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13243386 No.13243386 [Reply] [Original]

Which denomination is most supported by scriptural text? (I'm not ruling out the importance of tradition, but if I don't tie this into /lit/ I'll be banned).

I was raised Roman Catholic, became a cringey Hitchens-esque atheist for two decades, and have returned to my faith in Christ as the savior of mankind. However, this conversion has taken a number of years, during which I've widely read both Catholic/Protestant theologians. I don't know which denomination to belong to, and my indecision causes me great suffering. I'm particularly hung up on issues of Justification, apostolic succession and the infallibility of the Pope. Both sides have compelling arguments, but I'm leaning Protestant.

All I want is to serve God in the manner in which it is right to serve Him.

>> No.13243407

I don't think God really cares

>> No.13243511

If you read the church fathers you figure out very quickly that the only two valid denominations are either Roman Catholic or Eastern Orthodox. Protestantism a shit.

>> No.13243575

Any sources on Eastern Orthodox you could put me onto? I'm very interested

>> No.13243599

Just read the Bible and do what is says to do, and don’t do what it says not to do. For example:

Matthew 23
>9 And do not call anyone on earth ‘father,’ for you have one Father, and he is in heaven.

>> No.13243840
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>I don't know which denomination to belong to
Deism or Gnosticism.

>this conversion has taken a number of years, during which I've widely read both Catholic/Protestant theologians
Well there’s your problem. You just haven’t read as widely as Hitchens
>and my indecision causes me great suffering.
Like trying to squeeze into a pair of boots from your childhood, I know the torment, anon. Turn back

>> No.13243850

Deists don’t even know what their “God” is. They’re functionally naturalists.

>> No.13243853

>Catholicism or Protestantism?
neither, become Baptist

>> No.13243865

Church Fathers are the same for Orthodox and for Catholics.

>> No.13243866

Orthodox Study Bible contains the whole of Orthodox doctrine. It has one page articles spread across the book (and their page numbers is at the far end of the book if you want to read them directly.

>> No.13243871

>or Protestantism?
>become Baptist
>brainless wojak

>> No.13243889
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>H-how’m I supposed to prey with the blast shield down?

>> No.13243892

Neither do Christians

>> No.13243916

Baptists aren't Protestants you brainlet

C.H. Spurgeon on baptist perpetuity

>"We believe that the Baptists are the original Christians. We did not commence our existence at thereformation, we were reformers before Luther or Calvin were born; we never came from the Church of Rome, for we were never in it, but we have an unbroken line up to the apostles themselves. We have always existed from the very days of Christ, and our principles, sometimes veiled and forgotten, like a river which may travel underground for a little season, have always had honest and holy adherents. Persecuted alike by Romanists and Protestants of almost every sect, yet there has never existed a Government holding Baptist principles which persecuted others; nor I believe any body of Baptists ever held it to be right to put the consciences of others under the control of man. We have ever been ready to suffer, as our martyrologies will prove, but we are not ready to accept any help from the State, to prostitute the purity of the Bride of Christ to any alliance with the government, and we will never make the Church, although the Queen, the despot over the consciences of men". (From The New Park Street Pulpit, Vol.VII, Page 225).

>"History has hitherto been written by our enemies, who never would have kept a single fact about us upon the record if they could have helped it, and yet it leaks out every now and then that certain poor people called Anabaptists were brought up for condemnation. From the days of Henry II to those of Elizabeth we hear of certain unhappy heretics who were hated of all men for the truth's sake which was in them. We read of poor men and women, with their garments cut short, turned out into the fields to perish in the cold, and anon of others who were burnt at Newington for the crime of Anabaptism. Long before your Protestants were known of, these horrible Anabaptists, as they were unjustly called, were protesting for the 'one Lord, one faith, and one baptism.' No sooner did the visible church begin to depart from the gospel than these men arose to keep fast by the good old way. The priests and monks wished for peace and slumber, but there was always a Baptist or a Lollard tickling men's ears with holy Scriptures, and calling their attention to the errors of the times. They were a poor persecuted tribe. The halter was thought to be too good for them. At times ill-written history would have us think that they died out, so well had the wolf done his work on the sheep. Yet here we are, blessed and multiplied; and Newington sees other scenes from Sabbath to Sabbath.

>As I think of your numbers and efforts, I can only say in wonder - what a growth! As I think of the multitudes of our brethren in America, I may well say, What hath God wrought! Our history forbids discouragement." (From the Metropolitan Tabernacle Pulpit, 1881, Vol. 27, page 249.)

>> No.13243926

this is your brain on nietzsche.
I filter you but when i read you posts they are always toxic and reek of your own dissatisfaction with life. Get well soon.

