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/lit/ - Literature

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13242795 No.13242795 [Reply] [Original]

>Takes me 1 hour to read 25 pages
Is this decent /lit/? I feel like a brainlet

>> No.13242798

What book is it?

>> No.13242804

If it's Gravity's rainbow thats probably fine. If it's easy like GoT, then you could improve

>> No.13242805

American Psycho.

>> No.13242807

What's the average pages read/hour?

>> No.13242814

Depends on the book. I prob read 28-30 pages of gravity's an hour; maybe 35 on a good day. But when I read SOIAF I flew through.

Philosophy I am even slower

>> No.13242826
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>takes me 25 hours to read 1 page

>> No.13242856

Should a man bed a woman and finish as fast as he can? Does the monk rush through his prayers? Does anybody wish that the sunset wouldn't take so god damn long? Naaahhh. Practice the delightful art of Slow Reading, player.

>> No.13242861

If it’s a hard book I average 2 min a page. You aren’t doing bad OP

>> No.13243065

oh, that isn't very good. Well still I'm a sorta slow reader anyway because I often day dream so it's not that unusual.

>> No.13243071

Based and slowpilled

>> No.13243086

hello, me

>> No.13243103

dang you got me pal, now everyone will just think this is a shitpost but if I had just said "fuckoff" none of this wold of happened and most would of understood we as different peoples but now I am too far in and must concur yes you are me.

>> No.13243115
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i like you, anon

>> No.13243136

I'm a very slow reader too, especially for philosophy stuff.

Most of the time I just read a page and then have to read it again because I realize I didn't get anything

>> No.13243166

I like both you and that other anon
I mean, I like you

>> No.13243172

depends a lot on the size of the pages and text, OP. besides everybody has to start somewhere so don't sweat it. at 25 pages, you've already read more than half of /lit/ does at any moment

>> No.13243394

If you can't just get the gist of a page by scanning it then you need to improve your reading abilities. I can read a page in 5 seconds when I'm speed-reading. And yes, I do take in everything.

>> No.13243412

>tfw take several minutes to decipher a single Proustian sentence

Just shoot me now

>> No.13243473

Depends on the book, both how difficult it is and how much you're enjoying it. Herzog isn't a hard book but I read it quite slowly because I kept getting sidelined in my mind, but when I was actually reading it I went at a good speed

>> No.13243479

this was my pace for each book of the republic. how am I doing? my comprehension was still quite low, so perhaps i should slow down.

>> No.13243512

Dont focus on how fast youre reading while youre reading or youll just fuck your shit up. Take it at your own pace and youll naturally get faster. Its like anything else with practice

>> No.13243522
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>takes me 1 hour to read 25 novellas

Why am I such a retard?

>> No.13243531
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it takes me 8 hours to start reading, you are doing fine op.
Everyone is the fastest in his own tracks, dont compare!

>> No.13244132

Are you learned the language it's in? Is the font under the size of 5?

>> No.13244406
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>Have to read 25 pages of the Odessey
>Due in 1 week

>> No.13244442

I'm not sure if Infinite Jest is awkwardly written or my brain has decayed since school.

>> No.13245095
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Reading books as fast as possible so that you can add them to your epik upboat list is reddit. All /lit/erary scholars read 25-30 pages an hour, with a dictionary nearby.

>> No.13245714
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I can only read 10 pages or so at a time before I feel the need to take a break. I don't know if it's just lack of interest or what.

>> No.13245723

A page is a completely meaningless term for measuring reading speed. Font size, content complexity etc all make the numbers radically different

>> No.13245728

Speed shouldn't be what you're focusing on when you read. Trying to read fast is just going to make you enjoy what you're reading less, and get less from it.

>> No.13245868

I like you to anon, but of course you are me.

I like you two guys as well but of course we're all just egoists because we are the same person.

>> No.13247412

>takes me 8 hours to read 100 pages of Proust>>13242804

>> No.13247424

Do you read Proust in bulk? I find him best read drawn out over time, sorta just always in the background among the other books. Otherwise I just get weary.

>> No.13247430

Proust is dense but that's still excessive

>> No.13247712

Who are you competing against, OP? Just read at your own pace.

>> No.13247716
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>breeze through book
>suddenly stop near the end and loose ability to continue

>> No.13247726

I read philosophy at 4-5 minutes a page. I don't know if that's too slow.

