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/lit/ - Literature

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1324071 No.1324071 [Reply] [Original]

Itt: we discuss boards we lurk and post on
/lit/ and /g/ here
u pudi?

>> No.1324261

/v/.I only visit it for the STALKER threads.Has gone to shit lately.No vidya discussion.

/fit/.Fairly decent board,has good motivational threads,tips,advice etc.Downside is that many meatheads over there rage and get jelly at ottermodes who have better bodies than them.


>> No.1324263


/ck/ sometimes.

Occasionally stroll through /lit/ and /tg/.

>> No.1324278




>> No.1324282
File: 100 KB, 355x397, hailtotheking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> jelly at ottermodes who have better bodies than them.

lol ottermode is pretty dumb though

>> No.1324290

Well, I learned a new word tonight. That I will never get to use outside of 4chan.
You see, this is the shit that needs to be on that vocabulary test everyone is claiming to have aced.

>> No.1324293

/r9k/ - I have no idea why, I hate everyone who posts there. Just a force of habit i guess.

/v/ - usually when E3 comes around or when a release date approaches. Sometimes I browse it when bored.

/co/ - whenever new Venture Bros. or Futurama are impending.

/b/ - check occasionally,

/d/ - peep dem animu traps

/r/ - when I am bored beyond anything else

>> No.1324298


>> No.1324332


Ottermode is apparently a less gay version of the phrase "swimmer's build," which is the sexiest of all male body types. Relatively slender but still with well defined muscles. But its sexiness threatens /fit/'s sexuality and distracts from their focus on building up muscle mass.

>> No.1324335

hell ya motherfucker.

>> No.1324339


Only here now because there is so much puddi.

Umad litfags?

>> No.1324353
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In order of most common usage. I'm at home on /b/, but I never make threads and rarely post at all. I'm a lurkamatron. /vp/ is my most active place; tradan, tradan, tradan. Also play games/watch streams. /lit/ is my passion in life; aspiring author, hackneyed poet, book-muncher, seamen on the lip of Cummings and Huxley. /x/ because... we all get bored sometimes.
Oh. Right.

/b/ is my homeland because I am an easily amused sexual deviant with suppressed rage issues.

>> No.1324356

/lit/ is my main board
secondary is /mu/

other boards I only really go to if I need help with something, whereas I browse /lit/ and /mu/ habitually

>> No.1324360

op here, i dont go to /b/ unless bullshit like the puddi video happens. im glad the retards cant poast

>> No.1324361


>> No.1324365

/lit/ and /sp/ during glorious futbol time.

That's pretty much it.

>> No.1324367


In that order.

>> No.1324368

/lit/ mostly, a little /adv/ and /v/ sometimes.

>> No.1324896


>> No.1324902

lit, sci, new, sometimes r9k

>> No.1324904




>> No.1324913
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/lit/ - obviously
/b/ - good for image macros and some funny moments
/s/ - guys gotta fap
/v/ - good for some vidya and general discussion, with some hilarious threads occasionally
/wg/ - good for wallpapers
/r9k/ - good for trolling and some general discussion with funny moments
/adv/ - good for trolling and some general discussion
/fa/ - good for the non-hipsterish threads when they appear, generally for good clothes sales at big stores.
/fit/ - good for talking about exercise with some funny moments
/int/ - good for general and political discussion
/mu/ - good for share threads
/new/ - good for general and political discussion
/sci/ - good for the occasional interesting scientific breakthrough they hear about first and post
/tv/ - good for discussing tv shows with people maybe 2 out of every 10 people actually wanting to talk about them
/x/ - good for trolling and some creepypastas

>> No.1324918


dude, when was the last time you saw the sun?

>> No.1324921
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>> No.1324928


>> No.1324929

>visit all day err day
/s/, /lit/

>where I visit when I'm really bored
/b/, /adv/, /mu/, /tv/

>rarely visit but don't mind
/gif/, /ck/, /hr/, /wg/, /x/

The only boards that irritate me are /fa/ and /b/, but I check both every now and then for cool stuff that might slip through the shit.

>> No.1324939
File: 25 KB, 460x276, dale cooper thoughtful.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


seems bad i know but i just multi-tab and actually don't spend that much time here on 4chan

>> No.1324944

/co/ /lit/ /mu/ /x/