>> No.13243941

There's 0 evidence for these primordial Baptists, and that alone is proof enough for Baptists that they existed.

>> No.13243952

I am in love with life. Pitiful poor thing.

>> No.13243955
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>> No.13243962

My Church of Christ friend says the same thing.

>> No.13244209

good meme

>> No.13244217

>I am in love with life.

I check this dumb site about once every two weeks and you're in every thread trying to convince people to be atheist and communist.

You're a loser with no life. You don't love anything, especially not yourself.

>> No.13244248

Educate yourself brainlet.

>> No.13244293

When examining the question, it is important to remember that the Bible is not the Quran. Sola Scripta fundamentally ignores the context in which the Bible was created in and is borderline Islamic in its thought. If you have qualms with the primacy of Rome and Vatican I's stance of Papal infallibility, then you'd be better served with the Orthodox Church.

>> No.13244299

I can't help but dislike all the so-called christian institutions. I'm not even thinking of how "decadent" they end up becoming, rather that power corrupts and putting your faith in institutions is a fool's errand.

I'm honestly considering non-denominational catholicism as ridiculous as it sounds. Since even the orthodox churches have problems with corruption and greed.

>> No.13244331

Based Steven "Repentance is works" Anderson.

Politically woke. Theologically broke.

Ask a Prot when the canon of the Bible was finalized.

>> No.13244362

Byzantine Rite Catholicism might be up your alley.

>> No.13244394


>> No.13244432


>> No.13245265

The church fathers lived several centuries after Jesus. Enough time for them to go astray in their beliefs.

>> No.13245278

>the east-west schism occurred in 869

>> No.13245442

You think god gives a shit?
If you honestly and truly want to serve god, he will know that truth and honesty in your heart, and wont be upset

>> No.13245453
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>> No.13245462

Are you fucking stupid?

>> No.13245510
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>the Pope is God

I lost it

>> No.13245550

I hope someone edits it to say "Susan from Parish Council is God"

>> No.13246228

It's like with sports, you're supposed to love your team's colors but not necessarily all of the individuals associated with them.

>> No.13246374

what do you call your own father you idiot

>> No.13246524
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Well that's your physical father.

>> No.13246898
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>created numerous doctrines/dogmas because Jesus said "woman" to the blessed Mary

>> No.13246917

>Seraphim Rose's magical tollbooths
Holy fuck I didn't see that coming

>> No.13246984

>babtist is the og jesus
Why does this smell like Mormon space memes.

>> No.13247027

Sola scriptura, sola fide, sola gratia.

>> No.13247038

This. Do you believe in jesus op? Or do you believe in people who came years and years after the fact to say what jesus really meant?

>> No.13247052

>The church fathers lived several centuries after Jesus.
Surprise Prots know nothing of early Christianity once again. There are writings of Church Fathers that were completed around the same time as the later works in the New Testament, were regarded as valuable texts, but simply weren't canonized as divinely inspired. Learn your own fucking history nigger

>> No.13247076

the text says call "-noone-" father - how do you get get from "noone" to that it doesn't apply to physical fatherhood?? Sola Scriptura btfo, learn to apply common sense, obviously Jesus Christ himself was not targeting the Catholic practice of calling your parish priest by a respectful name anymore than he was targeting you calling your own father father, anymore than he was targeting calling your Pastor Jim "Pastor", never understood why proddies are so stupid on this point - it must be some kind of mental conspiracy theory where every warning Jesus everade has to automatically apply to the Catholic Church in some way - like "the whore of Babylon" crap

>> No.13247752


Not him, but I don't.

>> No.13247850

Gnostic christianity ofcourse you plebs, cathar if you like.

>> No.13247887

How about reading Eckhart?

>> No.13248913

Are you me? I'm in the same boat, I'm torn between the two,but I lean more towards Protestantism because a lot of Catholic dogma seems superfluous to me. But I haven't read the catechism yet, maybe that will change my mind.

>> No.13248926

>Baptists aren't Protestants you brainlet
Baptist perpetuity is fucking nonsense you brainlet. If Baptists went back to the first century, why are you citing C.H. Spurgeon of all fucking people.

>> No.13248928

For those trying to convert him to Eastern Orthodoxy, on what (non-arbitrary) basis would you reject the heretical second council of Ephesus?

>> No.13248935

The New Testament is a Catholic document, it was mostly written by Catholic clergy and selected entirely by them. Protestants had no hand in it and are not even a coherent school of theology, simply the post-Catholic array of very different Christian sects who used to fight civil wars or otherwise kill each other to settle their differences

>> No.13248942

There was a Church way before the Catholic-Orthodox schism, so it isn't entirely a Catholic document.

