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File: 214 KB, 1000x1000, Buddha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13241350 No.13241350 [Reply] [Original]

What are you trying to achieve by reading so many philosophy books if you already know what you should be doing with your life?

Pic related.

>> No.13241377

Reminder that Sila comes before Samadhi.
Reminder that Right Speech is part of Sila.
Reminder that Right Speech is timely, truthful, affectionate, beneficial and spoken in good-will.

OP if you claim to be on the middle way you should not have made this inflammatory thread.

>> No.13241381

how egotistical do you have to be to think you've figured out the meaning of life - I read books because it's fun

>> No.13241396

Getting rid of your illusion will only benefit people who seek the ultimate truth about life, silly.

>> No.13241399

and thinking you have life figured out because you read a couple books on Buddhism and meditated for a couple years is nothing more than ego

>> No.13241405

You don't know what you're talking about, son.
Neither do I, but you know even less.

>> No.13241407

>Neither do I
then why claim the OP pic is what everyone should be doing with their life? clearly you think you know what every person should be doing with their life

>> No.13241590

So what I'm getting from looking at Buddhism and meditation practices in general is that the end goal is to achieve a state of consciousness where you can immediately reject any emotional impulse.
Normally you'd accept any emotional impulse as arising from yourself (the ego). It's identifying with these emotions that is harmful.
So when you reach this state of consciousness does that mean it's to end to both pain and pleasure ?
You'll never be able to enjoy playing your favorite video game ?
Or can you still allow yourself to feel certain emotions ?
Isn't this state akin to becoming like a robot ? Is it really desirable ?

>> No.13241659
File: 351 KB, 737x667, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At some point it is no longer about learning new thruths about the world but start getting about learning new ways of talking about the same ultimate truth again and again y' know

>> No.13241678

There is stones buddhas and living buddhas.
Buddhism is about accepting your emotions as part of your living and fully living body and understanding that things just pass in your field of perception just as clouds that mask the sun slowly pass in the sky.
If you want to become a stone buddha you can but this is not what existence is about because we have bodies that can feels so much things it would be a waste to reject them.
If you feel sad, just feel the entire sadness take over you body and taste it as you would taste a good wine or watch a beautiful sunset as you cry and feel the pain.
Life is good

>> No.13241678,1 [INTERNAL] 

In college, I wrote a dissertation on Buddhism. This is a very interesting ideology.

>> No.13241948

You aren't a Buddha.

>If you feel sad, just feel the entire sadness take over you body and taste it as you would taste a good wine or watch a beautiful sunset as you cry and feel the pain.

This isn't what a Buddha does.

>> No.13242108

To have thousands to reference in order to become undeniable. Nobody will listen to he who's never listened to anybody else. Unless they're pseuds like the fans of Wittgenstein (he came up with nothing not previously proposed).

>> No.13242121

>What are you trying to achieve by reading so many philosophy books
Nothing more than to see what they have to say.

>if you already know what you should be doing with your life?
Purpose is a spook.

>> No.13242127

>What are you trying to achieve
The carpenter planes the wood. The rose blooms, brah.

>> No.13242260

Well maybe you are talking from the perspective of hīnayāna buddhism which is a very conservatist and primitive form of buddhism based on tradition and sacred texts that explain in a very narrow way what you should do and what not to attain enlightenment, if you don't know if this is the case please check if your version of buddhism has a lot of specific terms and complicated steps that you have to learn (light the noble eightfol path, the tree noble truth and so on).

I for myself believe that the correct way of talking about buddhism is the mahāyāna way that possesses in its core the fundamental notion that everything that exist in this universe at each moment is the absolute culmination of existence.
So in a way, of course I am buddha and so you are. And of course everything that I am experiencing at each moment of my life is the buddha way of doing.

>> No.13242285
File: 402 KB, 1175x587, bouddhisme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please check this chart to see where you locate yourself.

>> No.13242315


>> No.13242325

It's not harmful to engage in your emotional impulses if they benefit you. This is why Buddhism and asceticism is a meme

>> No.13242330


>> No.13242347

>OP if you claim to be on the middle way you should not have made this inflammatory thread.
Absolutely based and Buddha-pilled
thank you anon

>> No.13242376

You are lucky to have the opportunity to get interested in buddhism, when I was 14, I too started opening my mind to differents schools of thinking it is normal at your age.

But you have to learn to develop more your answers because grown people like to have what we call "conversations", it is something we do to share our differents points of views so you should try it.

>> No.13242435

>But you have to learn to develop more your answers because grown people like to have what we call "conversations", it is something we do to share our differents points of views so you should try it.

I will stay out of this but this.

And people who use the word cringe are
hopeless anyway.

>> No.13242562


Buddhism is about transcending the rebirth cycle. Everything that you asked about is a means to the end of transcending. And no, it doesn't mean that you'll turn into a robot, although external entertainment positive and negative will have less effect on you.

>> No.13242590
File: 49 KB, 422x600, 1548200024937.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>meaning of life
>posts pic of virtuous pagan
Anon, I...

>> No.13242600

I want to fuck one day. Everything I do in life is in hopes of putting my pen0r in vagina some time in the future. Gym, nutrition, reading, meditation, etc.. I'm pushing 40 and still haven't given up hope yet.

>> No.13242665


You will make it one day. I believe in you anon

>> No.13244103

>It's not harmful to engage in your emotional impulses if they benefit you. This is why Buddhism and asceticism is a meme
you are confused about the meaning of those words

>> No.13244130

>virtuous pagan
is it possible to be virtuous without Christ? If so, he is not necessary.
>but muh salvation
if salvation is not dependent on virtue, than why be virtuous?

>> No.13244262

>why do good things
come on
>christ is not necessary
would you ignore one wise man because you have met another?

>> No.13244574

Gautama, Siddhārtha. Dislike him. A cheap nihilist, insipid and foolhardy. A pied piper, pathological narcissist and a cloying moralist. Some of his modern disciples are extraordinarily amusing. Nobody takes his claims about remembering past lives seriously.
Majjhima Nikāya. His best work, though an obvious and shameless imitation of Yājñavalkya's "Bṛhadāraṇyaka Upaniṣad"
Dīgha Nikāya. Dislike it intensely.
Dhammapada. Dislike it intensely. Ghastly rigmarole.

>> No.13244660
File: 243 KB, 1920x1080, Fuck_you_eyesore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Big ego
I hope this thread helps you feed it

>> No.13245006

CHRISTianity is founded on the idea that god himself literally came to earth and personally explained what we need to do to join him in heaven. So obviously no other wise man - in fact any man at all - is necessary for anything. And the whole concept of a virtuous pagan is incoherent because nothing good is possible unless someone is a christian (assuming they are the correct denomination, of course, if not they burn in hell for eternity for guessing wrong which was obviously their fault anyway)

>> No.13245287

No, CHRISTianity is founded on the word of this rad dude named Jesus, whose followers called him Christ.
Some idiots in a box later decided he was this glowy sky-baby demigod guy. I personally disagree with the Nicean council on that fact. I'm not even sure if I believe in God. But I am a christian.

>> No.13245742

>I get all my knowledge about my guru from an institution which has colored our perception of him for 2000 years, but I totally have the unbiased and correct view of him
Do yourself a favor and read "Jesus the Magician" by Morton Smith to start out