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13243104 No.13243104 [Reply] [Original]

Let's have a "I can't fucking get published, and yet..." Thread.

>> No.13243418

You're triggered over a provocative title? Kek.
It is true that science has had a history of racism, especially in regards to phrenology. It is actually an interesting example of how cultural attitudes can influence science. Don't be surprised that you're not good enough to get published when you are this closed minded and reactionary.

>> No.13243426
File: 40 KB, 480x429, 15873615_1068170356639458_866178346906360200_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It is actually an interesting example of how cultural attitudes can influence science

>> No.13243498

>caring about a site that's literally called Popular Science

>> No.13243513

Yes? Your image literally reinforces what I said you fucking pleb.

>> No.13243534

It's almost always engineeringcels with a toddler tier understanding of scientific history and philosophy that thinks like this.