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13230895 No.13230895 [Reply] [Original]

Hello! I know nothing about politics. Recommend me books that explain stuff like left wing, right wing, capitalism, socialism, communism, etc.

>> No.13230900

Just read Capital and you'll be more educated than most people here

>> No.13231016
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For some reason Capital is missing from this chart

>> No.13231020

Oh wait I’m retarded, no it’s not
Read this chart

>> No.13231396

Start with Carl Schmitt

>> No.13231416

What's with the shilling for exclusively left wing books?

>> No.13231436

Just read a textbook on modern history (1800+) desu

>> No.13231440

>why are educated people not right wingers
hmmm I wonder why anon

>> No.13231478

get back to pol incel

>> No.13231488
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>read all about politics
>realize most people dont even bother and it all comes down to popular vote or power plays each time
>after getting political power, the winner does whatever, disregarding what his self-described political affiliation would suggest

>> No.13231494

This chart is really good to understand politics as a whole. However, since you mostly care about modern politics, you should just stick to books from the late seventeenth century onwards. I believe there are some other charts in the wiki. I'll post them right away.

>> No.13231499

late eighteenth century*

>> No.13231519

Search for politics here https://4chanlit.fandom.com/wiki/Recommended_Reading/Non-fiction

>> No.13231642

>Peterson (To the degree that he's political)
>John Stuart Mill

List goes on.

>> No.13231649

You don't need books to understand right wing ideology.

>> No.13231670
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>> No.13232347

t. Never read Gentile

>> No.13232565

John Stuart Mill was not as right wing as you think - he advocated that companies be turned into cooperatives to democratize the workplace

>> No.13232586

>Adam Smith
>Edmund Burke
>Left wing

Are you retarded anon? The chart have pretty much books from every ideology.

>> No.13232962

Really needs Charles Mauras imo

>> No.13233144
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Is this actually any good?

>> No.13233158

Blue tribe is more likely to value education, explicitly through book learnin'

>> No.13233163

Do I miss anything important if I skip the first treatise of government? I know he's responding some faggot who believes kings are the descendants of Adam or some shit but I don't want to miss on any golden nuggets.

>> No.13233239

>The Republic of Plato
>The Politics of Aristotle
>De re publica (Cicero, incomplete)
>Discourses on Livy (you /must/ read this in addition to The Prince to understand Machiavelli)
>Hobbes, Rousseau, Montesquieu, de Tocqueville (only selected works)
>Locke, Bentham, Malthus, Burke, Mill (again, only selected works, not anything close to an entire oeuvre)
>Paine, Franklin, Hamilton, Jefferson, John Adams, James Madison (same as previous two; also read the actual, unaltered text of the US Constitution)
>The Foundations of Constitutional Law, 3e.
>Kapital, I guess (in all honesty I haven't quite gotten this far
>unironically Jonathan Haidt's work on the moral and biological foundations of politics
feel free to skip any sections that bore you for too long, providing you don't go overboard and skip entire works
bonus readings:
>Thank You For Arguing by Jay Heinrichs (good if you plan to debate people either online or in person)
>Rhetoric (Aristotle; is summarized well in the previous text, but examining the original is also strongly recommended)
>American Polity, 2e. (good supplemental textbook)
>Selected Writings of Lord Acton by J. Rufus Fears (greatest historian to ever live in my opinion)
>The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire by Edward Gibbon
>A History of the English-Speaking Peoples by Churchill (/only excerpts, and brief ones at that, don't get too sucked in)
>some disparate rhetorical works: Collected Orations of Demosthenes, The First Oration Against Catiline, Speeches of Daniel Webster, Letter From a Birmingham Jail by MLK; political history and theory is underpinned and often shaped by speeches like these)
and then maybe some Nietzschean and/or postmodernist critiques of politics as a series of massive cultural jerk-offs, which it undoubtedly is in many cases

>> No.13233325

>Hello! I know nothing about politics
>Here, read 20 books from over 200 years ago and you'll understand it.
I do understand that you guys mean well, but come the fuck on. The guy wants to roughly understand what is going on in the political world right now, not whether Plato thought artists were of any use or whether you should use a mercenary army.

>> No.13233380

Peterson has zero knowledge on politics.

>> No.13233387

Read Political Ideologies : An Introduction by Andrew Heywood. It'll give you a basic understanding of the most prominent political ideologies like communist, capitalism, socialism, anarchism and many others

>> No.13233397


>> No.13233402


>> No.13233416
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The only place the ideologies you listed are prominent is on imageboards where everyone is either an edgelord or social outcast.

>> No.13233429

The man was asking a basic introduction to political ideologies so I just linked him to a book I read about it. Don't need to go tits up about anarchism

>> No.13233449

Stop with the 'tism, it's really unnecessary.

>> No.13233629

I don't think it's possible to call Aquinas, Hobbes, or Burke left-wing by any means.

>> No.13234591

Read The Culture of Critiauqe, eбaнaвт.

>> No.13234595

Capital is an economic treatise

>> No.13236068

Read Quentin Skinner. Also check out Ellen Meiksins Wood's books Citizens to Lords and Liberty and Property. These will get you situated.

>> No.13236154
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>> No.13236332
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>he posted peterson unironically


>> No.13236358

Wanna know about politics, then fucking read the news and do so extensively every day.

>> No.13236382

Kill yourself.

OP, read Hayek, Schumpeter.

>> No.13236384


No. Better read about all ideologies fromm people who actually hold them. Don't trust anyone to summarize them neutrally.

>> No.13236388

Nathan Cofnas totally destroyed that.

>> No.13236526

This is pseud posturing. It's not that these books would be bad or uninformative to read but you need an overview/intro not a reading list of ~25 books, many of which will take quite some time to get through.

>> No.13238511

Low-pay-off for a very long time investment.

He'd understand Marx better with less effort with the Manifesto, Anti-Duhring and Critique of the Gotha Programme, together.

>> No.13238558

OP, read On the Abolition of All Political Parties. Let's elevate ourselves above the hashtag-Team-X-Party as we have it; they're no different than sport teams, really. Do you think in the singularity that there would be political parties? So to abolish political parties is to ascend humanity.

>> No.13238561

no he really didn't

>> No.13238568

thus spoke the npc

>> No.13238677

If you read some of those seriously you'll have ascended past the garbage pitty debates of today.

>> No.13238690

books are a zionist brainwashing tool. There is no such thing as right wing books. the real redpill is to never read anything but infographs.

>> No.13238702

>This is what chapo trannies actually believe

>> No.13238804

Supplement your reading of the books in this thread with these:




>> No.13238834
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non-meme answer

>> No.13238852

Submission from Houllebeque

>> No.13238991

>The democratic republic is not a state form, but a company. Their statutes do not speak of the people, but of parties; not of power, of honor and greatness, but of parties. It does not have a fatherland, but parties; no rights, but parties; no goal, no future, but the interests of parties. And these parties: not peoples, but profit-making companies with a paid bureaucracy like a junk shop or department store.

>> No.13239020

Unqualified Reservations by Mencius Moldbug

>> No.13240457

mill was a socialist and john locke would of voted democrat retard

>> No.13241091


LMAO. Chapo's don't read. And you don't either, I see.

>> No.13241110

BASES FUCKING DIGITS, and you're completely right. Democracy is the biggest fucking spook