>> No.13247763
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>30 minutes per word
>Finnegan's Wake

>> No.13247907

In all fairness, Proustian sentences can be five pages long.

>> No.13247916

I think it depends on the author. I dont track my time but a professor of mine said to the class
>if you havent read philosophy before and it takes you an hour to get through few pages, dont worry its completely normal

>> No.13247924
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>takes me 1 hour to read The Republic

>> No.13248053

Absolute brainletism, I'm sorry.
I read just under a page and a half per minute.

>> No.13248099

You do realize that reading is individual and that there's no need to be fast or slow, just do it at your own pace and enjoy yourself.

>> No.13248120

This is something that tends to happen to me whenever I get to the end of the book, I always go cold and have a hard time finishing it, even though I easily read over 100 pages daily.

>> No.13248125

Keep at it, anon. Reading faster will come in time. For now, focus on understanding what you're reading, as opposed to just getting to the end of a page.

>> No.13248157

that's pretty quick anon! You obviously have talent, you should start looking into publishing your work for phd in literature & philosophy. Well done!

>> No.13248422


If you're absorbing the text it doesn't particularly matter. It's more about the experience than speed, it's not a race.

>> No.13248435

>And yes, I do take in everything.
Imagine believing this.

>> No.13248436

Wow anon that's really impressive, good job and keep it up!

>> No.13248438

based fantasy & ya reader

>> No.13248442
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imagine taking that bait

>> No.13248465

Who cares? Reading is not a competition.

>> No.13248472

>Caring about how fast u read
As long as u understand the book ur reading there is nothing to be ashamed about.
>Inb4 some fag calls me a slowreading brainlet
blow me lad.

>> No.13248518

have an upvote, my good sir

>> No.13248521

Stop masturbating.

>> No.13249053

who cares how fast you read? really.
I suppose you are reading because you want to, not bc your friends/society wants you to read. Then there is no need to be fast bc you read your book for you, to know whats written

>> No.13249275

Just keep it up, anon! As long as you're getting the most out of the books you can, don't mind how slow you read them!

>> No.13249530

Same here. I need half an hour for 10 minutes, it's by far the biggest de-motivator.

>> No.13249633
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I read the phenomenology of the spirit in just over 30 minutes. I even had to reread some pages to grasp it fully. I think I might end it, what's the point anymore?

>> No.13249641

just listen to audiobooks

>> No.13249645

Wise words friend

>> No.13249657

Hahaha so funny.

>> No.13250675

A man who eats fast will eat beyond his fullness and make himself sick. A man who takes his time eating will be delighted.

>> No.13252389
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>thread nearly died in the time it took me to read all the post

>> No.13252396

It’s fine but you’ll get better over the years if you read consistently.

>> No.13252442

>food analogy

>> No.13252465

time is irrelevant. what matters is what you read..

>> No.13252548

that was the joke it's literally a false equivalence fallacy, since there are in fact people who can read fast and retain everything.

>> No.13252579

What if it's go dog go?

>> No.13252854


>> No.13252903

I’m an insanely slow reader. They told me the Sermon on the Mount is a 20 minutes read, once. It take all me at least an hour. I will never read books like the Three Musketeers it the Brothers Karamazov, or even Don Quixote because I know that I will probably not love long enough to finish one of them. I’m pushing 40. I’ve been a slow reader my whole life. I try to use speed reading tricks like skipping unimportant words and the skimming thing where you trust your brain to process what your reading as you sweep your eyes over each line. Nothing sticks. When I skim I feel like I just forget everything instantly. One good thing is that my retention is pretty strong. I just have a lot I want to finish. I recently started Summa Theologica. I’ll be dead before I finish this...help me!

>> No.13253100

>pushing 40
>on 4chan
fucking hell this is going to happen to me too isn't it
anyway just bee you'rself and have fun reading whatever you read. cheers

>> No.13253153

I feel like ir doesn't matter as long as you comprehend and retain the information. I could probably read 300 pages in an afternoon but I wouldn't retain the information because I'm so easily distracted. I usually reread every other paragraph because I was distracted by my internal monologue. The more I read the less this happens. Reading more might help, for me it's kind of like flexing a muscle. It might be the same for you.

