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1322991 No.1322991 [Reply] [Original]

I have just been given a 55 dollar Amazon giftcard /lit.
I love science fiction, and like fantasy, thought I'm not adverse to anything else you'd like to suggest. My favorite authors are Alan Dean Foster, Terry Pratchett, Walter Moors, Adam Douglas and Philip Pullman. Anything you'd like to suggest that might be similar? Or just anything really, I can get about 10 or 15 new books with this.

>> No.1323018

Bump for knowledge.

>> No.1323066

Alien, the movie novelization, by Alan Dean Foster

>> No.1323070

>10-15 BOOKS


>> No.1323094

Can you buy used books with Amazon gift cards? It might be doable that way.

>> No.1323095

Philip K Dick? I don't read that much sci-fi but Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? was good The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch is really cool too. If you haven't read any of the Dune series I reccomed you at least read the first one.

>Implying you can buy 10-15 new books with $55. Maybe used books, but I know someone who bought one of those used books and they came in pretty shitty shape.

>> No.1323099


Yes, yes you can

Dude, half the books I've wanted were 00.1 cents with 3 dollars on shipping. It's perfectly feasible.

>> No.1323109


I've read those, they're great, you have to look for sellers with good ratings, otherwise you can get books that look like a dog got at them. But I don't really care as long as it's readable.

>> No.1323115


So you're not interested in first hand books?

Am I the only one who buys their books new?

>> No.1323116

I've bought dozens of used books on Amazon and they all came in the condition they were described as. I've never had one marked up or falling apart. They're usually four bucks a pop, but sometimes you can find some that are only $1-$3 that fall under the free shipping and handling over $25 thing. Just gotta be VERY careful in how you buy. Last month I had $60 and ended up with twelve books and a twenty dollar box of Airheads.

>> No.1323118

Anything by Soren Kierkegaard.
Jean Baudrillard - Simulacra and Stimulation
Albert Camus - The Stranger
Jean-Paul Sartre - Being and Nothingness
Martin Heidegger - Being and Time
Joseph Campbell - The Power of Myth

>> No.1323121 [DELETED] 


>> No.1323120

Does the fact that the book is new change the text in any way?

If it's between a six dollar used book in Acceptable condition and a seven dollar new one I'll go with the new one, but otherwise I don't care. I hate getting new books because then I get fingerprints and creases and stuff, makes me feel like I'm ruining it. But used books are just...well-loved. Lol.

>> No.1323125

>Albert Camus - The Stranger
>Jean-Paul Sartre - Being and Nothingness

ditch these and you'll be set

>> No.1323129

Here's some of my top SciFi books for your consideration

"Destination Void" by Frank Herbert (The whole pandora series is phenomenal)

"RingWorld" by Larry Niven

"A world out of Time" By Larry Niven

"Building Harlequin's Moon" by Larry Niven and Brenda Cooper (In fact anything by Larry Niven is worth reading)

"Rendezvous with Rama" by Arthur C. Clarke

"A Scanner Darkly" by Phillip K. Dick

>> No.1323175

>buying books new


>> No.1323220

I'm not sure what to recommend to you. It seems from what you've reported as your favorites that you're generally into the more space-opera type things, and that you like a good element of humor in what you're reading. I can't think of all that much to recommend to you. I can say that you will most likely LOVE Robert Aspirin's work, especially the Phule series, so read that immediately. And you might enjoy Keith Laumer's Retief books (despite Laumer being a complete asshole). Certainly check out the Vorkosigan series (much of which is available free and legal here: http://baencd.thefifthimperium.com/24-CryoburnCD/CryoburnCD/ ) because it's really good (and also check out Lois McMaster Bujold's fantasy fiction, especially Curse of Chalion, because it's quite good). Also, it would presumably be a good thing for you to read the foundation series, the ender's series, the works of heinlein and clarke, etc etc etc. And also check out that whole Niven / Pournelle / Pohl scene, which is more hard-sci fi than space opera, but still quite good. And last you might enjoy the sort of military science fiction thing which a lot of people speak highly of - the Honor Harrington books, and David Drake etc. So check those things out.

Outside of traditional science fiction, I guess there's not that much to recommend, since it doesn't sound like you like traditionally constituted fantasy. I guess check out Tim Powers, who is completely freakin' rad. And allow me to recommend two of my personal favorite authors / series: first, the Western Lights series by Jeffrey Barlough, which is this mind-blowingly good dark fantasy series with a lot of comedy set in a awesome alternate reality California; and Charles De Lint, who is a really good author of urban fantasy.

If you have any questions or want any other recommendations let me know! It's always nice to give some recommendations if I can.

>> No.1323223

oh, also, SM Stirling's books are a lot of fun, so read those. and also you'll probably enjoy Neil Gaiman's books if you liked Pratchett and Moers.

>> No.1323384


Wow, thanks for such an in-depth suggestion! I'll definitely check some of those out!

>> No.1323402

William Gibson - Neuromancer

The cyberpunk aesthetic is quite enjoyable.

>> No.1323417

Seconding this suggestion.

>> No.1323741

I would suggest something...But that damn "Pudding" song is melting my brain.

>> No.1323757

After Gibson check out Altered Carbon by Richard Morgan

>> No.1323798

The First Chronicles of Amber by Roger Zelazny(can be found in a single volume, essential for any sci-fi/fantasy reader)
Latro in the Mist by Gene Wolfe
The First Law Trilogy by Joe Abercrombie