoys some literary signifigance
I chuckled a little.

>> No.1324717

Fantasy dominates the literary scene now, and it's only going to grow. Science fiction is almost always poorly done. It should offer an in depth analytic plot based around the science then a metaphorical polemic. A convincing one.
Give me an example where that's worked?

Fantasy is much more important right now.

>> No.1324726

magic realism

it's not just a fancy word for fantasy that ain't gotta explain shit


it's not

>> No.1324736 [DELETED] 
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>saying "literary signifigance" as though it actually means anythong at all

>> No.1324749

Fantasy dominates the literary scene now
Well if by "the literary scene" you mean the bestseller lists then, yeah, I guess. If you mean something like the critical discussion, then hahaha oh wow!

>> No.1324757

Surrealistic stream of consciousness stuff seems to be what's really dominating the literary scene right now..

>> No.1324763

I can't think of a single fantasy work that tried to do anything more than just tell a fun story.

>> No.1324773
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>> No.1324777

oh lol

>> No.1324780

Philip K. Dick has been canonized by the Library of America.

>> No.1324798

in your fantasy

>> No.1324817
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which one is the Bible? oh right.

>> No.1324818

It's ancient mythology

>> No.1324821
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>> No.1324834


lol this guy thinks mythology isn't the same thing as fantasy

>> No.1324836

>It should offer an in depth analytic plot based around the science then a metaphorical polemic.


also, LOL

>> No.1324852
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It's just that Science Fiction deals with the human condition in an increasingly technological world, and the human response. It's telling that many elements of older science fiction have become science fact.

Whereas Fantasy tends to deal more with shit like the Fairypeople condition in an increasingly dragon/wizard/orc/elf world, and the characters have to make their saving throws at the top of the plot arc or loose all their hit points. It's telling that many elements of Fantasy of all ages appeal to acned pubescents and fat housewives.

>> No.1324860

I keep thinking that trollthreads like this can be rescued by chipping in with reasoned argument on both sides. This is the second troll.

>> No.1324874

Aah, but as the world of the putatively real give way to the reality of simulacra, what you contemptuously call Fairypeople condition appealing to acned pubescents and fat housewives will become inseparable from the human condition.

>> No.1324877


Hopefully I'll be dead by then.