>> No.13248947

Okay, well that Church called itself Catholic.

>> No.13248955

HAHAHAHA. You retards seriously think you're simultaneously Novationists, Cathari, Paulicians, Donatists, and Albigenses. You're a fucking joker. Let me ask you this and please answer it seriously. Donatists believe that the priesthood must be faultless for sacrament to be valid. If you don't believe in sacraments then how can you be a Donatist? Novationists believe that lapsed Christians can't partake of the sacraments owing to their apostasy. If you don't believe in the sacraments, how can you be a Novationist? Paulicians were Manichean dualists and had a different canon of scripture to you so how can you be a Paulician? Cathari and Albigenses are both literally gnostics with dozen upon dozens of damnable heresies, how then can you call yourself either?

>> No.13248963

I dont know if they did but you have to be new levels of stupid to think catholic in the first few centuries of christianity, which decided what is canonical, is the same thing as the archbishopry which declared itself superior to all others - now long dead. The protestants have also commented, albeit much later, on the selection of canon.

>> No.13248981

The Catholic Church created the Nicene Creed, it predates the schism. I consider it to be fiunded by Paul

>> No.13248985

>Joseph Stalin was a saint

>> No.13248990

I don't understand what you are trying to say here.

>> No.13249000

Catholic has a meaning beyond the Vatican

>> No.13249013

Like universal?

>> No.13249055

Do not fall for the denomination meme. Just read The Bible.

>> No.13249231

And the church fathers.
But it does suck that a good community of believers is hard to find. Christians need to be in the company of other believers but many people sadly treat Christianity as a label instead of as a new life.

>> No.13249329

they are both cringe sand ppo religions

>> No.13249431

kek, no responses
I fucking love protestants

>> No.13249513

I was taking a shower.
The first baptists were writing alongside the church fathers about the existence of Christ in the earliest forms of man's history, including the earliest written documents from the early Church. In a book published in 1540, St. Andrew of Caerleon, Bishop of Crete, wrote:
>And that of the first birth for man that is written in the Books of Moses and of all the Prophets and Apostles of the holy Ghost is the resurrection of Christ the Lord by the resurrection of all the dead and their bodies; and this Resurrection for men is recorded of the Book of Revelation, of which it is written that in some way, not with regard to the present time, but with great foreknowledge of ages, which were not yet known or perceived, he did prepare his way before the advent of men, to have his people glorified, who had died by the judgment of God. And so this is the first Christ: for he was buried and raised both of his kind; and all his works before the coming of men, through God's grace, is made manifest, and all things are done in honour of the Father.
In Greek, St. Paul (etymologically the original Baptist) writes:
>If we will that God, the Father, by his goodness who alone is worthy of having been begotten of ineffable grace, in whose heart all things consist of nothing else than good will and love for his Son, through the Christ Jesus, should, through his Son, be glorified with us all, the same God through whom he begat us, we beseech you that through one Son he might glorify the Father through his Son. Now I think it is not impossible that God, having loved his Son before, may love us now through our Father through the Son — if he would, I say, that, so far as possible, if we really desire this, he would please for us to enjoy in perfect truth, what he had to receive and to bear to the utmost perfection, so far as possible, both in righteousness and justice; for that without Christ we cannot be worthy of that inheritance which we have been given and which, as far as Jesus is concerned, he has already granted us.
I'm happy to answer any questions as long as you keep an open mind as I do for you.

>> No.13249544

>Historians trace the earliest "Baptist" church to 1609 in Amsterdam, Dutch Republic with English Separatist John Smyth as its pastor

>> No.13249570

You didn't even read my post

>> No.13249683

I did, you claiming perpetuity doesn't mean anyone else has to believe it

>> No.13249698

I mean this one >>13249513
And that argument can be applied to you

>> No.13249705


>> No.13249756


>> No.13249766

>The first baptists were writing alongside the church fathers
citation needed
>St. Paul (etymologically the original Baptist)
citation needed

>> No.13249785

Jesus followed the same religion as Abraham, Abel and Noah.

>> No.13249789

Who are you quoting?

>> No.13249807

hurrr durr muh silly prot cult is stupid so I'll post /jp/ memes hurr durr

>> No.13250151

All churches has something good to them. Don't get hung up in the details. As long as the church is following the same trinity doctrine - Nicean cread etc.

When these Church societies come together to discuss the eucumenical, they are more often than not in agreament.

>> No.13251084

Not sure what good scriptural text is if you're not also deferring to the authority that infallibly assembled the Canon under the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

Return to the Catholic Church. You're already Baptized, and it's far more rigorous and the theology accounts for far more of the human experience with far more elegant explanations and propositions about our metaphysics and cosmology.