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/lit/ - Literature

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13229042 No.13229042 [Reply] [Original]

Stack thread? Rate and give critiques.

>> No.13229047

into the trash

>> No.13229051


>> No.13229061

all I own are military journals and US army field manuals
tell me what books I should get for stack threads

>> No.13229066

The ones you're most interested in reading.

>> No.13229100

I dont know books though

>> No.13229102
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Yeah kind of blurry, what is the china book about?
Any interesting detail in those field manuals?

I have to finish Gravity Rainbow before I begin any of these so is going to take a while.

>> No.13229115

Its a history of China from the Qing Dynasty to today.

>> No.13229118


Pick a genre and then pick a book

>> No.13229153

historical fiction

>> No.13229161

>on killing
you got scammed my dude

>> No.13229162

Why are you on /lit/?

>> No.13229165

war and peace my dude

>> No.13229175

I dont want romantic girly shit though

>> No.13229178

I got lost on my way to /tv/

>> No.13229179

for the gay drama desu

>> No.13229199

Added the Bunch and Torishima to my list, thanks anon. Also want to rebuy CCRU for that green cover

>> No.13229202

Oh Paths of Glory then?

>> No.13229203
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Are shelves allowed?

>> No.13229207
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These are the books i'm reading the next two weeks or so, I have another stack of books i'm planning on reading afterwards though

>> No.13229235

>how to get rich
do you really read that or is that bait?

>> No.13229237
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Not really a stack but here it is

>> No.13229241

sounds boring

>> No.13229245

>Harper Perennial Classics Moby Dick
Every fucking book I've ever bought with that imprint has absolutely fucking TERRIBLE printing quality.

>> No.13229264

Really? This edition seems fine, I've only eyed the book but I see no problems with it

>> No.13229270

Maybe I've just had bad luck. That still implies they have bad quality control though.

>> No.13229293

I found it in a donation bin a few years ago and decided to read it. I've read the first 20 pages or so but couldn't bother because I started reading Fast Food Nation and Dune.

>> No.13229299

I read their edition of V. and it was fine, but I might just have low standards from reading so many ancient trade paperbacks.

>> No.13229331

read something fun you loser

>> No.13230564
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>all those paperbacks with wear and tear

>> No.13230940

cool posters, got a bigger pic?

>> No.13230944

Picking up The Invention of Morel along with something else this week. Do I get Maldoror or The Ice Trilogy? Both are books I've been after for a long time.

>> No.13231359

Ice trilogy is kino but kind of pulpy

>> No.13231408
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tear me a new one. also, get yourself a girl who appreciates having the bookshelf above the bed

>> No.13231544


Book fall on head pain bad

>> No.13231597
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>> No.13231613
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I'm a newfag on /lit/. What exactly makes a stack? is it a bunch of books you've bought in 1 go or the last bunch of books you've read?

>> No.13231643

It's supposed to be the stack of books you're going to read, i.e. your "to-read" stack. But retards in some of these threads post their shelves for some reason.

>> No.13232202
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>> No.13232306
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Between the books I stack my weed. Hate the sky blue color of the room, can't change it because I share it with my brother and a pile of boxes from other relatives. I use the wheelchair of my passed grandfather as a desk chair heheh

>> No.13232453

Start reading US Military History then.
Do you have a particular field with these US Army Journals?

No pic, here goes r8 pls
1. Blood and Iron-- Turtledove
2. Homeward bound-- turtledove
3. To Open's One Heart-- Michel Evodkimov
4. Way of a Pilgrim
5. Armenian Golgotha-- Grigoris Balakian
6.Hitler's Volkssturm-- Yelton
7. At War's Summit-- Statiev
8. Tigris Gunboats-- Wilfred Nunn
9. Air Combat on the Eastern Front and Korea-- Kramarenko
10. Barbarossa to Moscow-- Drabkin
11. Red Sniper On the Eastern Front-- Pilyushin
12. Eden to Armageddon: ME in WW1-- Roger Ford

>> No.13232474

What happened Dimanche 18 novembre 1984 ?

>> No.13232557
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can i have one of your On the Roads?

gelatinous of that Paradiso. my library has it ref only so i'll probably read it lol. reading his Selected Poetry (pictured) instead, which isn't that good desu.

>> No.13232570

*probably will never read it

>> No.13232713

Think and Grow RICH

Was it usefull : what things did you change after reading this ?

>> No.13232817
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Going to show off my shelf. There's also a second row, but it's mostly esoteric slavic pagan stuff and Stalker novels.

>> No.13233381
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These are the ones i've had the most fun reading so far.

>> No.13233391
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and this pile i actually want to read but never seem to get myself too. (Almost finished of mice and men but stopped for...some reason & dorian gray i read for maybe 4 chapters before stopping with that too for....reasons)

>> No.13233816

>reading his Selected Poetry (pictured) instead, which isn't that good desu.
Nice, I had looked for months for the book but to no avail, in the end I ended up renting it from my library, i'm really excited on starting it. I will keep an eye on his poetry too, haven't seen any edition in spanish but it shouldn't be so hard to find one.

>> No.13234157
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The shit on my desk before I moved out a month ago

>> No.13234177

Clarissa is depressingly rare on /lit/ bookshelves, nice stuff anon

>> No.13234293
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>> No.13234491

are you 15yo lmao

>> No.13234712
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>All of these stacks not in alphabetical order

Explain yourselves

>> No.13234717

i am not a fuck

>> No.13234959


Hard mode: post what % of these books you've actually finished

>> No.13234978

Why would you post books you have already read in a stack thread? I have a huge bookshelf near my desk of all the books I haven't read. All the ones I have read I throw in the corner of my bedroom til I give them to friends.

>> No.13234980

Who's ordered a copy of Jacob Rees-Mogg's new book?

>> No.13235037

You fundamentally misunderstand the purpose of stack threads.

>> No.13235072

imagine being this stupid

>> No.13235091

I'm >>13234157
I finished all of those but TPK and TCoL49, although I didn't read the two books of poems straight through, I may have only gotten through about half of those
That's because it's an older stack though, normally my desk stack is all currently reading/just finished/about to start

>> No.13235109

"reading" books once and being done with them

I'll admit i don't completely get the circle jerk of validating each others taste/culture/sophistication but humour me why asking for a small marker of progress is a slight against your idea of a 'stack' thread

>> No.13235123

Once a book has been read, it no longer belongs in teh stack.

>> No.13235159

A stack thread is for posting what you're currently reading, as well as what you're planning on reading in the immediate future.

>> No.13235225
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bottom one on mine is 20th century chinese art. I've read about half of these
6/10, good books tho
ngl the jim mattis reading list is actually good
7/10, moderan is pretty sick
2/10 but you seem to be self-aware
my rating is irrelevant bc you know what you're about

>> No.13235252


>> No.13235287
File: 474 KB, 2048x1218, haul2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

recent used finds

>> No.13235348

6/10, deducted a point for land
nigger don't check out more books than you can read what if someone else wants it

>> No.13235358

a couple of land's writings take a cool direction with cyberpunk but i find his cult of personality despicable