I agree with this too. It helps you to get invested.

>> No.13253189

>4chan is a pit that traps you for life
I’m sorry anon, you’ll never escape unless you get out now. Please do it. Never look back!

>> No.13253311

>Philosophy I am even slower
This, I am slogging through The Prince. It doesn't help that Italian lit has so many clauses and Machiavelli uses so many double-negatives

>> No.13254733

I guess it depends, I used to be the fastest reader in my class (tested speed and comprehension) but nowadays when I read I do it leisurely so I can picture everything and remember context always.

But I'm still like a page a minute for most (difficult) books Lmao. Like two pages a minute for brainlet fiction.

>> No.13254827

Man, I read like 10 pages an hour if I'm lucky. I have a habit of looking up words in the dictionary, then reading synonyms/antonyms and imaging sentences where I would use those words.

>> No.13254866

I had that same problem, then I trained to stop subvocalizing and I can piss and shit through a few hundred pages an hour. Not that I pay attention to the hour, I use the sun. Read infinite jest in the time from noon to sundown on a winter's day, including stopping to a eat n jerk off a few times. That would have taken me weeks if I was subvocalize

>> No.13254911

I read 8 pages an hour on thicker philosophies

>> No.13254915

>eyes move so fast brain doesn’t register anything
>read super slowly as if lazily talking
>read faster by putting effort and straining eyes as if talking very fast

God damn it. One is too slow, one is exhausting, and one doesn’t keep any retention of content. God. Damn. It.

>> No.13254918

I read about 20-25 pages an hour but i suffer from dyslexia :)

>> No.13255097

I read much slower than most people I know. I don't think it's a reflection on intelligence though. I've multiple degrees in multiple STEM fields and when I read... I dunno, Biographies of early 1800's politicians, I take about an hour to read 15 pages (granted I occasionally take notes). Compared to my childhood best friend, who graduated Harvard Law and is a practicing attorney, who reads near 80 pages an hour (obviously accounting for word count and comprehension and all that).

Different skill sets I suppose. He reads 200 page briefs for a living, and I might only parse and modify maybe 200 lines of algorithm code in a day. I think it's like hand writing. I use a keyboard almost 100% of the time due to my job, and so my hand writing kinda looks like shit. However, I'm on the board of directors for a large healthcare organization and this older woman on the board with me has god damned the most perfect hand writing I've ever seen, and she never uses a computer.

Really, I think reading fast is just a skill set that doesn't necessarily speak to your skills in any other area.

>> No.13255179

dummy thicc?

>> No.13255284

it's genetic, the speed at which your brain takes in and processes words. You might by slightly dyslexic, I wouldn't worry about it. As long as you are learning stuff/enjoying your time spent it's fine.

>> No.13255314

is there a market for translating literature into memes and emojis? /pol/ does a better job teaching history and theory with unsourced infographs than professionals and books ever could

>> No.13255334

if you're reading literature you shouldn't be trying to read quickly

>> No.13255340

pol have a very tenuous grasp on history. The only reason pol is ever right about anything is that they have a set of correct priors which the mainstream is laughably wrong about.

>> No.13255858

you think that's bad?
I've been "reading" the prosse edda for 2 years now and ive only read 45 pages so far...

>> No.13255917

I'm slow too anon, probably around 30 pages an hour
50 pages an hour is the supposed normal amount iirc
don't worry about it anon if you're not just reading pop culture mediocrity
at least you're reading stuff, most people these days either don't read or just read whatever's trendy
based and deep anaylsis pilled

>> No.13255930

With me I can read really fast but I can’t remember a single thing

>> No.13255967
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Yul Brynner is based tho

>> No.13255980

Transcended close-reading

>> No.13256427

>read a couple pages relatively quick
>completely don't process anything I've just seen
>have to re read
>get frustrated I have to

>> No.13256522
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I supposedly have ADHD and it's debilitating to me as a reader. Either I get distracted by electronics, day dreaming, writing fragments of my own, or I'm affected by my surroundings; I need a very specific atmosphere to read in in order to focus properly. I've found that a combination or coffee, L-Theanine, 5-HTP, and kratom are the only things that alleviate my symptoms and help me concentrate.

>> No.13256588

Feeling the need to ask in the first place makes you a brainlet.